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"Construction Safety Week 2020" Award Presentation Ceremony

"Construction Safety Week 2020" Award Presentation Ceremony

The “Construction Safety Week 2020” (CSW) co-organised by the Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council has launched a series of safety promotion activities and awards which have received enthusiastic support and active participation from the industry. The Award Presentation Ceremony will be held on 27 October 2020 and major Awards will be presented: CCSAS (non-public works), ISIA, Lifting Safety Promotion Activities, Site Safety Gathering Award, Outstanding Award for Sports Excellence and Activeness, and Outstanding Award for Volunteering Excellence and Activeness. The list of awardees was announced on the CSW website (Please click HERE).

In view of the epidemic prevention, only invited guests can enter the venue of the Ceremony, and the Award Presentation Ceremony will be live webcast on the CSW website: 

For other safety promotional activities of CSW 2020, more details will be announced in due course.

Last Updated: 2020-10-16 10:51:50