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ᐅ 2022.04.14 Building Home for the Elderly With Young And Innovative Power


Achieving “Zero Accident” is the top priority on construction sites. By adopting the concept of “factory assembly followed by on-site installation”, Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) helps to ease and solve some of the safety challenges faced by the industry.


Life First

CIC strives to raise safety awareness and safety standards in the construction industry. It is believed that every industry stakeholder has a role to play in building a strong safety culture. Last week, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC and Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of CIC visited the site of the Purpose-built Multi-welfare Services Complex in Area 29 of Kwu Tung North Development Area. Construction team from Shui On Construction and Materials Limited (SOCAM) demonstrated the use of robots and innovative technologies including Automated Material Delivery Robot with a Web-based control system and an Anti-Collision system. Such technology is designed for efficiently uplifting productivity, build quality, site safety and environmental performance of the whole project. Freddy Lee, Chief Executive Officer of SOCAM shared his experience of working with young colleagues and how the company supported them to generate more innovative and interesting ideas for construction projects.



Creating Miracles

In this 8-storey building, approximately 42% of total construction floor area is built using the revolutionary MiC technology to house 7 residential care homes for the elderly to provide 252 beds. With this method, free-standing integrated modules (completed with finishes, fixtures and fittings) are manufactured and assembled in a factory. By transferring on-site construction processes to a controlled factory environment, buildings can be substantially completed off-site.

It perfectly echoes with the miraculous Community Isolation Facilities which were built within two months and are currently providing 20,000 isolation units. Not to mention that Tsing Yi community isolation facility was completed in only seven days. Thanks to MiC technology, the “plug and play” facilities were handed over smoothly in such a short time and of outstanding quality.  


Plug and Play!

Prefabricated construction technology never ceases to amaze us! As the first project with full MiC application and green construction by SOCAM, this Multi-welfare Services Complex sets a new standard to elderly home projects while proving how prefabricated building method can get work done faster, at lower cost and most importantly, in a safer environment. We look forward to seeing its completion in late August this year, and more elderly people can live in better home to enjoy the care provided to them.


ᐅ 2022.04.21 "Safety First" Supported by Technology at Lyric Theatre Complex Site


Construction safety has always been the Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s top priority in our work in promoting industry development. Unfortunately, there was another fatal accident during the past Easter holiday where a cleaning worker fell from height. In fact, every aspect of a construction project, including process design, site management, application of technology, and training are essential to construction safety, and every detail can give better protection to workers.


Innovative technology adoption from design to execution

Last week, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC, and Ir Albert CHENG , Executive Director of CIC, visited the site of the Lyric Theatre Complex at West Kowloon and extensive adoption of BIM, MiMEP and MiC method were demonstrated. Contractor's planning and intelligence in minimising potential risks can be seen from the project's process design to technology application. It is a exemplary reference for the industry. Mr. SM LIN, General Manager, Construction Projects of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority explained that the extensive use of BIM enables constant checks on construction accuracy which helps to ensure construction safety. This project is a fusion of architecture, technology and art and sets a good example for fellow construction project owners.

The Lyric Theatre Complex in West Kowloon has an atypical outlook. The irregular shape of the building brings complexity and uncertainty to its construction process. With an aim to simplify on-site construction procedures and processes, the contractor adopted BIM extensively to achieve "Design for Safety". Much effort has been put into the initial design stage to achieve construction safety and reduce potential risks. With BIM in place, calculation and Parametric Design can help reduce the number of curved panels used for the curvy facade from more than 300 pieces to approximately 160 pieces . The steel internal support structure can also be modularised. With the help of technology, we believe modularisation of curtain walls and even modularisation of interiors can be made possible and will bring about further improvements in construction productivity.


Minimising risk with Internet-based Dynamic Risks Assessment

With careful planning during the design stage, uncertainties and unknown risks can be greatly reduced as "how" and "when" are well-determined throughout the construction process. We can also benefit from the detailed planning as everyone will be well-informed of accurate and useful information of the project, as detailed as the position of every screw. The developer, the consultant, the contractor, the technical team or even the workers will be able to perform their duties in a safe and organised manner. Contractor can suspend the work and install safety equipment instantly with the internet-based Dynamic Risks Assessment and resume construction in a safe condition when all workers are informed of the changes.



Implementation of the DfMA concept

Actual architectural consideration will follow when an effective and disciplined design is in place. Mr. Iain Hubert, Project Director of Gammon Construction, introduced at the Lyric Theatre Complex site that nearly 70% of the building process of the site's engine room and large-scale plumbing installations were built with DfMA and MiMEP method. Parts were pre-fabricated in the factory to ensure their quality and DfMA can greatly reduce welding works and works at height on site. Onsite procedures can be reduced from 40 to 10. These design ideas have greatly reduced the potential risks on site. The team also enjoyed the much shorter procedure as minimal installation work is needed at site likes fixing hoses and screws were completed in just 24 working days, an outstanding achievement in construction safety and efficiency!

Prefabricated construction can reduce on site manpower requirement and it is particularly important during the pandemic. During the outbreak of the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong, many workers were unable to go to work and logistics between Hong Kong and the Mainland was hindered, which also affected the delivery of materials and in turns, the progress of construction projects. Yet with the adoption of DfMA, components can still be manufactured in the mainland which shortens the onsite construction time and ensures a smooth construction progress. Mr. Sunny CHAN, Chief Projects Officer of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, mentioned that part of the site was reserved for workshops and local pre-fabrication so as to avoid delays in construction progress caused by logistics problems during the pandemic.


Quality and logistic monitoring in the Digital Control Centre

The digital control center in the construction site is indispensable to maximize the benefits of the technology application on the construction site. The MMC (Modern Method of Construction) system is a consolidation of various technologies. Since the start of the design works of the Lyric Theatre Complex with BIM, through the construction process with MiMEP and DfMA construction work, all data are recorded in the system with the help of Internet of Things (IoT). The team in charge of managing the MMC system are in control of all processes, and will be able to monitor the project quality on the digital platform, components arrival time and even the person receiving the components and ensure that the entire project runs smoothly. An AI-powered CCTV is also included in the system to ensure workers are wearing their hard hats and masks properly and will issue instant warnings to secure the implementation of safety instructions. If all engineering projects adopt such system, all the data can be consolidated to achieve standardisation in construction sites, which will improve the time, cost, quality, safety and sustainable development of projects.

Construction safety is indeed a responsibility for all and everyone should contribute. In order to encourage frontline colleagues' commitment, the Council awarded two outstanding engineering colleagues with tablet computers - Victor, who is committed to create a safe working environment by integrating BIM, MiMEP, MiC, etc.; and Herman, who inspects the construction site and reminds subcontractors and frontline workers to pay attention to safety at work. CIC looks forward to more integration of safety details into construction process and "Life First" is always the industry's first priority!


ᐅ 2022.04.28 The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Held a Moment of Silence to Raise Safety Awareness

Zero tolerance to accidents! To promote safety awareness in the industry, especially among frontline construction practitioners, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) encourages the industry to organise regular Silent Tribute events for conveying safety messages to management staff and workers and encourage them to learn from unfortunate experiences. The Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) under CIC holds Silent Tribute events regularly where instructors and students held a moment of silence for workers who lost their lives in accidents. To make sure that students understand the importance of safety, we included analysis of potential causes of accidents as a key element in the event.


Industry to hold Silent Tribute events to promote caring culture

To achieve excellence, not only project quality has to be guaranteed, construction companies should also ensure construction safety at sites. As the industry’s pioneer, CIC encourages the development of a caring culture in the industry, the Silent Tribute event will set a good example for the industry and is well received by industry leaders. Ir Thomas HO, the Chairman of the CIC, Ir KAN Jun, Council Member of CIC and Mr. CHAN Lok-chai, President of Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation joined the Silent Tribute in early April and shared some sincere remarks on safety issues with students from the foreman course.


Between January to March this year, three fatal accidents likely to be related to fall from heights and trapped in or between objects occurred, all are very unfortunate. HKIC instructors briefed students on the incident summary and analyze potential causes to the accidents. Reflection was made on how to avoid accidents, for example, did workers check if there is any suitable protective barrier? Is independent lifeline with fall-arresting devices available? Did frontline management brief or give instruction before commencement of work?


No heroes needed in safety

Ir Thomas HO warned students, “Some workers think their experience overrides safety precautions, and tragedies happen. Students will become foremen after graduation, you must bear in mind that workers need to know the risk before they start working, and it will save their lives.” He also reminds students that immediately stoppage is needed if work sequence is different from the planned sequence suddenly. Life will be protected if we stay alert and take one extra step.  

Look before you leap

It is important to look before you leap, especially at construction sites. CIC remind the industry regularly that decisions made controls workers’ lives and their family. Ir KAN Jun shared that “You must make safety a habit because it will affect more than one family. I know that many accidents are caused by improper use of safety belt, it is important to stay alert. PPE is just the beginning of safety measures, workers with less experience may be less aware of safety hazards, so regular training is needed.”


Everyone is responsible for Construction Safety

Mr. CHAN Lok-chai visits sites frequently, he pointed out that “Foreman is an important role with great responsibilities because they are the ones who should know all happenings on site, such as how to perform lifting operations safely? Did workers let the form work finish in a safe environment for next sequence?” He also encouraged owners, main contractors and sub-contractors to organise mandatory talks for workers and learn from the bitter experience of families who have lost their loved ones.


Guideline for the Industry

With the “Zero Accident” principle, through Silent Tribute events, CIC and HKIC strives to promote safety awareness and understanding of safety standard and deliver the message clearly to construction workers. CIC has prepared a guideline with recommended rundown for the industry for organising Silent Tribute events. Owners, main contractors and sub-contractors are encouraged to hold a moment of silence for workers passed away in accidents on their own but it should carry the most important message in the event which is “Safety Assurance” and potential risks could be avoided.


CIC reviews and monitors safety performance in the industry from time to time while joining hands with the industry to foster a positive safety culture. CIC and the government strongly encourage sites to arrange workers to do warm-up exercise “Baduanjin” before the commencement of the work daily. Exercising can enhance workers’ physical flexibility and encourage a healthy lifestyle to minimise the risk of injuries. It is helpful to workers’ health and prepare them for the long day of work ahead. Therefore we strongly encourage to include “Baduanjin” in every Silent Tribute event. HKIC organizes various training courses on construction safety for workers to promote safety awareness and attitude. Eventually, we hope to foster the concept of “Life First” in the industry on all fronts. Let’s say “No” to Danger together!


ᐅ 2022.05.11 Carbon Neutrality Journey - CIC-ZCP x iHub: Showcase Construction Infinity

As climate tipping points lie alarmingly close, achieving carbon neutrality is the task in hand. The construction industry consumes approximately 36% of all energy consumed globally and accounted for 40% of all carbon emissions in the world. In order to achieve sustainable development, the Construction Industry Council is determined to lead the industry towards the goal of carbon neutrality.


Leading Low Carbon Construction Technology Showcase

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, visited the CIC–Zero Carbon Park (CIC-ZCP) in Kowloon Bay in late April to learn about the latest development of this landmark facility. Established in 2012, CIC-ZCP serves as an exhibition, education and information centre to raise awareness of the importance of low-carbon living, showcasing the state-of-the-art eco-building design and technologies to the local and international construction industry, and eventually innovates the stakeholders to deploy new technologies as a way to reduce carbon footprints. 

Zero carbon building is a building that has zero net carbon emissions on an annual basis. CIC-ZCP aims to achieve this by generating on-site renewable energy from photovoltaic panels and a tri-generation system using biofuel made of waste cooking oil. On top of being self-sustainable, CIC-ZCP exports surplus energy to offset embodied carbon of its construction process. Apart from renewable energy generation, CIC-ZCP has taken various passive design measures to save energy. For example, CIC-ZCP is cross-ventilated as its main facade faces southeast to take advantage of the prevailing summer breezes coming from that direction. The elongated form of CIC-ZCP also enables a suitable room depth between the northwest and southeast facade for daylighting.


Upgrade and Update

CIC-ZCP has never stopped upgrading throughout the decade. Chairman of Zero Carbon Building Management Board, Mr CHONG Kin-lit, Paul explained that the park has installed the “Air Improvement Photovoltaic (AIPV) Glass Canopy” to replace the old canopy of the cafeteria in CIC-ZCP. The glass canopy not only offers daylighting, on one hand it generates renewable energy from sunlight through cadmium telluride nano thin-film photovoltaic technology. On the other hand, the quantum dot nano top coating system decomposes PM2.5 and volatile organic compounds, which will help improve air quality. Ir Thomas HO appreciated the efforts CIC-ZCP has paid to put new technologies into practice for the benefit of the members of the public.


A pioneer of MiC

To achieve the target of carbon neutrality, the construction industry should stay up to date on the advancement of technology. CIC-ZCP together with the “MiC Resources Centre”, “Building Information Modelling Space” (BIM Space) and the “Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre” (CITAC) have formed the "iHub”. The brand new “i-Hub” exhibits advanced technologies and materials to promote the application of innovative techniques and solutions in the local construction industry. While the “Modular Integrated Construction” (MiC) approach is widely adopted nowadays, this method was once doubted when introduced to Hong Kong several years ago. Back in 2018, CIC pioneered the development of MiC by constructing Hong Kong’s first MiC-constructed building in CIC-ZCP, giving a lead to the industry that this “factory assembly followed by on-site installation” method is favourable to improving construction productivity, safety and sustainability. There are more than 60 local construction projects adopting MiC so far, including the Temporary Quarantine Camps built in Lei Yue Mun Park and Penny’s Bay.


Education is key to carbon neutrality

Carbon neutrality can only be achieved when members of the public work hand-in-hand, CIC-ZCP aims to serve beyond the industry, and into the community. The CIC-ZCP’s Sustainable Development Exhibition showcases the blueprint and key elements of sustainable city development. Through a series of interactive fun-packed games, guided tours, educational workshops and "ZCP Green Heroes" Award Badges Programme, CIC-ZCP encourages students to participate in various carbon reduction activities, hence understanding the importance of sustainable development and carbon neutrality. With nearly 200,000 traffic recorded last year, Mr. Paul CHONG envisions CIC-ZCP to become a spark of sustainable development, and eventually foster the public to live a low-carbon lifestyle.


Lungs of the City

Sustainable development should not be confined to technological breakthroughs and protecting the environment, a healthy lifestyle is also essential. CIC-ZCP is home to over 200 species of flora, attracting numerous types of birds. With rich and varied biodiversity, CIC-ZCP functions as the “lungs of the city”, and this urban forest offers a relaxing space to the community.

CIC-ZCP dedicates to shoulder the social responsibility for promoting the sustainability and infinite construction possibilities. CIC-ZCP has attracted over thousands secondary and primary school students every year, and it is the popular picnic and recreational hotspot. According to the third-party statistics, the media values of CIC-ZCP has exceeded HK$30M recent years.

Leading forward, CIC-ZCP will continue to act as a test bed for new energy and advanced technologies, shoulder the responsibility of promoting low-carbon living and green-building design, and lead the industry and the public towards carbon neutrality.

ᐅ 2022.05.17 The World-Class Kai Tak Sports Park Embraces Construction Digitalisation

The Kai Tak Sports Park is the most important investment in Hong Kong sports infrastructure in recent decades. Occupying 28 hectares of land, the Kai Tak Sports Park is about 47% larger than the Victoria Park and will become the largest sports infrastructure in Hong Kong. As a brand new and sports infrastructure, its construction methodology and safety standard are also leading the industry. Complexity and time-constraint are the tough challenges for the construction team. Nonetheless, the team strives to maintain good safety management and has adopted innovative technologies which effectively minimise work-at-height activities, enhance productivity and accuracy, and set a new benchmark in the construction industry. Last week, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC and Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of CIC, and Sr Thomas HO, Member of CIC visited the site of the Kai Tak Sports Park. The Hip Hing project team shared how they adopt innovative technology to enhance construction safety.


Leading Transformations through Collaboration

Kai Tak Sports Park comprises three large sports facilities, including: the “Main Stadium”, the “Indoor Sports Centre” and the “Public Sports Ground”. Bringing sports and leisure together. According to Mr. Eric Lau, Construction Project Director of Hip Hing Engineering Company Limited, the Sports Park adopted the model of “Design, Build and Operate”, under which the design team has been working closely with the construction and operation teams since the early stages of the project. Moreover, different teams also relocated their bases to the site office at the Sports Park, to perform their roles in a timely manner with respect to various construction designs and transform different ideas into reality.

Besides the design, construction and operation team, the project also involves many other contractors in building services, structural steelworks, external facades of buildings and retractable roof construction. Therefore, extensive use of Building Information Modelling (BIM), Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) techniques has been using in this project to increase the efficiency of design and production, as well as enhancing the construction safety and risk management. The construction team fully utilises BIM for the preparation works of construction, allowing them to identify conflicts and figure out solutions in advance and proceed the construction safely and smoothly. Once the designs are ready, different prefabricated parts will be produced overseas factories for simultaneous prefabrication and the completed assemblies will be delivered to the site and finally handed over to operation team. This does not only greatly reduce the construction period, but also reduces the manpower and helps to create a safer working environment for frontline workers. This project fully illustrates how technology brings positive change to the site, and was awarded the “2020 BIM Achievement Award'' by the Council.

Mr. CHU Tat-chi, Managing Director of Hip Hing Construction, pointed out that the “Design, Build and Operate” model enabled them to plan the construction and operation arrangement at one go. They also had ample time and space to complete the works which made the project more cost-effective, boosting the efficiency and productivity of the project.


Sharpening tools for the tasks ahead

The retractable roof is one of the special features of the Main Stadium of Kai Tak Sports Park. Its roof is mainly supported by four sets of main steel trusses with a span of 180 m maximum and such scale is considered to be a mega building project in Hong Kong. The main steel truss consists of large steel circular hollow sections, with the diameter of the largest section being up to 1.6 m. Making use of computer-controlled welding machines for welding, the construction team also adopts advanced technologies such as BIM and DfMA in the prefabrication process, so as to improve quality and speed up the construction progress in terms of the on-site construction, the team also makes use of BIM for better visualising the design and facilitating the overall enhancement and construction processes. By transforming all the prefabricated components into “exploded-view drawing”, this illustrates the different functions of the components and the design for assembly in a three-dimensional way, so that contractor clearly understands the steps and methodology of installation for each procedure, e.g. external façade installation, building services installation and retractable roof construction, etc.

The Main Stadium of the Kai Tak Sports Park will accommodate 50,000 spectators and the steel structure of the roof involves 13,600 tons of structural steel. This, coupled with the area needed for the cranes, the storage of materials and the assembly of prefabricated components, requires a significant amount of space. Therefore, the team builds a travelling gantry, for the installation of around 1,700 prefabricated units for the upper rows of seats. All these are completed with the aim of design for safety, productivity and sustainability, minimising work-at-height and crossing operations in mind.


A step towards “paperless site environment” through the use of advanced technologies

In order for frontline workers to have a clear understanding of how to bring innovative technologies into construction sites, the project team makes use of a platform called “Dalux” which not only facilitates the planning and execution of BIM tasks, but also allows site personnel to go into the site without the need to bring along the drawings. The GPS tracking function allows personnel to have a clear understanding of the project and tasks’ progress in real time, while also keeps information constantly updated through the use of cloud technology. The whole team therefore simultaneously monitors the progress and minimises mistakes. Hip Hing’s professional team once again demonstrates the industry’s continuous pursue of excellence and the spirit of “Life First” and “Zero Accident” with concerted efforts.

ᐅ 2022.05.27 Life isn’t expensive, it’s priceless: HKIC Holds a Moment of Silence

The construction industry built Hong Kong from the bottom-up, thousands of workers had put their hearts and souls into it. It is a pity that 3,109 cases of industrial accidents were recorded in the construction industry in 2021 according to the Labour Department. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) will continuously improve workers’ safety awareness through organising different activities, with an aim to foster a safety culture and achieve the goal of zero accidents on construction sites.

Industrial accidents have claimed four workers' lives in April and May, a silent tribute event was thus held in the Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Sheung Shui Campus (HKIC), in May in remembrance of the deceased. Mr Kelvin Lo Kwok-wah, Director of Water Supplies, Ir Thomas Ho On-sing, Chairman of CIC, together with members of the CIC, Mr Chan Kim-kwong and Sr Eddie Lam Kin-wing, have attended to share their experience with students, and reminded them to always bear the importance of safety in minds.


Playing with fire will eventually turn bitter

Looking back into the accidents, Ir Thomas Ho was saddened to see that those workers involved have all taken a risk. He reminded students to take every step cautiously and urged the students not to let their guards down just because the foreman is not in sight, not to underestimate the risk of working on a seemingly low in height scaffold, and never start working before they are sure their lifelines are secured. They also need to ensure danger zones are properly established and signs are set up. Conditions in construction sites are ever changing, Ir Thomas Ho advised students to be careful at all times, as he explained that “Construction procedures should be clearly listed out, however if there is a change, we must stop and think, many fatal accidents happen because changes are overlooked. Mentality is very important, I believe safety can be ensured as long as workers follow the procedures and dare to ‘say no to danger’.”


Preventing Accident By Adopting Innovative Technologies

CIC actively promotes the use of innovative technologies in the industry, Mr Kelvin Lo agreed that the deployment of technologies will contribute to safety, “The industry shall embrace innovative technologies such as mechanisation and industrialisation. Technologies like BIM, MiC and smart site management can help improve safety performance.” He suggested that it is everyone's responsibility to keep the sites safe as works are interlinked, accidents can be avoided if workers are willing to help each other out. "Regardless of the scale of the construction, safety comes first, we cannot sacrifice it for the sake of catching the schedule.” He added.



Good to Be Nosy

Sr Eddie Lam, Member of CIC and Chairman of the Construction Industry Training Board, advised students to stay alert to the surrounding areas in construction sites. “You should be nosy, in a sense that when you spot anything wrong, like no guardrails at a floor opening, voice out. A simple act can save a life.” he said. He also added that students should stop their colleagues from acting dangerously.


Be Neat and Tidy

Mr Chan Kim-kwong, Member of CIC and Chairman of the Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association, has been with the industry for more than 40 years. He recalled there were no safety training back in the early days, safety tips were only passed on by word of mouth from mentors. He encouraged students to make an all-out effort at work yet never risk their lives. “No matter how careful you are, a mistake may lead to accidents.” He said. As the attendees were plumbing’s students, Mr Chan urged them to keep the workplace neat and tidy, “Please make sure you keep your tools in place, or else someone might trip over the pipes.” he told them.


Dare to Ask

The purpose of hosting silent tribute events is to mourn the loss as well as to warn participants. The three fatal accidents were all related to falling from height. A tutor from HKIC went through the cases with students after a moment of silence, and taught them with “the four steps to safety”. First, workers should keep learning and be brave to ask. Secondly, workers should scrutinise the workplace, never hurry their work, rather they should pay attention to details and identify risks. Thirdly, they have to double check the workplace, tools, mechanics as well as personal equipment, for example make sure the lifeline is connected to a secure anchor point. Besides, workers should ensure the workplace is safe before proceeding to work. Even though everything is set, matters in construction sites are ever-changing, therefore the fourth step is to stop working. If one encounters a safety issue beyond his/her scope, just say no, and report to seniors or the corresponding department to get it solved.


Life First, Safety First

Every accident is a hard lesson to the industry for neglecting safety. In order to alert practitioners to avoid repeating mistakes, CIC provides safety guidelines, messages, posters to stakeholders in the industry, in which common accidents, critical control measures, links to video and safety quizzes are shared. CIC hopes to foster a safety culture in the industry, and always remind our fellow workers of the importance of “Life First, Safety First.”

ᐅ 2022.05.30 Overcoming Hurdles with Technology - Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works

The emergence of construction innovations does not only enhances safety and productivity in construction, but also helps different projects overcome challenges and constraints, while introducing a new chapter for the industry. The Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Plants, located next to the Hong Kong border, has been undergoing expansion works since late 2018 and is expected to be completed by 2025. The plant’s sewage treatment capacity will be increased by 3 times to 5,000 m³ per day, in order to cope with the expected population growth and development of Sha Tau Kok area in the future. Recently, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC and Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of CIC, and Ar Clarence Leung, Member of CIC visited the site of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works, to know more about how the project team overcame the limitations of land use and successfully built a safe and effective sewage treatment plant with innovative ideas and technology including Building Information Modelling (BIM), Modular Integrated Construction method (MiC) and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA).


Achieving “Zero Accident” with Construction 2.0

As the industry is now migrating into the era of Construction 2.0, the Drainage Services Department took proactive steps by integrating the three key pillars of Construction 2.0 into the Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works project, which are Innovation, Professionalization and Revitalization. According to Ms. Alice Pang, Director of Drainage Services Department, priority has been put on the spirit of mutual trust and cooperation among teams under this project. Binnies Hong Kong Limited and Build King – Kum Shing Joint Venture has been exploring possibilities in adopting various innovative technologies including BIM, off-site construction methodology, DfMA and MiC in which many young engineers were also involved.

The capacity of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Plants was 1,660 m³/day before the expansion. Effluent was discharged to the sea via a shorter submarine outfall. Since the capacity is expected to be exhausted soon, there is a strong urge to upgrade the sewage treatment capacity and standard. Ms. Alice Pang pointed out that the limited land use and tight schedule have made the construction project extremely challenging. The construction team needed to find ways to build a temporary sewage treatment plant to maintain current sewage treatment services, and at the same time demolish the original facilities to make room for a new plant. In view of this, the team decided that 80% of the project, including the temporary sewage treatment plant and office, should adopt off-site construction methodology. Prefabricated steel components and independent prefabricated building components were assembled in the factories, and then transported to the site for installation. This does not only save construction procedures and manpower on site, but also reduces accidents. Compared to conventional construction methods, off-site construction can definitely improve productivity, safety level, quality and sustainability of the project.


Building a New Submarine Outfall

During this project, the sewage treatment capacity will be increased to 5,000 m³/day which is 3 times of the previous capacity. The project team therefore has constructed a larger and longer submarine outfall. Mr. Bryan Hung, Graduate Engineer from Build King – Kum Shing Joint Venture, explained that the team has adopted the land-sea two-way Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method to construct a new submarine outfall with approximately 1.7 km long. Such innovation effectively saves the construction time and scope of work, facilitating in risk management and control in a safe and efficient manner. Construction of the submarine outfall has been successfully completed in the first quarter of 2022.



Safety Assured with a New Concept

In order not to intervene the operation of the original sewage treatment service, the team raced against time to get the entire temporary sewage treatment plant completed within 18 months where the 750 m2 construction area involved two major facilities - EQ Tank and Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Tank (MBBR Tank). Since the equalizing cylinder is 14 meters high, there will be a certain degree of risk if conventional lifting and stacking method are adopted. Therefore, the team made use of DfMA approach to divide the whole tank into 150 pieces of steel panels which were fabricated by laser cutting. They are then connected by thousand sets of bolted joints on site. The team had made a bold move by installing the EQ Tank from top to bottom. Ir Ken Pang, Assistant Resident Engineer from Binnies Hong Kong Limited, explained the construction sequence. They first completed the base of EQ Tank, then the top shell ring section and lastly the top roof. Nine sets of screw jacks were temporarily erected at tank base for lifting the tank ring-sections one by one. It only took 5 minutes to lift one ring-section. No working at height or welding is involved to ensure site safety.


Constructing MiC Means Speed and Flexibility

The construction area of the temporary sewage treatment plant is only just as big as 1.5 standard basketball courts. To cope with the daily sewage treatment capacity of 2,500 cubic meters, the project team has adopted a new sewage treatment technology - Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR), which can process a larger amount of sewage in a smaller space. The team has applied MiC technology to construct the main facilities of the temporary sewage treatment plant. The water tank is divided into upper, middle and lower rings. Each ring is composed of four sections, where it is surrounded by stainless steel plates looking like wafers. The prefabricated steel plates were delivered to site, and then connected with bolts and nuts. The actual establishment period for each MBBR tank was 10 day and the whole process did not involve welding, which greatly shortened the construction time and enhanced safety level.

CIC actively promotes the adoption of innovative technologies in the industry to improve site safety and productivity. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC, is greatly impressed by the application of different new technologies at the site of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works, he appraised the synergy among project teams and the involvement of young engineers. With the concerted efforts, there has been zero accident on the construction site since the beginning of the project in 2018, setting an excellent example for the industry!

ᐅ 2022.06.09 National scientific research centre leads the development of an innovative construction material being used for the first time for building a Steel Butterfly Arch Bridge

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has always highly valued the role of research and innovation in the development of the industry. Researchers’ continuous effort in experimenting and data collected from real world experience in collaboration with the industry are equally important in bringing about advancement in construction. CIC is eager to encourage collaboration between institutions and the industry. Recently, CIC Chairman Ir HO On-sing Thomas and CIC member Mrs LO LEE Oi-lin visited the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (CNERC) and its director Ir Prof. CHUNG Kwok-fai (also a CIC member) to discover how research data for high-strength S690 steel was used to enhance construction and welding techniques and improve structural design and seismic performance – and how this knowledge is being applied at the Cross Bay Link at Tseung Kwan O, the first bridge in China to use the steel.


Domestic high-strength steel enhances efficiency and safety

Since 1993, China has led the world in steel production, with annual production currently reaching approximately one billion tonnes. This comprises more than 50% of global production and far surpasses that of the United States and Japan.

China’s steel manufacturing technology has developed rapidly in recent years. In 2015, the State Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China approved the establishment of the CNERC (Hong Kong Branch) to locally promote advances in structural engineering with modern steel construction and assist in promoting high-quality steel structures on the international market.

As well as complying with EU and international standards, high-strength S690 steel also provides thickness options from 6mm to 80mm. Ir Prof. CHUNG points out that S690 steel’s strength and ductility are higher than common steel, with no cracks occurring even when buckled. It is usually used for building ports, mining facilities and other heavy structures. Though the production cost of high-strength steel is 1.3 times greater than for common steel, its load capacity is higher, with only half the amount needed to achieve the same bearing capacity. This effectively reduces the total cost by about one-third.


CIC Chairman Ir HO On-sing Thomas believes that high-strength steel is lighter and easier to transport and handle, which helps reduce the construction period, enhance worker safety, and accelerate the completion of high-quality buildings.


Superb welding technology for a forward-looking project

The CIC believes that innovative technologies are only effective when they are actually applied to projects. In the case of high-strength S690 steel, its practical proving ground is the butterfly-like 200-metre, double-arch bridge of the Cross Bay Link at Tseung Kwan O. The project’s contractor is the China Road and Bridge Corporation Hong Kong, and its Chairman is Ir KAN Jun, who is also a member of CIC.

According to Ir KAN, the extraordinary strength of S690 posed its own project challenge: unlike common structural steel which only requires ordinary welding once appropriately connected, the high strength steel requires pre-heating to 120 degrees Celsius before it can be welded. It also must be cooled at a well-controlled rate, with the whole process closely monitored

In another innovation, robots were employed to enhance welding accuracy. Equipped with a laser scanner, the robotic welding system can achieve an accuracy of 1/10mm. The system also improves worker safety and reduces manpower requirements, alleviating the construction industry’s long-term labour shortage.


Collaboration Between CIC, Businesses and Institutes for Applied Research

Components for the entire bridge were made with Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) techniques. Small and light modules were assembled at a Shanghai factory and easily transported to the site in Hong Kong in just eight days.

Overall, the project is a remarkable demonstration of the synergistic effect of innovative technologies in raising the efficiency and productivity of local construction projects.




Environmental protection and carbon reduction start with the ‘basics’

The CIC has long advocated sustainability and carbon neutrality as primary directions of industry development. In 2019, the CIC introduced the CIC Carbon Assessment Tool as a common platform for the construction industry to evaluate the carbon performance of buildings and infrastructures in Hong Kong from raw material extraction to the end of construction.

Professor CHUNG used the tool to calculate the impacts of a range of steel materials on the carbon footprints of projects and buildings. Citing the steel bridge of the Cross Bay Link as an example, the total weight of the entire bridge built with a combination of high-strength and common steels is 4,400 tonnes lighter than if common steel had been used exclusively. The choice of material for the bridge also reduces its carbon embodiment by 30%, significantly reducing its carbon footprint and giving it a high material efficiency.


From S690 to S960 to a S1200 future 

At least ten pilot projects – including bridges, leisure and cultural facilities and noise barriers – are set to apply high-strength S690 steel in Hong Kong, preparing the industry for wider application in the future. Just as a hundred temperings make tough steel, repeated training and practice makes for better construction.

Such experience also helps the industry create even stronger and better building materials for the future. The Hong Kong branch of CNERC is currently engaged in related research on S960, hoping to achieve the same strength intensity with less material. Ir HO On-sing Thomas hopes that more local bridge projects will consider applying new building materials. Ir KAN Jun looks forward to the creation of S1200 to expand the limits of design and construction methods for infrastructure projects and subsequently achieve an even wider adoption of high-strength steel in other building projects.


New Technology Nurtures Welding Master

As the technical welding requirements for S690 are particularly demanding, the CIC and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction are considering new technology content for the related welding course curriculum. The proposed welding course will cover relevant professional knowledge, handling and welding techniques, and will further enable the adoption of high-strength steel in Hong Kong.

The CIC will continue to study new building materials and applications as it plans ahead for the continuing industrialisation and digitalisation of the construction industry in Hong Kong.

ᐅ 2022.06.10 Hong Kong Institute of Construction (Kwai Chung Campus) Silent Tribute: Safety Doesn't Happen By Accidents

In the next few years, the total construction output in Hong Kong will continue to grow and there will be a keen demand for manpower in the construction industry. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has not only proactively increased the training of workers, but also widely promoted the vision of zero accidents in all construction sites such as organising regular silence tributes to reflect on recent fatal accidents and strengthen the safety mindsets of all industry stakeholders.

Mr. CHAN Pai-ming, Jimmy, JP, Director of Highway Department, Ir CHENG Ting-ning, Albert, Executive Director of the CIC, Mr LEE Hang-wing, James, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited and Mr WANG Kei-ming, Joseph, Managing Director of Ming Tai Construction Engineering Co Ltd joined the silent tribute at Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) Kwai Chung Campus in May and shared their views on recent accidents with students.


Take no chances at construction site

Turning a blind eye to the potential risks of construction sites often leads to unfortunate events. The Director of Highways, Mr. CHAN Pai-ming, Jimmy, shared with students that when he was a student, he always believed that accidents would never happen to him, which now he is sure that such mindset was a big mistake. "Every accident has various reasons behind and unexpected factors somehow collide together to cause a tragedy, which makes people regret it." He hoped the students would always put their own safety as the first consideration. "We have to rely on ourselves to pay attention, think one step further, and think carefully about whether the upcomings will pose a danger to us. Always ensure that adequate safety measures are taken."

Mr. Chan believes that compared to the past, the publicity and education on construction safety has been greatly enhanced. In particular, the CIC has successfully raised everyone's awareness by different videos explaining the causes of accidents.


All lives are equal

In order to achieve site safety, a concerted effort of contractors, sub-contractors, site personnel, industry stakeholders and the government shall be made. Mr LEE Hang-wing, James, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited emphasised that even though a construction project must involve different stakeholders such as the landlord, the developer, and the contractor, all lives are equal. "If there is any concern about the site environment, the workers must raise it and stop whatever they are working on." The overall industrial accident rate has dropped significantly in the past 20 years, but the number of deaths has remained the same in the past 10 years, which is around 20 cases per year. One single accident is far too many. He believes that with a concerted effort to uphold the principle of Life First, the construction safety will definitely be improved.



Never tread on thin ice

As the senior of the students from HKIC, Mr WANG Kei-ming, Joseph, Managing Director of Ming Tai Construction Engineering Co Ltd., gave tips to the students, "First, always keep your feet on the ground. Don't just look down on your phones and pay attention to traps ahead. Impatience can cause wise people to do foolish things; Second, never tread on thin ice. The site is not a place where you can jump and play. Safety is our top priority and you are the one who takes care of your own life.”


Five Safety Elements: 4M1E

By sharing the recent three fatal industrial accidents, the institute instructor reminded the student to always keep the "five safety elements'’ in mind, which are 4M1E: men, machines, materials, methods, and environment". He encouraged the students to learn safety knowledge from experience, and observe the environment carefully in a hope of "Arriving Safe. Working Safe. Going Home Safe." Ir CHENG Ting-ning, Albert, Executive Director of the CIC also wished all students could learn lessons from past accidents, keeping the priceless advice of the guests in mind. After all, safety is everyone's responsibility.


ᐅ 2022.06.11 Everyone Has a Role to Play: HKIC Pays Silent Tribute to Workers who Lost Their Lives

Safety first and foremost, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) aims to enhance safety awareness among the construction industry and raise safety standards on sites. Much headway has been made in the past decade to lower construction accident rate per 1000 workers from 52.1 in 2010 to 26.1 in 2020. Industrial accidents were tragedies in nature, yet we should also take it as a valuable lesson to learn. As we work as one, we grieve as one, CIC encourages the industry to mourn for our late co-workers and be mindful of the creed of “Life First, Safety First.”.

Three fatal accidents happened in April and May, and representatives from different sectors of the industry, including the government, main contractors and subcontractors came together and attended the silent tributes events held in the Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) in May. Mr. FONG Hok-shing, Michael, Director of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), Ir Dr. PANG Yat-bond, Derrick, Chairperson of CIC’s Committee on Construction Safety, Mr. CHU Tat-chi, Managing Director of Hip Hing Construction and Mr. Tsang Ting-fat, Director of Tin Wo Engineering Co. Ltd and Honorary President of Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association, have visited the Kowloon Bay Campus of HKIC to share their experience and safety messages with students.


Director of CEDD: Achieve “Zero Accidents” by Instilling Safety Concept Among Workers

The deceased are survived by their families, Mr. Michael FONG reminded students to always think before they act as their safety affects the whole family. He hoped that safety awareness could be rooted in their hearts. “The construction industry is entering a ‘Golden Era’ as huge number of projects are ready to commence, and you will become the backbone of our industry. We have seen good examples to proof that it is not impossible to achieve “Zero Accidents”. I hope the importance of safety can become part of your work DNA, so that you will be able to protect yourselves and your colleagues in the future.” He said.


Committee on Construction Safety: Prioritise Safety Over Work

Ir Dr. Derrick PANG urged students to live out the motto of “Everyone has a role to play in ensuring a safe environment”, he told them “most of the companies care about safety issues, your seniors will definitely follow up as long as you raise your concerns.” He emphasised that management is responsible for conducting risk assessment while frontline workers should understand risks and collaborate with their co-workers on safety issues, and always prioritise safety over work. “You are responsible for yourselves, your families and your colleagues, don’t be selfish when you spot potential risks.” He added.



Main Contractor: Walk in Other People’s Shoes

Accidents are unexpected but avoidable if workers go by the book. Mr. CHU Tat-chi advised students to walk in the shoes of frontline workers and act pre-emptively against risk. “As a management staff, you have to take every aspects into account because accidents does not only affect one life but a family.”


Bar-Bending Contractors Association: Be Prepared and Focus on the Long-run

Mr. TSANG Ting-fat has more than 40 years of experience in the industry, he asked students to equip themselves and stay focused on the long-run. “Workers are prone to accidents if they switch jobs frequently which makes it difficult for them to familiarise with the working environments.” He said.

After a moment of silence, the lecturer of Safety Training reviewed the accidents with students, and he advised students to identify potential dangers by “4M1E”, namely Man, Machine, Material, Method and Environment. He suggested students to formulate safety procedures before work commencement, remind frontline workers of safety precautions and inspect regularly with certificated personnel to make sure workplaces are in safe working condition. He advised students to ask and seek help from their seniors as needed in order to avoid putting themselves in danger.

CIC is devoted to enhancing safety awareness among the construction industry, apart from publishing safety guidelines and videos, CIC also organises safety training programmes. All of the three aforementioned accidents were caused by falls from height. In order to prevent accidents involving working at height, CIC has actively promoted the adoption of innovative technologies such as MiC which encourages offsite fabrication. In promoting the “Life First” message, CIC will continue with the multi-pronged approach and work hand-in-hand with the industry.


ᐅ 2022.06.16 Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant Life First: Technological Management for Zero Accident

Apart from constant awareness, implementation of technology at construction sites is another tool to achieve “Life First”. As one of the Construction 2.0 projects spearheaded by the Water Supplies Department, Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant aims to provide a stable supply of safe fresh water that will not be affected by extreme weather events. In its construction, highly efficient environmental management measures are implemented in conjunction with innovative digital technologies, including the flexible implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Artificial Intelligence Systems. These measures ensure safety at the construction site and a comprehensive management of site records, work progress and manpower management. In late May, Ir Ricky LAU, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works); Mr. LO Kwok Wah, Kelvin, Director of Water Supplies; Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC; Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the CIC and Ir Dr. Derrick PANG, Chairperson of Committee on Construction Safety of the CIC visited the TKO Desalination Plant work site to study how the site puts innovative solutions to good use, so as to identify potential risks and implement appropriate safety measures. This visit also kicked off the “Life First” 2022 safety promotion campaign.


Offsite Manufactured Large-scale RO Parts Assembled Efficiently with Digitalised System

Safety measures should be one of the design features since the start of any projects to avoid accidents, the adoption of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and BIM can support this requirement. Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant adopts reverse osmosis (RO) technology, where a desalination membrane removes dissolved salts and impurities from seawater and turns it into drinkable fresh water. In the first quarter of 2022, the first phase of RO building construction was completed - DfMA design were implemented with the production of the major desalination membrane parts in Shanghai. After two rounds of rehearsal, the project team deployed a digitalised lifting appliance management system to transfer the entire desalination block into the Plant. Construction time was significantly reduced and the risk of on-site construction was mitigated.


Parts Tracking in Common Data Environment

A Lifting Appliances & Lifting Gears Management System was adopted to manage the project’s vast lifting and logistic works. All parts contain QR codes for showing individual installation information. These simple and minor steps further boost work efficiency, prevents unnecessary misunderstandings, and results in a stronger team. In such a complex application of multiple technologies, Common Data Environment (CDE) is essential. For instance, the project team used the BIM system for construction design that can be used for cross-checking for accuracy through instance integration of the real life conditions with the BIM models. It prevented gaps in interpretation and the need for correction work.


Pioneer for Safe and Smart Construction Site

The Desalination Plant has adopted the model of “Design, Build and Operate” as well as a range of smart devices in its construction, including underwater and air drone, smart cameras, Lifting Appliances & Lifting Gears (LALG) Management System, IoT sensors, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), People Management System etc. The concept of Safe and Smart Construction Site permeates all work processes, and encourages the team to frequently inspect facilities and the surroundings, while reducing work risks arising from inclement weather (like typhoons and thunderstorms). Immediate reminder can also be issued to workers who does not comply to safety guidelines.



Centralised Safety Platform to Boost Safety Level

Entering the Plant’s site office building, real time operational statistics and other real-time figures are shown on different monitors, including workers’ attendance, environmental statistics and CCTV images around the site. As a Centralised Safety Platform is used to collate control of the smart devices, monitoring and managing them has become more direct and convenient, when different operating systems are involved. “Safet Smart Site” concept is put into practice and result in a “zero accident” record.


PS(W): Workers should be Rewarded by their Wisdom and Hard Work

At the Launching Ceremony of the 2022 Life First campaign, Ir Ricky LAU, explained his strong belief that workers’ are paid for their hard work, not their lives. Stakeholders should uphold the safety mantra of “everyone is responsible” in their work, and stress their own safety and by extension, the safety of everyone around them at all times to ensure the sustainable development of the industry.


Chairman: Safety is a Job to be Done at Site

Ir Thomas HO encouraged owners, consultant agencies, contractors and developers to undertake safety and risk assessments since the initial stages of a project. For example, a contractor should remind subcontractors and workers the wind direction and supply proper safety gear. Workers should be on high alert at all times and “say no to danger”. With the awareness of responsibilities to be borne by the stakeholders in the industry, construction works and site safety will surely be a smooth sea to sail.


Adopt Technologies and Technique for Efficient and Safe Construction

The project team does not only apply technology in Design, Build & Operate, a Safety Training Centre and a VR Safety Experience Zone are set up for a 1-hour compulsory training and quiz to all newly employed workers. The Centre provides a number of VR safety experience stations and training, including equipment usage, first aid practice, safety helmet impact trial, fire suppression trial etc. These trainings actualise the safety concept and put forward the experiential learning experiences. As a result, it enhances the training effect. Ir Ricky Lau and Ir Thomas Ho had a run on the safety helmet impact trial. Though seemingly a simple step, all frontline workers are clearly reminded of the importance of properly wearing the helmet and prevention of serious accidents. "Life First" is reinforced and implemented at the site.


ᐅ 2022.06.23 The Sky is the Limit – Innovative R.I.S.E. Technology Exemplify the Possibilities of Mi∞

We are seeing more and more skyscrapers in Hong Kong as the demand for land grows. Elevators are the main axis of buildings. As our buildings grow taller, the importance of elevators to buildings also increases, so as the advancement in elevator installation technology. Ir Ho On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council and Mr. Chan Kim-kwong, Council Member visited the construction site of Two Taikoo Place, which was part of the "Taikoo Place Redevelopment Project". The visit showcased technologies adopted in the installation of elevators, the use of various robotics technologies in the construction site and discuss how to lead the industry to go forward and create a safer environment.


Scaffoldless Lift Installation Method Ensures Safety at Site

Jardine Schindler Group handles the installation of elevator in Two Taikoo Place and the Scaffoldless Lift Installation Method (SLIM) is used. SLIM technology allows engineers to install elevator rails in the lift well without the need for scaffolding. By building an extension platform in front of the elevator door on specific floors, hoisting ropes and hoisting beam can be installed directly. Together with the gondola that has been pre-installed at the lift pit, the guide rail, guide rail bracket and landing door are installed in sections until it reaches the motor room in the top storey.


Faster Installation with Multi-trade Integrated MEP

With the assistance of another contractor, Hip Hing, project team lifted the large pre-assembled motor section to the top floor for installation, which is faster and safer than traditional installation methods. A total of 11 high-speed elevators in the project adopted SLIM technology to save time for the installing and dismantling of scaffolding for such 200-meter-high building, which in turns improved productivity, efficiency and reduced risk. Jardine Schindler Group also adopted the Cast in Channel method which does not need to drill holes like the traditional installation method. Workers only need to pull off the rubber strip and then drill, which can greatly reduce the noise and dust during the installation of the shaft.

Mr Elton Chan, Chief Executive Officer of Jardine Schindler Group, believes that machinery and advanced construction technology can help us achieve zero accidents at site. During the visit, he introduced the Robotic Installation System for Elevators (R.I.S.E.) that will be used for the first time in another project in Hong Kong. The R.I.S.E. robot can move along the guide rail, and drill holes and install fixing bolts while scanning the wall. The use of robots in the elevator installation process can greatly improve productivity and shorten construction time, reduce risks and time needed for working in the lift well, so that project efficiency increases by at least 30%.


Safer Environment for the Benefit of Workers

Mr. Law Ho-kwan, Senior Project Manager of Hip Hing Construction Co., Ltd. pointed out that management should identify tasks with relatively high risk in the project, and find ways to adopt technology for such tasks so as to protect workers from potential hazards and enjoy a more accurate output.

Two Taikoo Place construction site adopts Multi-trade Integrated MEP (MiMEP), pre-assembled drive motor, beams and floor slabs are lifted to the roof for assembly with the main building, so that decoration can be completed before the completion of elevator motor room which simplifies the motor installation. About 70% MEP installation adopted MiMEP to avoid on-site installation and reduce construction site waste, and improves quality control, setting up a good reference for similar projects in the future.

In addition, in order to protect the safety of frontline workers, the contractor applied innovative technology and arranged smart safety helmets with headlights and temperature and heartbeat sensors for workers. The safety helmet is connected to the building information model to monitor the condition and location of workers from multiple angles real-time. The system sends out alert when abnormality is detected through the Internet of Things (IoT) network, which enhances the communication and emergency management in the construction site while ensuring workers’ safety.



Concerted Effort for Success

Ms. Eliza WONG, General Manager, Projects (Hong Kong & South East Asia) of Swire Properties Limited shared that all stakeholders in the industry including developers, contractors or service providers should work together to improve efficiency and site safety. Through enhanced communication, the entire construction process can be pre-planned before project commencement, and project team can explore the possibility of using innovative technologies with contractors and consultants. The Two Taikoo Place project showcased the importance of using Building Information Modelling (BIM) in engineering to improve the efficiency of the entire supply chain from design and construction to operation, strengthen communication and collaboration between different roles, and simplify construction processes. Efforts spent on design and construction will benefit the building’s operations for decades.

The project team collaborated with a number of local start-up companies in this project in the adoption of 3D scanning technology in the lift well to inspect construction quality of the lift well during construction and identify potential problems. Engineers can control the exterior wall cleaning robot remotely to test the facade like a pilot, avoiding the risk of working at height.


Putting Innovative Technology into Play

Self-cleaning and anti-virus coating newly developed by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University was also adopted in the project. The technology used three-dimensional scanning to customise the printing area, and prints the coating within two days. The coating was applied on frequently touched common surfaces such as drinking fountains, entrance gate etc., to support the construction site in fighting the epidemic.

Thanks to the efforts of the R&D team to bring advancement in construction technology. Through real-life application and overcoming challenges in the industry, it proves the possibility of innovative technology on construction safety and productivity.


CITF Brings Benefits to the Industry

CIC Council Member Mr. Chan Kim-kwong said that the industry’s support to the adoption of new technology safeguards the lives of workers. In order to promote and encourage the application of innovation and technology, the CIC established the Construction Industry Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) in 2018, with the aim of promoting construction productivity, boosting construction quality, improving site safety and enhancing environmental protection. Applicants can apply for funding for construction technology application or technical personnel training. As of April 2022, the fund has approved subsidy of more than HK$600million for more than 2,400 applications.

Whether it is construction site safety or the application of construction technology, as long as everyone is willing to take the first step, infinite possibilities will follow, builds a brighter future for the construction industry.


ᐅ 2022.06.28 Central Kowloon Route highway project: setting an example for the industry

Traffic congestion is one of the major urban problems in Kowloon. In order to alleviate the traffic jams, the Central Kowloon Route (CKR) highway project was commenced in 2017. The new road network links Yau Ma Tei Interchange of West Kowloon with Kai Tak Development Area of East Kowloon, forming a trunk road across central Kowloon. The scale of the construction is unprecedented but the project team rose to the challenges by adopting various innovative construction methods. Ir Thomas Ho On-sing, Chairman of the CIC, Ir Albert Cheng Ting-ning, Executive Director, together with Ir Victor Cheung Chi-kong, Council Member, visited the Community Liaison Centre of CKR and Ho Man Tin shaft under Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel (CKR-CT) in late May to better understand the construction operations and how the team achieve productivity enhancement, sustainability and improvement in construction safety.


Data is the future of the industry

CKR with a total length of about 4.7km comprises flyovers, tunnels and roads. CKR passes through the busy downtowns and hotspots of Kowloon. The construction of CKR is complicated as it involves construction works like demolition of buildings and temporary reclamations and is being constructed under eight contracts. With challenges ahead, it is a must to employ new technologies. “It’s like a leap in the dark. I encouraged my team to try out technologies even though they are new to us. If it works on a small scale, we can thus apply them on a larger scale.” Said Ir Luk Wai Hung, Project Manager of the Highways Department Major Works Project Management Office. While Ir Wes Jones, Managing Director of Dragages Hong Kong and representative of the contractor of CKR-CT, Bouygues Travaux Publics, stressed on the importance of data as he said that data analysis and integration is the future of the industry.



Smart Site Management Hub

The construction industry has implemented the “Construction 2.0” scheme which advocates “Innovation”, “Professionalisation” and “Revitalisation”, aiming to uplift the productivity and sustainability of the industry. The CKR project team has successfully put “innovation” into practice by introducing an “integrated Digital Works Supervision System (Dwss)” and “Smart Site Management Hub (SSMH)”. The team integrated data from six different ongoing CKR contracts into one single platform, this “6-in1” management approach provides a holistic overview for project team management, hence improving efficiency and safety performance. The “Smart Site Management Hub” functions in four major aspects, namely the Automatic Movement/ Settlement Monitoring System, AI CCTV Monitoring, Worker Management System and Other IoT Devices. The team plans to introduce a Progress Monitoring System in the near future to allow management to grasp the latest construction progress and related information.

CKR includes a 3.9km long tunnel, the adverse working environment in the tunnel such as confined space and risk of collapse has added difficulties to the project. Besides, the tunnel passes through seven MTR lines and seven fault zones, adding complexity to the project. To overcome the technical challenges, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is adopted to generate three-dimensional models by digital representation to assist the project team in making accurate judgments and performs a variety of analysis to enhance construction quality.

CKR_2_Resized.jpegPhoto credit: Highways Department


Reduce the risk of working at height

Tunnel construction relied heavily on manual handling in the past that would inevitably put frontline workers at risk. With the missions to enhance safety performance and improve efficiency, the CKR project team has pursued alternative construction methods by replacing manual labour with the help of machinery. The Automatic Canopy Installation System introduced in the CKR project is the first-ever application in Hong Kong, this system enables the canopy tubes to be installed in a fully mechanised way by using remote controlled operation. Meanwhile, it protects workers by reducing time exposing to the risk of working at height and enhances the productivity.

In conventional practice, tunnel lining formwork demands skilled manual labour works as it requires workers to work extended hours at height. To minimise the risks and wastage of timber panels, the CKR team installed a mechanised lining shutter that consisted of a remote -controlled hydraulic metal formwork, achieving lining of high quality and hence lower the requirement for skilled labour. The team is developing a Concrete Pressure Sensor at present to allow the team to monitor the concrete pressure in real-time so as to ensure site safety and quality.

The use of heavy vehicles is common in sites, workers around are prone to accident from reverse parking, therefore the team has installed Blaxtair, the Artificial Intelligence Cameras at the back of wheeled vehicles to assist drivers in the tunnel. The dual lens of the camera enable depth perception and differentiate humans from other objects. If a worker walks past the back of the truck, the alarm will sound and flashing signals will appear on screen to alert the driver. Chairman Thomas Ho appreciated the way AI contributes to improve safety, and he suggested that our society has to nurture new talents to foster technological breakthroughs.



Design for Safety, Productivity and Sustainability

CKR is an epoch-making construction project, from the public's point of view, it helps ease traffic problems and improves citizens’ quality of living. From the construction industry’s point of view, the project team embraces new technologies and demonstrates how to design for safety, productivity and sustainability. This project has put ‘STEM’ into real practice and it serves as an example to inspire the next generation of the industry.

ᐅ  2022.07.08 Advanced Manufacturing Centre: When Construction 2.0 Meets Industry 4.0

Hong Kong’s construction expenditure remains high in the coming decade, however we shall not be satisfied with the status quo but to seek reformations as the development of the industry is challenged by lack of new blood and construction safety issues. Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the CIC, Ir CHENG Ting-ning, Albert, Executive Director, together with Council Members Sr HO Kwok-kwan, Thomas and Mrs. LO LEE Oi-lin visited the newly completed Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) at Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK in early June. The design and construction of AMC has combined the concept of “Industry 4.0” and “Construction 2.0”, methods like “Design for Manufacture and Assembly(DfMA)”, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) were introduced to enhance construction’s productivity, sustainability and safety performance.

The Government has been actively promoting reindustrialisation in recent years with a hope to integrate manufacturing experience and the power of innovative technologies to stimulate industrial development. Constructed by Gammon Construction Limited, AMC was unveiled in April. The 8-storey building block provides 1.1million feet square of space, facilities includes multi-stories of high standard industrial production area, car park in the basement, Communal Warehouse and Distribution Centre etc. AMC is an advanced manufacturing base equipped with Asia's first multi-industry, automated and intelligent logistics services, which offers one-stop support for advanced manufacturing enterprises of all sizes. It is designed to unlock the potential of high-end manufacturing and help Innofacturers accelerate their local R&D and production process.”


Link Bridge assembles in 2 days

AMC has a vision to upgrade enterprises to “Industry 4.0” while during the construction stage, the project exemplifies the essences of “Construction 2.0”, namely Innovation, Professionalisation and Revitalisation. Offsite prefabrication is becoming a global trend nowadays, AMC’s project team has applied DfMA principles in different aspects, 75% of the structural steel works and Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing works (MEP) have adopted DfMA approach. The construction of the link bridge between AMC and the Data Technology Hub situated on the opposite side of the road involved the assembly of 3 structural modules, with the heaviest module weighing 67 tons. The project team made use of the geographical advantage of AMC to deliver the modules by sea, it only took 2 nights to complete the installation process which greatly uplift the efficiency and minimise the adverse impact to the surrounding area.


DfMA for Sustainability

In terms of superstructure works, AMC project team replaced flat slab by precast double tee, which could reduce in situ formwork and falsework, and prevent workers from working extended hours at height. Besides, as modules were precast in offsite factories, it optimises resources allocation and helps lessen 60% of in situ concrete volume. In comparison with the conventional way of construction, DfMA approaches helped save approximately 460 tons of carbon dioxide emission, which is equivalent to the carbon emission of 477 aircraft trips from Hong Kong to the USA.

For electrical and mechanical works, more than 5,000 modules, including water pipes and ducts were used in the AMC project. Apart from manufacturing modules in mainland factories, the project team had also set up a flying factory in another part of Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK. With a total area of 2,790m2, this flying factory mainly focuses on producing pump modules, and the Smoke Extraction System (SES) Fan Room was also assembled there. Compared to working at construction sites, the controlled environment in the flying factory has created a safer workplace for workers. As workers’ safety is always the prime concern, the project team has explored different innovative methods to assist the modules installation process. A patented “Synchronised Tailor-Made Lifting Platform” was developed to install the air ducts. The team has also developed a delivery system to help deliver and install the pipe header modules, manual lifting and working at height could thus be reduced.



Integrated Digital Project Delivery for Productivity

Behind the successes of innovative construction methods, the contributions of BIM cannot be neglected. AMC project team extensively applied digitalisation in construction, BIM was employed to simulate the installation process of double tee. The simulation helped identifying high risk zones in advance, and validated truck swept paths to all unloading zones to ensure a smooth and safe logistic arrangements. “GAMBOT A.I. Algorithms Sequencing” was also used to optimise the construction sequence of installing precast double tee with the use of tower cranes. The team introduced the use of different Apps to raise efficiency, for example an Augmented Reality (AR) mobile app that can navigate BIM modes on smartphones and tablets, helping frontline to visualise final placement of installation. “Integrated Digital Project Delivery (IDPD)” was developed to integrate construction datas, through presenting information such as submission status and attendance record in the form of a dashboard, the team can hence understand the latest progress of the project.



Embraces technologies to attract new talents

Skilled labour shortages and ageing workforce have casted a shadow on the development of the construction industry, while the AMC project has illustrated that the use of innovative technologies could be a way out. The average age of MEP workers of the AMC project is 43 years old, significantly younger than Hong Kong’s average of 50.1. In addition, nearly 20% of the AMC team members are female, breaking the barriers of the male-dominated industry. As Sammy Lai, Director – Building of Gammon Construction Limited explained, the AMC project team replaced many high skill manual works with precast modules, thus on one hand lowered the requirement of workers’ skills levels, on the other hand it also served to enhance safety performance. Besides, improvements in the working environment, the team’s open-minded attitudes towards new technologies and the extensive application of digitalisation could also attract new talents to join the industry.

ᐅ 2022.07.21 Industrialisation Offers Unlimited Possibilities – Application of Scientific Research Opens a New Chapter


Experience tells us that whatever a project's scale, innovative technology can enhance productivity, improve safety, reduce construction time and boost efficiency. During a recent visit to Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), and CIC member Mrs LO LEE Oi-lin, gained insights to new technologies jointly developed by the HKPC and the construction industry. They also discovered how Hong Kong Polytechnic University and local construction materials suppliers have applied the results of scientific research to construction projects. It seems the industrialisation of construction has taken a significant step forward!


Internet of Things (IoT) – A site-wide smart system enhances environmental quality

The advanced technologies of Construction 4.0 help to improve the overall quality of construction work. As a pioneering force, the CIC has been motivating the industry to adopt innovative technologies to improve on-site productivity and safety. Recently, some construction sites have worked with the HKPC to study and apply an intelligent Environmental Monitoring System based on IoT technology. The system uses on-site sensors to collect data such as temperature, humidity and PM 2.5 concentration. If a deterioration of air quality is detected, it activates water-spray fans to eliminate airborne dust and protect workers from health hazards. The related data from the system is also displayed on an outdoor screen so that workers can monitor overall conditions in real time. If conditions worsen, the site manager can let the workers take a break or move to another location. Ir Thomas HO points out that similar systems have been demonstrated at the CIC’s iHUB, which promotes industry understanding of advanced technologies. The CIC hopes that such sharing of information will benefit more industry stakeholders and encourage them to enhance their skills and technologies and think ‘beyond the box’ to develop new uses for existing technologies.


A successful case: New concrete bucket jointly developed by CIC

The CIC’s scientific research department has been diversifying its studies on enhancing productivity and has partnered with organisations including the HKPC for projects such as developing a new automated switch concrete bucket. Usually, tremendous manual strength is needed to control a conventional concrete bucket, and workers are easily injured. The new automated switch concrete bucket enables remote control of concrete delivery, increasing worker safety. The CIC and the HKPC have also studied the capacity of concrete buckets and suggested increasing the size of a regular concrete bucket from 2 to 2.5 metres. This increase of capacity will reduce the cost of a single delivery of concrete as well as construction time and energy consumption.


3D and AI technologies for gravel sieving save on manpower and enhance efficiency

In the past, construction projects used a traditional sieve for measuring gravel size. As this required manual processing, the operation was very time-consuming. Using the latest high-speed imaging CCTV and AI technology, new sieving equipment instantly captures three-dimensional images of the gravel and calculates its length, width and depth. With this referential information, workers can save time to focus on other work and improve efficiency.



AI x aerial photography – Leading the world in reducing accidents and boosting efficiency through automatic functionality

In the past few years, an increasing number of construction projects have employed drones to conduct aerial surveys. Recently this technology took another step forward: According to the HKPC, the Trunk Road T2 project used the world's first tunnel inspection system based on drones and on-board AI processing technologies, enabling the project team to detect cracks, spalling and leaks in concrete. AI technology also helped the drones to avoid obstacles automatically in flight. In addition, the use of drones significantly reduced overhead work, subsequently minimising the risk of industrial accidents. The CIC looks forward to future collaboration with HKPC. For example, drones with AI can be used for basic construction site inspections and reporting the status of work in progress. Such data can be added to the Building Information Modelling (BIM), which is complemented by the BIM Harmonisation Guideline and 2D and 3D programmes to provide engineers and the management team with a clear overview of status for setting relevant standards. After projects are completed, the data can be shared with the whole industry for raising overall efficiency and enhancing construction safety.


Construction industrialisation – Helping SMEs enhance quality

Scientific research is the catalyst for construction industrialisation, with ‘industrialisation’ involving technological intensity, automation and the development of intelligent applications. The CIC has been committed to driving the use of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP), encouraging the industry to transfer portions of construction processes to factories while striving for high manufacturing quality regardless of scale. For example, Wo Lee Group, whose main business encompasses design, processing and welding services with imported steel, has set up a machinery and automated production line at Ping Che, Fanling. This facility is introducing multi-functional robot arms for welding prefabricated units to replace traditional welding processes at construction sites. Such adoptions of industrialisation subsequently improve worker safety and alleviate manpower shortages, and even land shortages.


Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing – Frame structure design: A university collaboration in the application of scientific results

Recently, Wo Lee Group and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University applied MiMEP to co-design a frame structure for the installation of electric motors, pump rooms, water pipes and air conditioners. According to the research team, the design focused on modularising the frame structure by integrating 200 units of different sizes and lengths into several basic modules. During the process, the university's research team collected data and tested repeatedly to ensure that the frame structure had sufficient load capacity to meet a variety of project needs, allowing for increased efficiency and productivity. Aiming to widen the research results’ usability and facilitate future maintenance needs, the team specially designed a wider frame structure with increased space for maintenance workers. The design has currently been applied in eight projects, including TaiKoo Place, Cheung Kong Center Phase II and Hong Kong International Airport. We hope the design will be more widely adopted in the future.

The CIC firmly believes that Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) will comprise the major directions of construction industry development. The CIC’s iHUB has already showcased many relevant examples. The CIC will continue to drive the development of technology and industrialisation through the use of MiC, MiMEP and DfMA, creating infinite possibilities for future construction and the building of Hong Kong into a smart city.


ᐅ 2022.08.12 MiC First Adopted in Dedicated Rehousing Estate Project A Breakthrough Achieved by HKHS and Yau Lee

Construction Industry Council has been advocating the adoption of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in recent years and is pleased to see more MiC buildings have been completed since 2021. In just a few years, CIC is delighted to witness another breakthrough – Not only the active adoption of MiC by Housing Bureau to expedite housing development, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), in its role as “housing laboratory”, also takes the lead in adopting MiC in various projects, propelling the industry forward in housing projects.

HKHS is undertaking seven MiC projects involving over 8,200 MiC units, including precast concrete and steel modules, prefabricated bathroom and kitchen. In recent, Ir Thomas Ho On-sing, Chairman of the CIC and Ir Albert Cheng Ting-ning, Executive Director visited HKHS’s Hung Shui Kiu Phase IA (HSK IA) Dedicated Rehousing Project MiC Modules Mockup, the first-ever subsidised sale development constructed with MiC technology.


Balconies Integrated in MiC Modules Help Improve Water Tightness

HSK IA occupies 21,815 m² of construction floor area, of which 25 storeys adopting MiC technology, providing 300 one to three-bedroom units of about 367 to 621 square feet each. In addition to one basement floors and two platform floors, each storey is formed by 49 modules with a total of 1,225 modules in the entire MiC project. Different from other MiC projects completed, this project pioneered in the installation of balcony as the assembly and waterproof test of the balconies were completed in the factory. Bolts were also pre-installed in the modules to prevent the risk of water leakage. The project team overcame hurdles in designing and manufacturing the modules and achieved the goal of providing enjoyable apartments for its residents. Ir Thomas HO was much impressed by the design as it sets a good example to private projects.


A Good Example for Private Residential Projects

With its standardised feature, the mode of manufacturing MiC modules not only enhance cost effectiveness but also productivity and quality in the long run. The entire HSK IA project used only 13 types of modules and sets a successful precedent for the other phases of the project as well as the industry. At the early stage of the project, the team thoroughly considered the design and planning to ensure the installation methods are in line with the practice of private projects. As shown in the mockup, cables and water pipes are mounted inside the wall safely, cabinetries, sanitary appliances and finishing process are also prefabricated in the factory before delivery, which helped better quality control and reduced construction waste and carbon footprint.


MobiScanning Ensures Safety

Safety is always the first priority of CIC. Yau Lee Construction Company Limited brought in a number of innovative technologies to the HSK IA project to ensure safety. For instance, the project team applied Ultra Wide Band technology while lifting modules and sensors will set off the alarm if there are workers within 6 meters to remind them to leave the danger zone. The team also employs 5G MobiScanning robots to carry out laser scanning work. Engineers can control the robots remotely in office, and the robot will stop automatically if they encounter obstacles which reduces on-site risks, at the same time, assures quality.


Construction 2.0 x Industry 4.0 Joins the Power of BIM

CIC has been promoting the integration of Industry 4.0 and Construction 2.0, which aims to achieve digitalisation, innovation and sustainability in the construction industry. The Dedicated Rehousing Estate in Hung Shui Kiu consists of five phases. It is great to see all phases adopt Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT). Environment data will be used in the BIM model to evaluate the impact on environment, thereby help monitor the external appearance of each building and enhance construction safety. For digitalisation, HSK IA project was designed by 3D clash analysis. 4D elements was also deployed to predict buildability. When the team proceeds to off-site fabrication and logistic, BIM serves as an integrated management platform, providing real-time updates on construction status. All data protected by blockchain security can be viewed on a dashboard for tracking project progress.


Improve Construction Efficiency Through Technology

The HKHS is planning and developing 25 projects, of which 14 projects are under construction, with 12,000 units set to be completed on or before 2028. With the adoption of advanced technology that helps to shorten the construction period by 4 months, HKHS expected the HSK IA project to be completed within 24 months and delivered in 2024.

CIC is devoted to encouraging the adoption of new technology or design like MiC, BIM and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA), as well as trainings and exhibitions, to help improve construction efficiency and quality. For example, we recently launched the first Master Class on Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) Project Implementation (Project Managers) for experienced industry practitioners to maintain their competitive edge in the era of construction 2.0. As Government’s goal to boost the supply of public housing with ten of thousands units to be delivered every year. . With the advanced technology and joint efforts of the industry, we could definitely achieve the objective of raising "speed, efficiency and volume" in housing development.

ᐅ 2022.08.19 Strong Support from the Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association Gives the Midas Touch to Young Craftsmen

“The Midas Touch” describes someone capable of making a silk purse out of a sow's ear. In the construction industry, bar-bending provides opportunities for the Midas Touch too. Working as a bar bender and fixer can earn an ideal income for anyone willing to work hard. Also, the next decade will be the golden era for the construction industry in Hong Kong and it is the best time to join the industry. Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), together with Mr. CHAN Lok-chai and Mr. TSANG Ting-fat, Honourary Chairmen of Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association (BBCA), Mr. WONG Siu-ming, Chairman of BBCA and more than 60 representatives from BBCA attended the Graduates Sharing Session for the first batch of graduates of the Diploma in Construction (Bar Bending & Fixing) course. The course was sponsored by the Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association. Students and parents who have enrolled in the upcoming course, trainers and programme supervisors also joined the sharing session to share the joy of the graduates.


Role Model for the Industry

Ir Thomas HO mentioned that the government will continue to invest in infrastructure and launch large scale projects and new plans every year. The total construction output is expected to increase to HK$300 billion. This leads to an increase in demand for knowledge-based skilled technical personnel. The CIC is delighted that the Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association sponsored the programme and that students will be able to receive allowance and sponsorship of a total of HKD7,200 monthly. After graduating from the programme, monthly salary of a bar bender and fixer can reach HKD30,000. The Hong Kong Bar-Bending Contractors Association has set an example for other trade associations as it helps to attract more young people to join the construction industry.


Curriculum Reform Nurtures Knowledge-based Skilled Bar Bender and Fixer

The CIC and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) are committed to nurturing professional talents for the industry and continuously reform the curriculum. The curriculum reform introduced various innovative construction technology knowhow to the programme. Topics include Building Information Modelling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT) and automatic bar-bender and fixer. By raising students’ interest in the subject matter, it also nurtures their technological competencies, which would come in handy when they help build our smart city in the future. The programme is certified by the qualification framework and provides a pathway for progression. Apart from the professional diploma provided by the Institute, the first batch graduates can choose to further their education to undergraduate programmes. This also builds a foundation for students for their promotion to project manager and project supervisor in the future. Mr. CHAN Lok Chai encouraged graduates that bar-bending industry is a profession that requires solid knowledge and theory foundation. He looked forward to seeing graduates become bar-bender and fixer with bachelor degree and contribute to the industry.

Chairman: Be Courageous in Innovating and Raise Questions

Chairman Thomas HO encouraged students to be bold to be innovative. He shared that he joined an engineering company as an intern after he graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (currently The Hong Kong Polytechnic University). He continued his self-learning and learnt bar-bending from master craftsmen. His attitude soon gained him appreciation from his supervisor and promoted him to be the site manager. Ir Thomas HO also shared his experience from the Lung Hang Estate project and his success in adopting tower crane technology in his first trial. He encouraged students that their courage to ask questions will help build a bright future for them.


BBCA: Be Hardworking, Humble and Willing to Contribute

Mr. CHAN Lok-chai said the students were lucky as they are offered job opportunities at BBCA’s member companies right after graduation. He has high expectation of the students and trust that they can work hard to build themselves a bright future. Bar-bending and fixing jobs require more professional and industry-specific knowledge then other trades. Bar bender and fixer need to comparmentalise architectural drawings prepared by engineers and realise the drawing step by step like building breaks. Numerous opportunities for development are present in the bar bending and fixing trade. Being a knowledge-based management personnel, they need to understand basic bar bending techniques. Being hardworking, humble and willing to contribute are the key to success.


Learn and Grow Together

Technical Instructor Mr. TSANG Chun-wah, and graduates Mr. TONG Ho-wai and Mr LEUNG Wai-hung, also shared their reflections from the course. Mr. TONG wished to learn professional skills after graduating from secondary school so he enrolled to this free programme offered by HKIC. He is also attracted by the allowance provided to students. Mr. Leung is willing to take harsh jobs and hoped to learn a professional skill while he is still young. He find the salary of bar bender and fixer attractive so he enrolled to the programme. Both of them agreed that the knowledge of latest technologies such as BIM earned during the course can equip themselves for their continuous education and career. Instructor Mr. TSANG said he also learnt together with the students. Apart from bar bending skills, students also received whole-person development training such as volunteering services and sports training. This helped students better understand themselves, equip them with problem solving skills and unleash their potential. He also encouraged the students to be “persistent and patient”.


The CIC looks forward to graduates’ good performance. Apart from continuing their education, they are also welcomed to visit HKIC to share experiences with young students, pass on their craftsmanship and drive the development of the construction industry.

ᐅ 2022.08.26 Smart construction Sites - A People-Oriented Approach to Enhance Efficiency and Safety

Construction and medical services may seem unrelated, yet both are people-oriented professions that share a ‘life first’ commitment. Recently, Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Ar. Marvin CHEN, Member of CIC, and Mr. TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, Director of Architectural Services, visited the Phase 1 Redevelopment of Queen Mary Hospital site to learn how the project team used innovative technology to enhance productivity, shorten the construction period, and improve workers’ well-being. They also discovered how on-site safety training became more effective with the application of new techniques.

Giving Close Attention to All Aspects of the Smart Construction Site’s Core Zone

Since 2018, it has been a requirement for all major capital projects costing $30 million or more to be designed and built with Building Information Modelling (BIM). The Phase 1 Redevelopment of Queen Mary Hospital, which commenced in 2018, was the first such project to be undertaken. The BIM model enables the project team to accurately forecast project details and their respective locations, and precisely determine every aspect of the building process.

In addition to BIM, the project adopted other innovative technologies to create a smart construction site. According to the project team, the most important is the Common Data Environment (CDE), which allows centralised processing of all data. With CDE, Queen Mary Hospital’s Monitoring system, managed by the Care & Control Centre, provides complete information on all construction areas as well as an overview of their status. For example, the system provides on-screen real-time monitoring of tower crane lifting operations and will trigger an alarm should workers enter a ‘danger zone’, enabling engineers to follow up and resolve emergency situations. By such means, the system keeps Care and Control Centre staff fully informed of every aspect of the site’s status in real time.


Monitoring System Enhances Safety by Providing Clear Procedures 

Every construction procedure at the Queen Mary Hospital site is assessed for its environmental impact to ensure that services at the adjacent operational hospital will not be affected. The CIC has always emphasised that construction safety is everyone’s responsibility; but the redevelopment contractors Paul Y. Engineering and
Able Engineering have taken this a step further by requiring more than just safety officers to take responsibility for on-site safety. Workers use monitoring system to plan the next day’s work, pinpoint potential areas of risk, and devise measures to prevent accidents. Through the system, management staff can also view all on-site work procedures of the day, enabling them to check workers’ respective task arrangements and the possible construction risks side-by-side. After tasks are completed, frontline staff will inspect and photograph the relevant locations to ensure safety before starting the next process. Work can therefore be completed in a clear step-by-step fashion. 


Applications of Technology Ensure Safety on a Complex Site  

The Queen Mary Hospital project entails the demolition of the old Clinical Pathology, University Pathology and Housemen Quarters buildings, and construction of a new block and access point. Pok Fu Lam’s narrow hillside roads add to the project’s challenges, as does the possible presence of unexploded wartime bombs under the site. As a result, every construction step requires extra care. For example, levelling work on the site needed to be accomplished without affecting the hospital’s sensitive robotic surgical system. With traditional explosives ruled out, the project team instead used aluminum powder to generate high-pressure heat for ‘blasting’. This method delivered the same rock-shattering results as explosives while reducing vibration by half. The use of a fogging system to suppress dust minimised the environmental impact of levelling work yet further. As the site has a record of groundwater flooding, the engineers also installed IoT sensors to constantly monitor water levels and alert workers to carry out regular sludge treatments. 


Planning Ahead to Prevent Accidents 

As electric-powered equipment is now common at construction sites, a large number of batteries require recharging every day, creating another source of potential risk. In response, the project team at the Queen Mary Hospital site restricts all recharging to fire-resistant stations equipped with air conditioning and firefighting equipment. Smart locks were installed on the site’s distribution boards so that power switches may only be activated by designated and registered electrical workers. 

Considerate Actions Benefit Construction

Workers A variety of building technology and safety measures are used to keep frontline workers informed of areas of special attention on a daily basis so as to raise their safety awareness. The project team used BIM to create a 4D animation of the actual site environment, and integrated the model into the VR CAVE. Workers walked
through this immersive environment to gain a greater understanding of potential site risks. This has greatly enhanced the effectiveness of safety training. Another thoughtful initiative was the installation of a dispenser to provide workers with hot, cold and even sparkling water. This extra amenity allows workers to chill out during breaktimes.

Mi Medical Room

During the pandemic, the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method aided in the swift completion of a number of Hong Kong’s community isolation facilities. MiC was also adopted for the Queen Mary Hospital project, with new features such as the two-level negative pressure isolation wards and the positive pressure bathroom beneath them being prefabricated at a factory. Other building features such as toilets and even some core areas and staircases were also prefabricated, ensuring building quality while accelerating construction.

Breaking Boundaries and be Courageous

Ar Edward TSE Cheong-wo, Director of Architectural Services, explained that when the project commenced, many of the technologies used were still new to the construction industry. He appreciated the project team’s and leadership’s courage and resourcefulness in overcoming the challenges of implementing such innovations. While the project has already won several safety awards, he encouraged the team to keep up the good work and set ‘zero accidents’ as target. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, also thanked the project team for their efforts, and remarked that the project’s applications of innovative technologies not only enhanced safety, but also may reduce the project duration. He stated his belief that future projects would take this as an example for their own applications of new technologies. He hoped that continuous innovation would raise Hong Kong’s competitiveness and ability to cope with the forecasted hundreds of billions dollars of annual construction output, leading the industry to excellence.

ᐅ 2022.09.07 Smart site management laid the foundation for the Tung Chung New Town Extension Project

The Tung Chung New Town Extension(TCNTE) project is currently underway and it will create more than 130 hectares of land through reclamation. Ir CHENG Ting-ning, Albert, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council, together with CIC’s staffs visited the TCNTE reclamation site in early July, to get a better understanding on how the project teams employed different technologies to balance conservations and developments, and using digital management methods to uplift productivity and safety standard. TCNTE is the first new town project via reclamation since 2003. The project covers the areas on the eastern and western flanks of the existing Tung Chung New Town. It will provide approximately 62,100 residential flats for a population of about 184,000. It will also provide about more than 877,000 square metres of gross floor area for office, retail and hotel use, hence creating 40,000 employment opportunities. The reclamation works for about 130 ha of land were commenced at the end of December 2017. The project is making good progress and is expected to finish in 2023. The first two parcels of land formed by reclamation were handed over to the Housing Department in March and October 2020 for the development of public housing units. Since then, more parcels of land were delivered for the purposes of housing, commercial and integrated development.

The Adoption of Deep Cement Mixing method

There is always a debate on the coexistence of development and conservation, while the TCNTE project team has adopted advanced environmental-friendly technologies to ensure that balance can be striked. Different from the traditional method of dredging or removing the marine mud which would easily cause pollution, the TCNTE project team employed the non-dredged “Deep Cement Mixing” (DCM) method, which involves the inection of cement slurry from mixing shafts on the works vessel into marine mud, mixing them with the soft marine mud while rotating. The marine mud will then be solidified to form a strong cement mixing column, which will form a DCM treatment zone in the seabed to support the seawall to be constructed above. Compared to the conventional method, the use of DCM is able to lessen the impact of reclamation on water quality and marine ecology nearby, and carbon emission is also reduced as no sea transport is required for dumping the marine mud.


Eco-shorelines enhance biodiversity 

In order to mimic the physical properties of the natural inter-tidal zone, the TCNTE project team will set up three types of eco-shorelines of total length about 3.8km along the new shoreline, namely mangrove eco-shoreline, rocky eco-shoreline and vertical eco-shoreline. In common practice, artificial shorelines mainly consist of vertical seawalls or rubble mound seawalls, which are not suitable for organic matters and micro-organisms to attach and grow, whereas the eco-shorelines will provide favourable conditions to improve biodiversity. During the visit, representatives from CIC took a boat trip to the trial site at Siu Ho Wan, where the TCNTE project team gathers data and information to refine the eco-shoreline design. Up till now, more than 20 species, including Lunella coronata granulata, Uca acuta and Periophthalmus modestus, are found to have settled on the eco-shorelines.  


Digital Twin to assist management  

The TCNTE project is expanding on a massive scale with more than 800 workers working on different frontlines, it is a must to employ innovative technologies to assist in management. An Innovation Hub called “InnoTCE” was set up as a result. The team utilised the Digital Twin technology to collect and consolidate different construction data and records through IoT sensors. These data and records are then simulated and projected as a real-time “digital twin” of the site in the virtual space with the help of BIM technology. This enables the project team to monitor the entire construction site in real time, allowing precise decision-making which would in turn enhance productivity and safety performance. More than 30 innovative technologies were introduced in various aspects of works, as the sites are close to the neighbourhoods, the team has to sought solutions to minimise the adverse impacts of the works. The TCNTE project is the first public works project to adopt a real-time tracking and monitoring system for dump trucks to deter illegal dumping. As tilting sensors and AI cameras were installed on trucks, the team could then monitor their locations and travelling routes, if any of them is suspected to be dumping waste at a non-designated location, the system would immediately notify the monitoring staff.  

Effective monitoring in digital platforms

Data utilisation is crucial to the future of the construction industry, Ir Albert Cheng appreciated the close collaboration within the team to adopt digitalisation and create a “Smart Management Site" as he commented that “The team makes use of a digitalised system to monitor different aspects of the site like safety performances, quality, work progress and sustainability, as well as tirelessly seeking improvements with the help of the digital platforms. CIC is happy to see more sites to follow suit in employing innovative technologies, and wish that we can work together to improve the qualities, progress and safety performances of different sites across Hong Kong.”

ᐅ 2022.09.16 Construction and Property Management Sectors Join Hands to Enhance Safety Performance with a New Generation of Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolding

Despite construction and property management occupying different stages of the building life cycle, their scopes of work are interrelated. Both sectors also share common agendas and challenges, such as the need to raise safety levels. Their shared interests led to a recent example of cross-industry collaboration, the “Handling Scaffolding Works” Code of Conduct and related Best Practice Guide were released and published in the government gazette, the result of a collaborative effort by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Property Management Services Authority (PMSA). Another recent development was a visit by Mr. Tony TSE, PMSA Chairperson and Legislative Council member, to the CIC's Hong Kong Construction Industry Trade Testing Centre (HKCITTC), where he learned about the latest technological developments in truss-out bamboo scaffolds (aka “flying scaffolds”).

Adopting the CIC's Five Key Recommendations to Address Industry Needs

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, appreciated the PMSA’s efforts to develop the “Handling Scaffolding Works” Code of Conduct and related Best Practice Guide. He was also pleased with the adoption of CIC recommendations for truss-out bamboo scaffolding works, which enabled the Code and related Guide to closely address industry needs and subsequently prevent future accidents. The CIC’s recommendations included:

  1. Notify the Labour Department five working days before commencing truss-out bamboo scaffolding works;
  2. Ensure that projects’ responsible persons have acquired relevant training and qualifications (e.g. green card, passed skill assessment, etc);
  3. Inspections on usage of fixed anchor devices (eye bolts) or transportable temporary anchor devices;
  4. Monitor and ensure scaffold workers to wear safety harnesses and attached to a secure anchorage point before passing through windows;
  5. Report any incidents of non-compliance to the Labour Department.

The recommendations gained strong support from the property management sector, leading to a collaborative effort to improve the safety performance of truss-out bamboo scaffolding works. Mr. Tony TSE, PMSA Chairperson, thanked the CIC for its valuable advice while noting that the main cause of construction accidents is due to negligence among frontline staff in applying safety measures. He emphasised that worker safety is the property management industry’s top priority, and that the PMSA strives to create safe work environments for all stakeholders while at the same time enhancing the industry’s level of professionalism.

Nine Major Inspection Points Prioritised for Property Management

As an industry leader, the CIC encourages all stakeholders to take responsibility for construction safety. When erecting truss-out bamboo scaffolds for tasks such as air-conditioning installation and water pipe replacement, the CIC has suggested the following nine safety measures:

  1. Notify the Labour Department and confirm the working environment is safe prior to erecting truss-out bamboo scaffolds;
  2. Check workers’ qualifications before work;
  3. Fence off the affected area; check and confirm that materials are correct, ensure that tools and equipment are sufficient and functioning properly;
  4. Ensure that the fixed anchor devices (eye bolts) or transportable temporary anchor devices are installed and verified by a competent person;
  5. Scaffold workers are required to wear full body safety harnesses and attached to a secure anchorage point prior to installing external wall supporting frames (metal brackets). The safety at entire processes should be supervised by a competent person in bamboo scaffolding;
  6. Property management office should conduct periodic checks on work progress and safety measures. For example, whether the scaffold worker has worn full body safety harness and attached it to an anchor devices properly;
  7. Correct change over between anchor devices. Check whether scaffold worker have fastened the lanyard of safety harness from the transportable temporary anchor devices to the eye bolt or independent lifeline on the building’s outer wall while erecting the bamboo scaffolding standards and ledgers, adding fire resistance canvas or netting, and laying platform planks. At any time the harness shall attach to at least one suitable anchor device;
  8. When construction work is completed, property management staff and the main contractor representative shall inspect the truss-out scaffold to determine any residual risk (e.g. flammable materials or loosen members);
  9. Finally, examine the scaffolding structure and issue a statutory report (aka Form 5).

During the processes, property management staff may offer professional advice to ensure safety at work.


Both parties also discussed about the insurance issues. The CIC has included the insurance details in the contactor’s notification form to Labour Department and hope that the contractor that accredited under OSH Star Enterprise Schemes of Occupational Safety and Health Council could receive a premium discounts which would encourage the contractors to implement sufficient safety measures. It was noted that during the recent site visits by CIC’s safety department the new recommendations has been implemented at a number of scalable housing estates in Hong Kong. In addition, the Labour Department was intended to inspect the scaffolding works for safety upon receiving the notification form. This shows that the initiative is gradually paying off.

Design for Safety Required for Further Development

One of the key safety measures for working at height is to attach the full body safety harness worn by the worker to a fixed anchor device (aka eye bolt), and this safety measure can save lives if implemented properly. During the major building maintenance and renovation works the contactor usually will install relevant anchor devices for working at height safety. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, suggests to stepping up the standards and to include the eye bolts as a permanent feature of new buildings at the design stage. This would enable engineers to take into account the waterproofing and structural requirements in advance and provide suitable anchor devices for future maintenance work, benefiting both landlords and construction workers.

Skill Tests to Ensure Quality

Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the CIC, has shared news that the Council has reformed and enhanced the skill training course, assessment and testing, and supervision for truss-out scaffolding. The CIC's HKCITTC acts as the industry's examination authority for providing independent, fair and creditable trade testing services and establishing industry skill standards and competency levels. Soon, the HKCITTC will launch a stringent " truss-out bamboo scaffolder skill assessment". Candidates will be required to build a truss-out bamboo scaffold within a specified timeframe, with any objects dropped during the process resulting in test failure. In addition to a practical test, candidates will also be required to take a written test on relevant ordinances, codes of conduct, safety knowledge, professional ethics and more. Candidate will only be qualified upon passing both tests. In future, the CIC hopes that every truss-out scaffolding worker will receive its training and obtain a certificate issued by the Council. This would ensure that all truss-out scaffolding workers possess professional skills, and would provide certain guarantees in terms of construction quality and safety awareness.

Orchestrated Effort to Achieve Zero Accidents

Apart from the cooperation on truss-out scaffolding, the construction and property management industries will continue collaboration on issues regarding working at height. The Council believes that stakeholders, regardless of their industry, should take an extra step to realise “Life First, Say NO to Danger”. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, all should collaborate to reduce construction risks and progress towards the goal of “Zero Accidents”.

ᐅ 2022.09.23 Design for Safety and Liveability - MiC in Private Sector surprises the Industry

In a densely populated city like Hong Kong, building a sweet home is never an easy task. The adoption of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) is widely recognized as safe, efficient and eco-friendly, therefore has attracted increasing interest from private developers.


Chinachem Group started the Tonkin Street Redevelopment Project once awarded the contract by the Urban Renewal Authority, and they are set to become Hong Kong’s first private developers to apply concrete MiC on private residential project. In recent years, MiC has been commonly used in public works projects. When it comes to private sector, the project team does not only aim for efficiency and safety, but also seeks to bring liveability to residents and the community.


MiC enhances Efficiency and builds the first Private Flats with Balcony

The site is at the junction of Tonkin Street and Fuk Wing Street, covering 1,070 square meters. The site will be built into a 6-storey podium and 22-storey tower. On each residential floor, there will be nine units ranging from one-bedroom to three-bedrooms with curtain wall and air conditioner platform.


Each unit will also be installed with balcony by MiC, marking the first time in private residential sector. The anticipated fabrication cycle of MiC will be four days. As a result, it will only take 88 days to complete MiC fabrication on site, shortening the construction period by two months. Ir Thomas HO On-sing, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council and Ir Albert CHENG Ting-ning, Executive Director of the CIC, visited the MiC module mockup last week. They were both impressed by the level of efficiency and workmanship achieved by MiC.


MiC also ensures quality as components of modules are pre-fabricated in factory. According to the project team, two water tightness tests will be done in factory. Once the module has been completed, it will be transported to the site for workers to install spandrels on curtain walls. They will then carry out another water test to enhance protection.


Light Well and Non-structural Wall Raise Quality of Life

In project team’s eyes, MiC has no limitations. They applied the concept of light well while designing the modules. Natural lighting can therefore be brought into the living room through balcony and different windows. It also ensures cross ventilation for fresh air. To further enhance liveability, there is one removable non-structural wall in the living room, which provides flexibility for interior design.

Design for Safety from Here and After

The CIC has been promoting Building Information Modelling (BIM) for years. From design to production, the project team has been using BIM 360 to connect workflows and facilitate design and allocation of module components. As seen in the MiC mockup, the air conditioner platform is accessible from the balcony without affecting the view and air quality. What impressed Ir Thomas HO most is its safety concept.


Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP) is responsible for the project design. Matt NG, director and architect of RLP, added that maintenance safety was given high priority when the project kicked off, “Early at design stage, we foresaw the needs of repairing air-con in the future. Therefore, AC platform is built with a view to avoiding the chance of scaffolding. We also took future gondola operation into consideration at design stage.”


Green Outdoor Area Connecting the Community

The Tonkin Street Redevelopment Project is located at the heart of West Kowloon. MiC therefore plays a vital role in minimizing construction waste and nuisance to the community. The project team also makes effort to improve sustainability and livability. Space is reserved for planting four trees. After completion, pedestrians walking alongside the building can enjoy the greenery and pavement with five-meter width on Tonkin Street. There will also be a multi-functional outdoor area for busking and different kinds of art performances, providing leisure and recreational spaces for the community to relax.


The project received the Grand Award by 2021 Green Building Award 2021. Matt Ng said they also set a sight on proving the potential of MiC and leading the industry to think out of the box. Donald CHOI, CEO of Chinachem Group, added that the team hopes to present the energy and aesthetics of MiC. Ir Thomas HO thanked the project team for their efforts on striving livability. He also appreciated their innovative ideas. “Regardless of private or public projects, the use of technology will definitely benefit the industry and the community,” he said.


ᐅ 2022.09.26 Saving Lives with Smart Safety Site   New Technologies Facilitate Comprehensive Safety Management

The Hong Kong construction industry is setting sail in its journey to popularising smart construction sites and digitalisation. Yet, both public organizations and private companies are eager to introduce new technologies to explore more feasible solutions in recent years. Smart sites take advantage of technologies such as 5G network, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things to better integrate site management and site operation. Such integration not only reduces management costs, but also addresses management pain points, improves efficiency and streamlines workflow. Moreover, it turns construction sites safer places to work.


Strong Synergies from New Technologies    System Platform Design Values Safety Functions

In mid-June, I visited the West Rail Kam Sheung Road Station Package One Property Development Residential Construction Site. The “Smart Site Command Centre” there was an eye-opener and I witnessed the enormous power of applying multiple new technologies all at the same time. Transcendence Company, a subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited, is the technology supplier of the smart construction site’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform. Representatives from Transcendence showcased a number of systems and equipment at the occasion, including: electronic permit system for specific tasks, eagle eyes, two-way audio broadcasting system, smart lock and RFID collision avoidance system etc.


The Internet of Things supports the smart site system, sensors first collect data on site and then transmit the information to the system's platform. After that, a large amount of scattered data is transformed into clear and easy-to-read charts, presenting the latest condition real-time. Managers can retrieve information they want anytime no matter where they are, be it the command center, the front line of construction sites, or remote offices thousands of miles away. The managers can stay fully-informed about the current situation and make the best decisions accordingly. The cloud platform can also visualise 3D models of each area of ​​the site, indicating the number of workers with permits down to each area. Foremen and safety officers can use their mobile devices to check the copies of the permits stored in the system instantly.


To refine the system for better protection against hidden safety loopholes, technicians from Transcendence consulted their safety department colleagues on the design of the safety system dashboard.

New Electronic Smart Locks for Prevention of Trespassing in Restricted Areas

The technical team of Transcendence collaborated with smart hardware companies to develop a new type of electronic smart lock. The invention serves to restrict entry of high-risk work zones, thus, reducing the possibility of unauthorized workers entering restricted areas by mistake. The electronic smart lock is equipped with remote locking and unlocking functions. If a worker needs to enter a restricted area, he or she must obtain prior approval from the safety department. He or she will then be given an electronic entry card, allowing one to enter the restricted area during the specified period of time. If someone trespasses in the restricted area, the alarm system will be triggered. The backend of the smart site system will also keep the check-in and check-out data for record.


Posters with messages of safety alerts and caring for workers were put up around the construction site, with slogans like ‘Ensure construction safety Pursue accountability and quality’ conveying the importance of safety. The use of promotional materials that repeatedly remind and nudge workers can weave safety awareness into the working environment. This low-cost and simple way of communication still works today even in high-tech smart construction sites.


Preparing Bar Bending Schedule with Precision by Using BIM and 3D Design Softwares

On the same day, a representative from China State Construction Science and Technology Limited gave a presentation about using a BIM software, TEKLA, that assist rebar cutting in other projects. TEKLA has an automatic distribution module for rebar allocation. It also provides a number of complex rebar models. Its model optimization function reduces the difficulty of modeling. TEKLA's built-in collision check function forecasts where rebar will collide and hence avoid unexpected outcomes. It can also cut the time spent on re-measurement by quantity surveyors, and reduce workloads and time on cost estimation. In terms of site operation, BIM directly generates detailed and accurate plans in electronic format. It transmits plans to factories for production directly, streamlines production and connects the BIM team, structural engineers, bar benders and fixers and workshops.


The representative of Po Hing(Hing Yip) Eng Co Ltd, a bar bending subcontractor, talked about the advantages of using AutoCAD for drawing bar bending schedules electronically. He explained that it was difficult to put together a drawing with proper scaling by hand. By using AutoCAD, the bending angle of iron can be depicted with precision. 3D models of curved surfaces are available from AutoCAD's modeling library. Output of colour charts in different sizes and scales becomes much easier, which facilitates communication with professionals from different units and speeds up project execution.

The platform of smart construction sites integrates functions and information to facilitate decision-making, risk control, safety enhancement, cost saving and carbon emissions reduction. Digitalisation breeds novel products and new work modes, requiring all industry practitioners, from management to frontline workers, to respond with a new mindset and new knowledge.


Dozens of technologies are deployed in smart sites. To drive an extensive application of various information technologies in construction projects, the industry should learn from successful cases. The concept of smart sites is still relatively new for many peers. I sincerely hope that more construction projects will choose to adopt smart sites in the future, so that industry practitioners in different positions can accumulate more practical experience on site, and advance digital upgrading and transformation of Hong Kong’s construction industry.


ᐅ 2022.10.13 Digitalisation Changes Bar Bending Work Forges Ahead the Era of Industry 4.0

The construction industry has accelerated its transformation in recent years. Every trade strives to advance and adopt environmental friendly techniques. Bar bending, which used to be carried out on sites, can now be prefabricated in factories. Thanks to the help of digitalisation, now efficiency, sustainability and safety can be enhanced. Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), visited Golik Steel (HK) Limited and VSC Steel Company Limited to experience automated steel reinforcing bar prefabrication process. He also observed how Tin Wo Engineering Co. Limited uses AutoCAD in rebar detailing. From cut and bend to further processing, CIC looks forward to joining forces with the industry to forge ahead the development of Industry 4.0.

First Automated Off-site Rebar Prefabrication Yards

Traditionally, rebar processing mostly carries out on site. Being two of the government-approved steel reinforcing bar prefabrication yards in Hong Kong, Golik and VSC are pioneering the industry. Golik first set up a bar prefabrication yard and established another yard with storage in Tsing Yi a few years later. They are now equipped with advanced automatic cut and bend machines developed in Netherlands, capable of processing 300 tons of 40mm steel bar daily. VSC also started from an automated rebar factory and is the first government-approved steel reinforcing bar prefabrication yard for public works. It is also equipped with automatic stirrup bender and other advanced machinery.

Apart from normal cut and bend, fabrication of reinforcement cages, threading of rebars and coupling with reinforcement connectors can also be produced efficiently by these steel reinforcing bar prefabrication yards. Thousands of Reinforcement Connectors are used in construction projects, prefabricating such parts in factories can greatly improve efficiency of projects.

New Technologies to Meet Increasing Demand

There are four steel reinforcing bar prefabrication yards in Hong Kong, contributing to 300,000 tons of stock per annum. Thanks to the introduction of large-scale automated cut and bend machinery, production capacity rose to 126,000 tons in 2021 from around 40,000 tons in 2018. The demand will definitely rise as the total annual construction output will reach HKD225 billion to HKD345 billion in the coming decade, coupling with the development of the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy, the Lantau Tomorrow Vision and other construction projects.

Monitor by Full Digitalisation

The CIC has been actively promoting Industry 4.0. Off-site steel reinforcing should be viewed as a good example of automation. Raw materials will be tested once arrived. Staff will then create computerized tag with traceability before proceeding to manufacturing. Once they scan the material tag, product nature like bar length, radius length, quantity and project details will be displayed.

Safety Improved and More Environmental-friendly

CIC has been promoting the importance of “Life First” for years. Safety is enhanced as rebar processes are done by automated machines in factory. Construction workers can also work in a less congested environment as fewer steel bars are stored onsite with the help of digitalisation. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC said, ‘The economic system of Hong Kong is mature and well developed. For the sake of workers, we would be delighted to see automated cut and bend processes to be done in factory to replace on-site processing soon.’
Environmental protection is also crucial in the roadmap of Industry 4.0. While steel industry generates enormous carbon emission, automated cut and bend in factory can help reduce wastage by 3% to 10% while producing consistent and quality rebar, which eventually minimizes impact on the environment. Environment protection can be achieved as 1,000 tons of carbon emission can be saved while producing every 10,000 tons of steel bar with auto cut and bend.

Refined Transportation Tool Heightens Traceability

While visiting VSC, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC, also praised the adoption of ‘Yellow Board’ system. Once production process has been completed, the team will create production tag based on bar bending schedule. All finished goods will be lifted on a tailor made platform called ‘Yellow Board’ and be delivered by truck with GPS Tracking & Video Surveillance. Ir Thomas HO said, ‘The design of “Yellow Board” undoubtedly makes logistics easier and safer.’

BIM Enhances Efficiency and Accuracy of Rebar Detailing

Traditionally, bar bender & fixers rely on paperwork with handwritten numbers and drawings, which may be time-consuming and unreliable. To boost construction productivity and efficiency, CIC does not only take the leading role in promoting Building Information Modelling (BIM) and MiC but is also eager to help implement rebar detailing digitalisation, which saves time, reduces error and improves efficiency and effectiveness. ‘Standard Rebar Shape Codes for Offsite Prefabrication’ has also been published to facilitate structural design, detailing and/or offsite prefabrication of rebar.

The CIC has also encouraged the industry to train up young talents. The Tin Wo team demonstrated rebar detailing by using AutoCAD. With the help of this software and Excel, they can easily categorize structure components like beams, columns and slabs. ‘Shapes of steel bars are simple, yet provide a great flexibility in use. Every site is unique. To achieve perfection, we also seek advice from experienced site workers,’ the Tin Wo team said. The team also longs for the use of 3D rebar detailing, which can help maintain efficiency and accuracy.

During the visit, Ir Thomas HO is pleased to see the modernization of the rebar trade and that practitioners are eager to improve. He suggested the introduction of BIM software Tekla which is now commonly used worldwide. This tool helps build up structural workflows with rich data on a collaboration platform. With a goal to enhance productivity and catch up the housing demand, Ir Thomas HO suggests industry stakeholders to join hands to introduce new technologies to welcome Industry 4.0.

Increase Use of BIM and Land Supply for the Industry

As we can see from the teams, the cut and bend sector is maturing. Steel fixers are also actively adopting BIM. Ir Thomas HO hoped both public and private clients to include cut and bend usage in contracts. In a view to the upsurge of works in the next few years, he also look forward to the provision of land for cut and bend factories and for transitional use to cope with future challenges.

ᐅ 2022.10.17 From MiC Lift to MiMEP – Reaching New Levels with Mi∞

The development of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) and Multi-trade Integrated MEP (MiMEP) has been growing rapidly in recent years. Chevalier (Construction) Company Limited dares to pioneer. They applied MiC on both residential flats and lifts in an elderly housing project, while also made good use of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) to invest in 10 applications including MiMEP Pillar Box, MiMEP Compressor Set for Freezer System and Modular Solar PV System. To further reduce on-site construction procedures, they set up an assembly site in Lau Fau Shan. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, paid a visit and was impressed by how DfMA enhanced speed, efficiency and productivity. He also complimented the team as they demonstrated a strong sense of safety and sustainability.


Scaffoldless MiC Lift Project Shortens Workflow by 61 days

The residential block, named Chung Yuet Lau, is the first MiC elderly housing project lead by the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) in Jat Min Chuen, Sha Tin. Its ground floor and the 1st floor will be constructed with traditional reinforced concrete structure while the 2nd to 9th floor will be built steel structure MiC residential flats. What makes the contractor and MiC supplier Chevalier intensely proud of is the innovative design of MiC lift. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been an integral part throughout the project as it helps the project team to plan, manufacture, deliver and construct the lift shaft and the lift core.

The CIC launched the first Master Class of MiC Project Implementation (Project Managers) in August. Ivan KWAN, Assistant General Manager (MEP & BIM) of Chevalier joined the course and is glad to apply the principles learned on the Chung Yuet Lau project. MiMEP lift machine room which includes steel structure, roof, panels and MEP embedded items are manufactured and tested in factory. The machine room is then transported to the assembly workplace in Hong Kong, which allows workers to install lift machines and MEP services on flat ground safely. After all these prefabricating works, the MiMEP lift machine room will be transported to site, workers will then install CCTV system, outdoor unit of air-conditioning system and cabling etc, which ensures safety by simplifying on-site works.

Scaffoldless installation is a main goal of the project. The team therefore applied the idea of adjustable guide rail brackets on lift shaft to raise flexibility. The MiC lift shaft module will first be fabricated in factory before sending to assembly work site for electrical and lift equipment installation and packing with waterproof enclosure. Once the lift shaft module is ready, it will be delivered to site and lifted by tower crane. The team also set up working platform for the MiC module and temporary protection cover for water tightness and anti-dust measures. Gondola will be then be used to erect lift shaft for installation of ropes and car cage etc.

According to evaluations, 40% of work is carried out in factory. Workers at assembly workplace undertook 45% of the procedures. Apart from testing, over 90% of the elevator project can be done off-site, which greatly reduces the need to work at height. Thanks to BIM and MiC, the project is shortened by 61 days when compared to traditional construction methods which required 358 days, besides it reduces much construction wastage.


Implementing MiC on Lift Tower

Inspired by the Chung Yuet Lau project and other innovative works, the Chevalier team has been actively developing DfMA. Ten MiMEP items including MiC Elevator Installation, MiMEP Pillar Box, MiMEP in MiC Corridor Panel Assembly, MiMEP in MiC Bathroom Modules, MiMEP in MiC Residential Flat Modules, DfMA Elevator Machine Room for Four Elevators and MiMEP Pump Set, in which the MiC Elevator Tower, MiMEP Compressor Set for Freezer System and Modular Solar PV System were most impressive to the industry.

The innovation of MiC Elevator Tower has already been applied in Sheung Shui and Tseung Kwan O pedestrian footbridge projects respectively. Starting from the manufacturing stage, steel carcass is fabricated in factory. Most elevator equipment and temporary support for MiC delivery are also installed beforehand, hence reducing on-site installation work from 60 days to 20 days. While safety level is enhanced, the general public could also enjoy the benefits as transport disturbance, noise and air pollution are minimized. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC is pleased to see the team’s dedication to innovation. ‘We always believe that shortening on-site workflow is effective to reduce disturbance to people and environment. This is a great step to enhance speed, efficiency and quantity, not to mention the concept of safety and sustainability,’ he said.


Develop Solar PV System and Invent New Concrete ‘NAMI’

The Chevalier team also makes effort to pursue environmental protection by inventing Modular Solar PV System for footbridges. With the adoption of assembly line production, they wish to speed up the process of fabricating solar panel and contribute to popularization of solar energy in Hong Kong.

Apart from MEP services, the Chevalier team is collaborating with NAMI to achieve Mi Inifinity. The Chung Yuet Lau project adopts a hybrid MiC assembly system and a new building material of high-strength lightweight concrete. The air porous of this new concrete are spread evenly with controlled size. It is therefore 40% lighter but has the same density ratio as ordinary concrete. Even though it is lighter in weight, its point load capacity can still reach 120kg and thus allows freedom in interior design. The CIC has taken an active role in promoting construction innovations. Ir Thomas HO hopes this project can inspire the industry stakeholders to integrate the idea of safety and livability, eventually shaping Hong Kong into a better city.

ᐅ 2022.11.08 Smart and Digital is the Way Forward: Innovation Technologies for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

The construction industry has stepped into a new era encouraged by the emergence of advanced construction technology, the can-do and will-do attitude has always been the driving force for the industry’s advancement. Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council visited CSC Robotic Engineering Limited (CSC ROBO) to check out how the team’s synergy has played a crucial role in enhancing safety and efficiency in the electrical and mechanical engineering area and providing more protection to construction workers, through implementing Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) and developing construction robots.


MiMEP Supports Completion of On Site Work in One Day Adopting CDE for More Benefits

On the ground of the industry’s interest, the CIC is devoted to promoting the adoption of innovative technologies such as Building Information Model (BIM), MiMEP, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA). Leveraging the electrical and mechanical knowledge and resources from its parent company Shun Cheong Engineering Group, the CSC ROBO rides the trend and provides a full circle service of MiMEP service.

The team has exemplified the advantages of employing advanced construction technology in multiple projects at both public and private sectors. When operation space is limited on the rooftop filled with chillers, it could take more than 1.5 months to install MEP equipment by conventional on-site construction method. The team deployed MiMEP, DfMA and manufactured prefabricated modules in factory beforehand. Thus, it only took one day to complete the installation work, as workers hoisted all the modules to the roof in the morning and welded them to alignment in the afternoon. This demonstrates the most vital contribution of MiMEP and DfMA in terms of shortening construction period and enhancing efficiency. Adopting advanced construction methods benefits different industry stakeholders in various aspects, it ensures construction safety and quality, reduces construction waste and alleviate the problem of labour shortage.

As MiMEP and DfMA showed such significance in enhancing quality, quantity and efficiency, Ir Thomas Ho stressed that CIC would continue to promote the wider use of advanced construction technology. He also urges the industry take further step to utilise Common Date Environment (CDE). With the key concept of ‘integration’ and ‘single source of truth’, CDE complements BIM and allow collecting, managing and publishing information at any time. This improves efficiency of communication as well as the team’s collaboration.


Automatic Robots Replaces Manual Work Easing Danger of Working from Height

Working from height and repetitive process may cause construction accidents or injuries, CSC ROBO envisages to reduce risk and enhance efficiency in MEP installation and the first scenario is put on ceiling drilling. The vision of encouraging the industry to advance prompts the team to successfully develop two construction robots, after their establishment three years ago, namely: Remote Control Drilling Machine “Drillraffe” and Drilling & Anchor Installing Robot “Drillcorpio”.

Equipped with the function of ceiling drilling and anchor installation, Drillcorpio operates with a higher level of intelligence. After setting laser cross targets from ground or using specific ink patterns, the robot would automatically identify the targets through its intelligent vision system and perform drilling, eliminating working from height tasks for workers. The drilling tool comes with a dust collector, facilitating the collection and cleaning of dust, so as to protect the health of workers and keep the construction site tidy. With a rebar evade function, Drillcorpio would stop its action when rebar is detected and suggest alternative spots to user. The robot is equipped with an anchor installation tool and a force sensor which ensures that the anchor is fully expanded and is properly anchored into the concrete.


Young Talents and Innovative Technology are Keys to Constant Advancement for the Industry

Revitalisation is one of the three major pillars of “Construction 2.0” in order to nurture the younger generation and pass on the knowledge. The research and development team of CSC ROBO comprises of new blood of the industry from different backgrounds including engineers, technicians, marketing professionals etc. Though having diversified background and talents, they all strive to be motors for the innovative development of construction industry. Ir Thomas Ho agreed to the team’s view that the industry need to demonstrate more adoption of automation and advanced technologies, in order to attract the younger generation to join the industry. Ir Thomas Ho said profession talents of diverse background are very welcomed to join for the sake of industry advancement, and together we should build the future of construction industry while enjoying the advantages that the golden decade brings.

CSC ROBO proved that it is not a mission impossible to achieve “zero accidents” with the utilisation of robots to alleviate the problem of worker shortage and ease the danger of working from height. Ir Thomas Ho appreciated the team which implements the concept of construction safety when developing construction robots, it enhances the protection towards workers and boosts productivity. Ir Thomas Ho added that robotics and automation are definitely the worldwide trend of construction, he longed to see more related products and propel the construction industry to another golden era.

The Construction Industry Council is gratified to see the industry sharing advanced technology and experience to figure out solutions towards existing problems. The CIC will hold its triennial flagship event at the end of this year, the Construction Innovation Expo 2022, with the aim to establish a platform for exchanging ideas, encourage better performance and further improve.

ᐅ 2022.11.23 First Multi-storey Hospital Project to Adopt MiC Making History with Multiple Breakthroughs

Trailblazing leads to improvement and success. Adoption of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) has become a trend in the industry with the active promotion by the government and the CIC. Public facilities, including housing and community isolation facilities, are utilising this advanced construction technology to boost construction speed and efficiency. The Chinese Medicine Hospital (CMH) has become the first multi-storey hospital in Hong Kong to employ MiC. During a site visit to the construction sites of Chinese Medicine Hospital (CMH) and the Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute (GCMTI), Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, joined by Mr. TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, Director of Architectural Services; Sr Eddie LAM and Ir Conrad FUNG, President and Vice-President of Hong Kong Construction Association; Ir Edwin CHUNG Kwok-fai, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; Ir Rocky POON, President of The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Limited; Ir Andy KWOK, Vice Chairman of The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong; Mr. CHAN Kim-kwong, Chairman of the Hong Kong Construction Sub-Contractors Association; Mr. CHAN Lok-chai, President of the Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation and Mr. WONG Ping, Chairman of the Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union, witnessed the on-site application of “construction 2.0” and show care towards workers.


Dare to Turn Possibilities into Reality


The project of CMH and GCMTI comprised of two building, located next to another MiC pilot project, Fire Services Department Pak Shing Kok Married Quarters. The total gross floor area of the construction project measures about 190,000 square meters, it is expected to complete by 2025. The wards and its partial facilities are built adopting the method of MiC.


The Smart Site Management Hub of the project has adopted Common Data Environment (CDE), while Building Information Model (BIM) is applied in the building life cycle management. This allows full digitalisation of design, construction and management to improve construction efficiency and quality.


Ms. CHEUNG Sui-lun, Project Director of Architectural Services Department opined that the advancement in construction technology relies on cross-team collaboration, including the promotion of measures and guidelines on innovative technologies by the government and the CIC, as well as the support from contractors. She looked forward to industry stakeholders to achieving smart construction sites and excellence.


Technologies Propels Construction Safety


“Not only does utilising innovative technology allows construction site to catch on, it also enhances safety management.” Ms. Helen LI, Senior Safety Officer of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited said that the risk of accidents has been minimized by deploying smart technology, instilling active monitoring and passive safety training to reinforce site safety.


The project has applied smart monitoring system comprehensively in construction workers and machines management, including the use of an AR live view map and tracking device “SmarTag” installed on safety helmet, as well as to remote patrol and monitor site by Eagle Eye. It is always a race against time during emergencies, with the smart monitoring system and its features, the real-time location of staff can be retrieved on the system and notify frontline management staff immediately. A safety experience zone is set up for training staff to familiarise themselves with accidents management while enhancing safety awareness in a virtual environment. To boost the genuineness, virtual reality (VR) technology and props are applied in safety training on handling electronic appliances and fire, strengthening the emergency management skills of workers.

Applying Geographical Advantages to Promote Carbon Neutrality


The project draws reference from the concept of sustainable development and carbon neutrality. Apart from applying low carbon construction materials, its site command post has also installed a 75 square meter AIPV and Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) solution, generating enough electricity for its own operation by the roof and wall-mounted solar panels to achieve self-sustainability. Construction workers can browse the data management platform any time to learn about the electricity generation and consumption level, this would promote low-carbon construction and set up an example for future projects.


Pursuing People-oriented Approach Whole-heartedly  Appreciating Extensive Effort of Workers


The construction and design of the project has adopted a people-oriented approach, while the project itself is also considerate towards construction team. The weather was boiling hot during the visit day, a well-being station was set up at site for workers to take rest and carry out safety activities. Apart from organising activities to beat the heat twice a week, there are also various facilities such as coolers, electrolytes replenishment drink station and sun-shading facilities to create an ideal and comfortable resting environment.


Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC reminds workers to not overstretch and shall act according to one’s ability. Together with Director of Architectural Services and industry leaders, refreshing watermelon, drinks and heat protection products are handed to workers, spreading the caring culture of the construction industry to everyone.

ᐅ 2022.11.25 Sai Sha Road Redevelops with Technology Cultivates Harmony and Sustainability

Innovative technology is always the best solution to balance urban development and environmental protection. The Sai Sha Road Widening Project in Shap Sze Heung, Sai Kung, has been in construction for 4 years. With the help of apps and new technologies, the project team has turned numerous crises into opportunities, hoping to ensure road safety and reduce risk of flooding in the future. Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) has devoted considerable resources to improving the infrastructure of the Sai Sha area for the benefit of the community. Such works include widening Sai Sha Road from two lanes to dual two lanes, installation of noise barriers, implementation of greening works, building a transport interchange, three footbridges, a cycling track, and water supply and sewerage systems. The project, carried out by Sanfield-Gammon Construction JV Company Limited, started in the third quarter of 2018 and is targeted to be finished by 2024. Ir HO On-sing, Thomas, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, paid a visit to the site in early August and was impressed by the digitalisation and innovation involved in the project as shared by SHKP and SGJV representatives.


Building Trust with Villagers


Sai Sha Road Widening Project is surrounded by nine villages, a golf course and a theological seminary. We can also see cows grazing and wandering around. For the sake of the wildlife, the team paid special attention to avoid damages on grassland while building their office. Construction manager Michael WONG also recalled his memory of Super Typhoon Mangkhut. When it hit Hong Kong in 2018, the team helped clear Sai Sha Road and earned the trust of villagers. When the construction team was dealing with grid connection, District Council members also gave a helping hand. Within two months, the team successfully ensured the power supply. Diesel generators were therefore avoided, which also reduced air and noise pollution.


In late 2018, renewable energy system was installed at office. It was also the first temporary site office being able to sell power under CLP FiT Scheme in Hong Kong. Profit is expected to come in next year. CIC has emphasized the importance of carbon neutrality for years. Ir Thomas HO appreciated the team’s pioneering idea and said the team should be praised for achieving carbon negative.

i-Tree Mobile App and Twin Trees Conservation


&ldquo:Greenery is a key feature in Sai Sha. To maintain sustainability, the team developed an i-Tree mobile app to manage more than 1600 trees alongside Sai Sha Road. By tracking number or scanning QR code, engineers will be able to access tree stability and growth status on a real-time basis.


Transplanting is inevitable during construction. What made the situation more complicated was that there was a symbolic giant twin tree weighed 183 tons. Technology once again played a crucial role in solving difficulties. Ten months before transplantation, the team started to collect data by 3D scanning and drones. They also adopted wireless remote tree sensors to monitor its growth. After calculation, they decided to lift the tree by a 600T crane and transport it by an integrated twin bogies.


Unlike conventional transplantation method, the tools helped reduce manpower and the risk to workers and the public. Transplanting time was also reduced from one week to 2 hours. After successfully transplanting the giant tree, the team is also able to monitor its health continuously with tree sensors.

Longest Pipe Jacking Drives Safety Culture


As promoted by CIC, safety should always come first in any construction site. The building of sewage system in the Sai Sa Road project involved a 695-metres long ‘S-shaped’ pipe jacking process. It was also the longest one in Hong Kong at that time. To ensure safety, the project team did not only increase the number of shafts, but also studied the geological profile thoroughly. At the early stage of pipe jacking, the team was given a lesson from the drop of a torque torque at the pipe jacking head. They immediately stopped the operation until they found out the cause from the review. After renewing operation guidelines, work resumed and pipe jacking was finished with great success.


Smart Height Restriction System


From underground to work-at-height activities, safety precautions should never be neglected. CIC has been publishing guidelines and implementing projects to foster this concept. To prevent bridge collision, the project team invented the Smart Height Restriction System. Two height restriction signposts were placed at 125 metres and 80 metres away from the portal frame respectively. When an over-height vehicle hit the signposts, alarmed will be triggered off and signposts will flash. Drivers will then be alerted to slow down or lower their vehicle before driving through the portal frame.


CITF Encourages BIM and Digitalisation


Sai Sha Road Widening Projects participated in the CIC Sustainable Construction Award in 2020 and won contractor gold award in new works category. One of the technologies contributed to this achievement was the Hybrid Reality Platform (HRP). It integrated drone surveying and photogrammetry to provide 3D visual engineering solutions. This helped facilitate design coordination, Building Information Modelling (BIM) utilization, construction sequencing, cut and fill planning and integration of multiple IoT sensors, thus reducing the chance of rework and impacts on the rural environment.


Apart from the CIC Sustainable Construction Award, the team and vendor developed a new DWSS software namely Electronic System Inspection Automation (ESIA) with the support of Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF). ESIA digitalises inspection and site monitoring processes. Safety and cleansing inspection, labor attendance record and other documents are all kept in a centralized database, which made Sai Sha Road Widening Project completely paper-free since January 2019.


After four years of hard work by the team, innovative technology is proven to be the best way to balance development and environmental protection. Upon completion, they hope to bring a safer and wider Sai Sha Road for villagers. Ir Thomas HO applauded for the team’s effort in demonstrating how they always strive for better. He also encouraged upcoming projects to gain inspirations from this project to achieve people-oriented construction work.

ᐅ 2022.12.09 TKO CBL Demonstrates World-class Level DfMA Brings Liveability and Accessibility

The greatly anticipated Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Link (TKO CBL) will be commissioned on 11 December 2022. Upon commissioning, it will provide a dual two-lane carriageway, a cycle track and a footway, becoming the first 3-in-1 marine viaduct in Hong Kong. Previously, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, visited the bridge to understand the innovative technologies and industrial breakthroughs adopted in this project. According to the project team, extensive prefabrication and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) is widely adopted, which helps enhance speed, safety and quality.


The First Project To Extensively Use S690QL High-strength Steel


The 1.8km-long TKO CBL connects Wan Po Road from LOHAS Park or TKO Industrial Estate to the TKO – Lam Tin Tunnel which will also be commissioned on the same day. The CBL contains 1km-long marine viaduct, which appears as a symbol of ‘∞’, demonstrating the theme of Eternity Arch. It is also China’s first marine arch bridge project using S690QL high-strength steel extensively. Its great tensile strength enable the bridge to use less material under the same loading condition, thus contributing to sustainability and enhancing it aesthetically.


Extensive Prefabrication And DfMA Plays A Crucial Part


The TKO CBL Main Bridge Contract commenced in July 2018. Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) was adopted at early stage with extensive prefabrication. One prominent example is that while the bridge foundation was being constructed at Junk Bay, bridge components of the marine viaduct were being fabricated at off-site yards in the Mainland concurrently. As offsite yards provided a controlled environment, quality of the components is enhanced and hence speeding up the progress. Mr. Anson SIT, engineer of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, also said that extensive prefabrication and DfMA could minimize disturbance to the community, reduce construction time and risk of working at height, above waters.

The highest point of the bridge arch is 70m metres above sea level and the main span is 200 metres long. To provide sufficient space for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles, the bridge is 34 metre in width. As for the double arch steel bridge, it is about 10,000 tons, which equals to the weight of 50 Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets. Its massive size and weight increased the difficulty in transportation. However, the project team tackled the challenge with the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and decided to erect the bridge by float-over method at the beginning of last year.


Float-over Erection Raised Speed and Efficiency


To prepare for the erection, a semi-submersible barge loaded with the double-arch steel bridge moved in the temporary anchorage zone in Junk Bay. Sea-fasteners were then removed and temporary supports consisting of 3D jacks were also installed on the bridge piers.

At one day before, the barge moved to an area which was 30 metres from the bridge piers. After observation of tide and wind level, the barge moved in between the bridge piers during high tide window, and moved in between the piers. After fine positioning of the steel bridge, the semi-submersible barge was ballasted to lower the bridge to a pre-determined level above the 3D jack temporary supports. By upward extension of the jacks, the bridge was gradually loaded onto the jacks. Blasting of the barge continued until the erection was completed. The erection process only took 5 hours. This innovative construction method with other cutting-edge technologies were granted the Overall Best Award of ACEHK Annual Awards 2022.

Mr. Kelvin CHAN, resident engineer of consulting firm AECOM, said that the team spent a lot of effort on heavy lifting. By adopting job specific safety measures and clear demarcation of responsibility, all heavy lifting works were done smoothly. He also appreciated the success to prefabrication. To ensure facility management in safe manner, arch rib inspection cradles are tailor-made for inspection and maintenance on arch rib in future.


Safety Standard Enhanced by Digitalisation


The TKO CBL project took only about 4 years to complete with the help of digitalisation. Robotics like welding robots and automatic internal formwork removal robots were widely used throughout the process. The team also adopted the use of Smart Watch Safety System. Mr. MA Sze-kit, Safety Manager of China Road and Bridge Corporation, is one of the users of the system. It does not only facilitate site communication, but also provides functions like measurement of body temperature, heart rate monitoring, fall detection and SOS notification.

Electronic Site Inspection System (E-SIS) is another example of digitalisation. It replaces physical forms to reduce the use of paper. Furthermore, it helps monitor progress of different trades and sort out areas to improve. Over 15,000 electronic forms have been issued since its adoption and all data are stored safely in the system which is totally traceable. Alongside with other digital technologies, this had contributed to the winning of the Gold Award of the CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021.

Meeting the community’s aspiration, residents in TKO look forward to the commissioning of the CBL on 11 December as it will improve transport network and enhance connection to the community. Ir. Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, also believes that this landmark project will encourage the industry to adopt more safety measures and construction innovation. As innovations like digital twin are becoming popular among the industry, he also hopes the quantity, quality, efficiency and speed of future large-scale infrastructures can be enhanced.


ᐅ 2023.01.05 Building the Future - Scholarship for Family Members of Registered Construction Workers Award Ceremony

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is committed to attract young people to join the construction industry as the development of young people is closely connected to the future of Hong Kong. Ir Thomas HO On-sing, Chairman of the CIC, Ir Simon LIU Sing-pang, Chairperson of the Construction Workers Registration Board (CWRB) and CWRB members jointly attended the Scholarship for Family Members of Registered Construction Workers Award Ceremony 2022, acknowledging the outstanding achievements of the children of registered construction workers in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. They also celebrated with the awardees’ family members who are registered skilled workers.


Boundless Opportunities Brings Infinite Possibilities


In Ir Thomas HO’s speech, he mentioned that young people are the important cornerstone for the growth of Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s construction industry needs talents in every role and will provide them with boundless opportunities. Ir HO encouraged students to be innovative so as to champion the change. Various industries are using big data and artificial intelligence to bring about reformation, Ir HO looks forward to the day when industry stakeholders would make the most out of Common Data Environment (CDE) to improve project management, enhance team collaboration and productivity through collecting, managing and publishing information anytime. Ir HO also mentioned the adoption of innovative technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and Multi-trade integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) could speed up the reformation of the construction industry. Hong Kong is developing into a Smart City with “digitalisation” and “new technology”, students need to look into the future and pioneer innovation, to advance with times and develop together with Hong Kong.


University Life Shows Practicality Leads to Success

Students who received scholarship shared learning experiences and encouraged each other during the award ceremony. Ms. TSUI Sze-ting, the Winner in the Construction Related Curricula Category, was aspired to be an architect since early age because she wishes to improve people’s life through architecture. Mr. Donald CHOI, CEO of Chinachem Group, our Platinum Sponsor of the scholarship shared with Sze-ting that, when building a livable city, we need to take a people-oriented approach to provide a better living standard that can help realise citizens’ aspirations. Mr. CHOI encouraged Sze-ting to uphold the above purpose which shall guide her way to become a great architect.


Skilled Workers Achieving Professionalism

Hong Kong’s renowned construction projects are built by a group of professional, highly skilled workers, who transform innovative construction designs into real buildings. The CWRB organises various worker development events regularly to encourage workers to undertake continuous professional development and attain qualifications. Since 2011, the CIC established Scholarship for Family Members of Registered Construction Workers to acknowledge family members of registered construction workers who receive outstanding academic performance. The Construction Related Curricula Category was established to encourage the legacy of the construction industry. The awardees’ family members who are registered skilled worker received “Ignite Professional Skills” Certificates during the award ceremony, to encourage continuous improvements of fellow workers.


Reaching Full Potentials and Create Wonders

Ir Simon LIU congratulated awardees and said he would look forward to students utilising their professional knowledge, whether it is in medical, dental, earth and environmental science, finance, architecture, engineering or education. Together with their creativity, they willbecome a new driving force of Hong Kong. Ir LIU also encouraged students to learn from the spirit of construction practitioners when facing challenges and try their best to strive for smarter and more effective solutions. Ir Simon LIU also encouraged everyone to be creative in finding solutions and having fun in times of difficulty, and the result might be a surprise. A great example is that the government used the MiC to build community isolation facilities as a quick response to the pandemic outbreak. Ir Thomas HO also welcomed reverse mentoring from students and he looked forward to new ideas and skills from young people to achieve continuous self-improvement.


ᐅ 2023.01.16 Ho Man Tin Station Package 2 – Prescient Vision for Long-term Safety Strategy

The ongoing Ho Man Tin (HMT) Station Package 2 Residential Project co-developed by Chinachem and MTR, the project has attracted much attention since its planning. Ir Ho On-sing, Thomas, the Chairman and Ir Cheng Ting-ning, Albert, the Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), together with Mr. Wong Yan-lok, Roger, the Deputy Secretary of the Development Bureau, Mr. Au Yeung Hoi-pang, the Assistant Director of the Buildings Department and Mr. Chan Ka-lai, the Assistant Commissioner of the Labour Department, made a site visit to the project to have an in-depth understanding of how the professional construction team has optimised openings, work at height and other procedures through human-centred planning and technology to ensure safety from site operation to property management stage.  


It is always better to prevent problems before they occur. Mr. Percy Chan, the Director of Gammon Construction, revealed that HMT Station Package 2 was also carried out based on this concept. With reference to the concept of 3S—standardisation, simplification and single-integrated element—proposed by the Development Bureau for public works planning, the project has incorporated various innovative elements and technologies since its early stage of planning, so as to improve quality and safety.

Air-conditioner Platforms for Maintenance Safety—a Future Trend of Residential Buildings

One of the innovative attempts of the project is the design of an independent air-conditioner platform for each unit. Although air-conditioning maintenance works are of small-scales, those involving bamboo scaffolds and suspended working platforms result in accidents from time to time in recent years. Mr. Alan Mo, the Construction Manager of Gammon Construction, explained that the planning team adhered to the idea of “Digest into small” and designed air-conditioner platforms to allow workers to access the exterior of the building in a safer manner. The design was incorporated in the initial building plan for application for safety, efficiency and time-saving reasons.

Digitalisation of construction works can greatly enhance efficiency. The team has spent huge efforts in Building Information Modelling (BIM) to create a model map for each unit to visualise the site environment, so as to allow better planning of construction space, movements of machinery and locations for placing radiators, etc. Mr. Alan Mo also pointed out that future air-conditioner and exterior maintenance works would hopefully no longer require bamboo scaffolds and suspended working platforms, and could mitigate the risk of work at height in the long run.

Mr. Wong Yan-Lok, Roger from the Development Bureau believes that despite the myth that safety and productivity offset each other, HMT Station Package 2 is a perfect demonstration of how an innovative solution can fulfil multiple requirements and deliver favourable results.


Use of Apps to Unleash the Power of BIM

Whlist the use of BIM for the planning and management of large sites is nothing new, each site has different needs. The key is to maximise the power of BIM with the use of creative applications. In respect of safety of openings, in addition to metal covers, barriers and permits, the team also introduced the BIM system to incorporate the information of 1000+ temporary and permanent openings in the sitemap to enable future monitoring and ensure safety.

Most of the past opening accidents involved workers who were in fact not engaged in openings-related works. As such, Gammon’s team has invented a smart “G Lock” powered by Bluetooth, which is installed on metal gates to reduce risk by restricting access to openings. After obtaining permission to access in the G Lock App, workers can unlock the gate with the in-app button when they arrive at the gate. The G Lock is also connected to the BIM system for monitoring the access of openings and any abnormal cases can be handled promptly.


Efficient Progress Management with Go Pro

Technology is widely used, but it also takes time for frontline workers to adapt. In view of this, the team has developed an API System, so that completed BIM plans can be converted into 2D plans that are easier to read, allowing frontline workers to better understand the status of the project. Compared with manual drawing, which can take at least two weeks, the API System can complete the process within two hours with accuracy improved as human errors can be mitigated.

In order to monitor the progress of complicated interior fittings, the team developed an integrated artificial intelligence system to be used as a recording and monitoring tool derived from BIM. The team first posted QR codes at each unit and location that needed to be inspected, and then the inspectors can wear helmets equipped with Go Pro cameras for inspection. By analysing and comparing camera images, the intelligent system can assess the progress of the project. Images collected are automatically converted into text and chart reports for engineers at different levels to monitor the progress.


New Material for Better Opening Management

In recent years, some accidents involving openings were caused by the use of sealed covers, where workers failed to observe the inside of the openings. As a result, this project has introduced a see-through opening cover made of synthetic stone, with small holes that allow people to see the inside of the openings. Despite features including rust-free, corrosion-resistance and strong load capacity of up to 5kPa, the material is thin and lightweight, as a 1m2  plate only weighs about 10kg.

With special nails and caps, a see-through cover plate mounted on top of a concrete piece is capable of supporting the weight of a fire truck without additional support required inside the opening. In the future, Gammon will cooperate with the CIC to continue to develop similar materials, in order to meet fire-proof standards and improve them to be a building material suitable for both temporary and permanent purposes.

During this site visit to HMT Station Package 2, Chairman Ir Ho On-sing, Thomas was delighted to see that the construction team and the landlord have been working well together, with synergy that maximised safety and efficiency and a humanistic reward scheme that complimented outstanding workers. He was particularly impressed by the sharing of a worker. “When accident happens, it does not only affect productivity and costs time and money. Loss of life cannot be compensated. So, always keep safety first on sites!”

ᐅ 2023.01.18 Digitalisation - Way to Mi-infinity

The concept of “Mi-infinity” derives from the versatility of modular construction as the prefabricated modules could be applied in different kinds of projects. Ir Thomas HO On-sing, Chairman of the CIC, visited Ming Tai Construction Engineering Co Ltd (Ming Tai) and the Wan Chai Recycling Station previously, where both projects showcased the advantages of adopting Building Information Modelling in planning prefabricated components to uplift quality. Ir Ho was pleased to see that our practitioners are applying industrialisation and putting the concept of “Design for Safety” into real practices as means to reduce onsite works and protect frontline workers.


Thinking Out of the Box to Achieve Efficiency and Sustainability

Timber formwork is the most common type of formwork applied in conventional construction projects, however high skilled labour is required and there are also wastage problems. In order to tackle the challenges, the construction industry has actively pursued the usage of metal formworks such as system and aluminium formworks to save labour cost, ensure workers’ safety and raise productivity. In face of labour shortages, Ming Tai has established a Design Department 10 years ago with an aim to standardise system formwork’s design and to alleviate the impact of high-skilled labour shortages with the help of mechanical manufacturing, said their Managing Director Joseph WANG. 


Inserting QR code on Formworks for Instant Information Retrieval

Ming Tai’s Design Department is divided into 3 teams, namely Mechanics, Formworks and Mainland, according to Mr. YAN Kwok-keung, General Manager of H.S. Design Service Company Limited, besides designing system formworks, Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are also employed to improve managing and construction qualities. For instance, formwork design guidelines are formulated for designers to follow standard procedures. Formwork automation design software is also used to identify formwork layout, stating their types and sizes. The construction sites are often in fickle conditions where it's common to see formworks damaged or lost. To reduce error, the software will also insert a QR code on different formworks so that they can be traced once installed, if there’s any damage, workers could instantly reorder it.

Adopting Tableform to raise productivity

Safety is essential to construction, Mr WANG explained that compared to conventional method, adopting Ming Tai Tableform could significantly reduce working on height procedures by 90% as workers would complete their works on ground before lifting up the tableform. In addition, the tableforms are movable and the stands could be extended to 1.8m, which makes it agile and nimble. Moreover, as the formworks are reusable, workers could thus save their time and efforts. “When there’s a change over floor height, workers need not dismantle the formworks, all they need to do is simply remove a stand.”

CIC has proactively promote the application of DfMA and MiC in recent years, and the standardised and industrialised system formwork is exactly a way to uplift productivity, Ir Ho appreciated Ming Tai for taking the lead in designing “Mi Formwork”, “This one-stop service starts from design, while tableforms are all manufactured in factories, with models created in digital twin to guarantee a complete success.” Ir Ho said.


Adopting DfMA and MiC for a More Time and Cost-efficient and Environmental Friendly Recycling Station

A reform in engineered formwork system proves that the industry is moving forward to innovation, similarly, this attitude is also reflected in the construction of community facilities. As green living culture has been instilled in public’s lives, the government thus strengthened the support for building a new community recycling network by developing Recycling Stations, with the aim to encourage the public to go green. With a unique architectural feature, GREEN@WAN CHAI is one of those that comprises the network. Its streamlined shape trellis roof provides an iconic enclosure, shielding the electronic and mechanic installations below and reducing solar heats, creating both aesthetic value and functionality.

Crowned as the winner of the first prize in the professional group at the Design Idea Competition for Wan Chai Community Green Station, Ar Paul MUI and Ar Benny LEE, both Director and Co-Founder of BREADstudio Limited are invited to collaborate with the Architectural Services Department to implement the design. They pointed out that, the construction of the trellis roof has adopted DfMA and the concept of “Modular Integrated Construction” (MiC), they first uses BIM to measure and calculate the modules of the trellis before they are prefabricated offsite at factory in the mainland. Seemingly with a double curvature form, the trellis is in fact composed by vertical modules only. The team even think outside the box by replacing timber with glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) for higher durability. They also casted all modules in repetitive moulds, only 4 moulds are needed in the construction of the whole trellis roof, reducing construction wastage and saving cost.

Proactively Promoting Industry Digitalisation Becomes Key to Create Joint Success

Ar Paul MUI says that their company has driven itself to apply BIM in all construction projects, and even take a step forward to promote this to other stakeholders, establishing a win-win situation, “We would explain to contractor the benefits of utilising BIM such as saving time, cost and enhancing safety etc, they are then very willing to join hands with us, as both can enjoy various advantages.” The building of the trellis roof maintained smooth and time efficient, credit must be given to the adoption of BIM. Not only does it helps visualise the design, but also play a vital role in its installation. Benny LEE adds that the whole project has gone hand in hand with the utilisation of BIM, from design, production to installation. The team will update on-site measurement data into the BIM model, allowing factory to produce in reliance to the most accurate measurement. The team has also input the installation notes into computer in advance which significantly simplifies the process and reduces the number of construction workers required on-site, enhancing site safety.

Ir Thomas HO expresses his appreciation towards the construction project of GREEN@WAN CHAI that substantially enjoy the benefit brought by Digital Twin and Design for Safety. Construction process is forecasted as early as from design stage, taking risk into consideration from start. With the smart adoption of DfMA and the concept of MiC, speed and efficiency of the project is enhanced, it even improves the productivity and sustainability. This construction project applies the digitalised and advanced construction technology that the CIC has been promoting to the industry, which is an exemplification that leads the industry to move forward.

The CIC upholds its mission for an innovation and digitalisation transformation within the construction industry, by being the implementation partner of Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) established by the Hong Kong Government, it provides support for industry stakeholders to break through limits and take proactive measures for an innovative reform. Ir Edwin TONG Ka-hung, Member of the CIC and Chairperson of the Management Committee on CITF encourages more leaders in the industry to apply for the fund, CITF will bear a maximum ratio of 80% of the total cost of an approved project, so as to inspire the construction industry for more innovative ideas that promotes the application of innovative and digital technology.

ᐅ 2023.01.27 MiC And e-inStar Doubles Efficiency in HKU Student Residence Project

Technology tackles problems, at the same time opens new possibilities. The Hong Kong University Student Residence Project timespan has been shortened for more than one year with the adoption of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC). To better monitor manufacturing and cross-border delivery of modules, a team from HKU’s Faculty of Architecture developed a new block-chain e-inspection 2.0 system. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, visited the on-site module fabrication process and he was pleased to see how innovation contribute to safety and efficiency.


Construction Period Shortened By More Than One Year

The Wong Chuk Hang Student Residence site will be built into two blocks, providing 1,224 hostel places. Although the sloppy terrain increased the complexity of site formation works, the adoption of MiC provided the best solution. Approximately 1,000 modular units were manufactured and prefabricated by the factory in Guangdong Province. The inspected and qualified modular units were then transported to Hong Kong via ships and trucks, and assembled at the site in Wong Chuk Hang.

There are 28 modules on each MiC floor. With the effort of 6 to 8 workers, each module can be lifted and installed within 10 minutes. If two tower cranes are available, it only takes a day to complete installing one floor and two more days to finish water and fireproof procedures. Moreover, the design of shear wall on site avoids delay caused by windy condition. Every module is well equipped with air-conditioner, desk, wardrobe, bed and mattress. According to Ir K.L. TAM, Director of HKU Estates Office, MiC will ultimately help speed up construction for more than one year.


Develops Blockchain-enabled ‘e-Inspection 2.0’

Proper planning is always the key to success. At the early stage of the project, a team from HKU’s Faculty of Architecture developed an e-inspection 2.0 system to monitor manufacture and cross-border delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new system has adopted blockchain, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoTs), and Geographical Information System (GIS). Their ‘e-inStar’ APP also enables real-time monitoring and inspection by mobile phones or tablets. All procedures and detail stored in a blockchain environment network which is traceable. The data retrieved from the e-inspection 2.0 system enables the team to analysis and identify any problems during production and make improvement to enhance efficiency.

To further enhance logistic, there are two entrances at Wong Chuk Hang Site. By applying BIM and GIS functions in e-Inspection 2.0, the project team can better arrange the delivery of the next module to be installed. After lifting the MiC module, workers can easily connect the steel plate of the Candle-Loc System to finish another top-down. As quality control was done thoroughly in factory, the accuracy of module dimension paves the road to a smooth installation process.


Scaffoldless Installation And Multi Safety Measures

The combination of MiC, e-Inspection 2.0 and other innovative technologies contribute hugely to efficiency, quantity, quality, safety and sustainability. The site in Wong Chuk Hang is adjacent to an international school. ‘At the very beginning, the school was worried that they will be affected by noise and dust. Fortunately, with the help of MiC, there have been no related feedback in the past two years.’ Ir K.L. TAM said. Furthermore, construction safety is enhanced as prefabrication in factory reduced on-site construction processes and the need for scaffolding.

Early at design stage, the team put high priority on workers’ safety and tried their best to develop respective measures. Dr. Louis CHU, Associate Director of HKU Estates Office, said that work-at-height is inevitable while installing modules on site. However, their design included mounts on modules for screwing guardrails on-site. Workers can also easily connect to the protection system on tower crane with their safety belts.

The completion of HKU Wong Chuk Hang Student Residence Project is targeted to be in June 2023, providing hostel places for the next academic year. Instead of enjoying success, the project team is still exploring possibilities of e-Inspection 2.0. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, thanked the team for their efforts in raising efficiency and hope they will continuously join hand in hand with stakeholders to promote Design for Safety.

ᐅ 2023.01.30 Revolutionary Robotic Elevator Installation Method   New Era for Safety and Efficiency

In a densely populated city like Hong Kong, there is only one direction Buildings are going: UP! Now more than ever, elevators play a crucial role in keeping buildings operating and getting people to where they need to be. Traditionally, installation of elevators has been purely a manual task, with engineers drilling all the holes. For the first time, an innovative solution - Schindler R.I.S.E (Robotic Installation System for Elevators) can take up this task with an autonomous robotic system, while at the same time raises safety levels and efficiency.

This cutting edge technology has now arrived in Hong Kong and has been put to work in a 28-storey office tower project in Wan Chai. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), visited the site to see the robot in action. The fully automated system demonstrated how elevator shaft drilling can be easily operated through a tablet computer. This improves site safety and health by reducing time technicians need to spend in the shaft, being exposed to dust, noise & repetitive non-ergonomic work, demonstrating how advanced technology can be the best way to deliver on the CIC’s motto: ‘Life First, Say NO to Danger’.


Scaffoldless Installation and Dust-free Environment

Schindler R.I.S.E, developed by the New Technologies department at Schindler Group, has already been used on sites around the world, including projects in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Poland, Middle East, Singapore, and Shanghai. The commercial development, on 54 Queen’s Road East in Wan Chai, is its inaugural project in Hong Kong.

Although the robot is small enough to be transported to the site by a trolley, it is equipped with a laser scanner, a rebar scanner, a robot arm for drilling and anchor bolt magazine. Once installed in the shaft, the robot will drill and set anchor bolts according to the pre-programmed location automatically. It will also move to the next level autonomously when a level is completed and continue working in the shaft.

Traditional installation requires workers to enter the elevator shaft. With Schindler R.I.S.E, the process is now fully automated and scaffolding is no longer required. The operator only needs a tablet to communicate with the robot, minimising the risk of working at height and in a dusty environment. Furthermore, the robot doesn’t need to take breaks and can work non-stop 24/7. Alerts will be sent to the operator with a mobile notification in case of any disruption.


Lower Costs and Time – Higher Efficiency

Schindler R.I.S.E can complete drilling and setting anchor bolts required for landing doors, divider beams and wall brackets independently. Its scanning system helps raise accuracy and efficiency as obstacles are avoided before drilling. According to Schindler’s Project Manager Mr. Paul LEE, the installation process is simplified, providing time and cost savings across the whole process.

To provide expert assistance, Senior Engineer Ir Jeff NG travelled to Hong Kong to help with training. In Singapore, Jeff worked on another large-scaled Schindler R.I.S.E project. He used this experience to help train the technicians in Hong Kong, demonstrating the improvements installation efficiency that can be made with Schindler R.I.S.E.


BIM-compatible - Attracting New Talent with Innovation

The construction industry in Hong Kong is always ready to welcome new talents, and the project team believes the adoption of innovation will help in attracting young people. In addition to improving site condition and safety, Schindler R.I.S.E also proves that elevator installation does not have to be as physically demanding as before.

Behind the scenes, Building Information Modelling (BIM) software provides detailed visual representation of a site in 1:1 scale. It is a method that has been widely adopted by the construction industry. Schindler R.I.S.E can use this information directly to manage the whole planning and installation process, further increasing accuracy and efficiency.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, was supportive of the team’s efforts to speed up the integration of BIM. He also said that Schindler R.I.S.E has brought a revolutionary impact on the elevator industry, highlighting how Schindler R.I.S.E puts workers’ safety as the top priority. “The CIC has been emphasizing the importance of enhancing quantity, speed, efficiency, quality, and safety. Schindler is bringing these aspects to the next level with Schindler R.I.S.E. We all look forward to seeing higher level of safety integration from the industry.”

ᐅ 2023.02.02 Everyone is Responsible - Zero Tolerance to Site Risks to Protect Lives

At the beginning of the New Year, we send well wishes for a smooth year ahead. However, it is saddening to learn that multiple accidents occurred already, a few of them are suspected to be related to lifting and working at height, causing injuries and taking lives.

Before the start of the New Year holidays, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) organised a webinar to remind the industry that the following six weeks will be a super high risk period, construction sites should never rush or continue their work if they are understaffed. Despite multiple reminders, accidents still happened and lives were lost, hurting not only the deceased but also their beloved families. The CIC is enraged as the occurrence of multiple accidents unveils the long term ignorance of management and frontline staff on construction risks.

Again, the CIC urges everyone in the construction industry to never turn a blind eye to the accidents. Each of the construction practitioners—including clients, contractors, management, supervisors, and front-line workers—bears the responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone. Even the tiniest negligence could take precious lives and destroy happy families!

In the coming weeks, the CIC implores all management of owners and contractors to arrange site visits to all your sites, to ensure all risks are eliminated. There is no such thing as luck, it is a must to remind frontline staff to never rush and stay attentive at all times! Management must also closely monitor the manpower planning of construction sites and be decisive to halt their work. If the construction industry continues to stay ignorant, accidents will continue, making you the perpetrator of the injuries, deaths as well as their broken families.

Bear in mind the below 4 Important Checks:

1.  Working at height - All scaffolding and working platforms should be inspected by a competent person ensuring that the stability and conditions are in order. All holes and openings should be guarded by a rigid railing and toe-board.

2.  Lifting Operation – All lifting appliances and lifting gears should be inspected by a competent person. Overall review the lifting plan that makes sure it is adequate consideration of safety factors e.g. site layout, logistic & lifting route, plant capacity.

3.  Electrical – All temporary electrical appliances should be inspected by a registered electric worker to ensure the functions of residual current devices and miniature circuit breakers are in order. Properly planning and implementing of the lockout and tagout system when carrying out any installation or repair works related to the electric circuit system.

4.  Temporary Works – All temporary works should be checked by the appointed coordinator and/or professional engineer to ensure that the structures of the temporary works have followed the design requirements.

This is only the fourth working day after the New Year holidays. This is the wish from the whole construction industry that there will not be any more accident reports starting from today. Dear fellow construction practitioners, please, work with the CIC to undertake extra safety precautionary measures and understand your responsibility in construction safety. There is just one simple wish – let all go home safely after work with a peace of mind.

ᐅ 2023.02.09 Digital Twin and Facilities Management Integration for New Chapter in Sustainability


The Construction Industry Council (CIC) endeavors to motivate the industry to support Hong Kong to strive for carbon neutrality before 2050. Standing at the heart of Central, Hong Kong’s core commercial area, The Henderson is an iconic project (the Project) embedding sustainability into design and construction. The Project is an exemplary demonstration for the construction industry on attaining sustainable development through the integration of digital twin and facilities management. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, together with young leaders from the Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Scheme, visited The Henderson site to understand how advanced technology and smart construction helped to care for users as well as achieved breakthroughs in environmental protection, liveability and facilities management.


Full BIM Application from Design Stage

The Henderson site is adjacent to the MTR Tsuen Wan Line and Island Line, with a close proximity of only three metres. All underground works such as excavation, piling and geotechnical works must be done with extreme care which makes the Project very challenging. The Project utilised Building Information Modelling (BIM) from design to construction. The BIM model was continuously enhanced by design team, consultant, main contractor and specialist trade contractors during the process, enabling a preview of the construction process and early detection of risks associated. With regular 3D model scanning, water level of basement and the structure of the rock and soil can be identified which helped to prevent water leakage and potential pothole formation in its five levels of basement. The Project’s site formation work had been completed with no disruption to surrounding transport and commercial activities.


Close Collaboration Among Construction Teams to Tackle Challenges

Mr. Derek So, Executive Director of Hip Hing Construction Company Limited, described The Henderson as a “challenging” project. The Henderson is supported by only six columns, of which four should be piled into the transfer plate deep down the foundation which creates a heavy load. The Project team utilised BIM to accurately preview the position of the column on the ground and the underground pile so as to calculate the structure and loading of the transfer plate and the foundation. Due to the limited site space, the Project team faced acute challenge to install cantilevered steel structure, so the team used BIM to plan the processing and installation procedure of the steel structure in order to accurately mark the installation position, coordinate lifting and welding work as well as furnish detailed construction drawings for subcontractors.

The curtain wall of The Henderson is comprised of 4,080 unitized glass components of over 1,000 shapes and curves. The production, quality control and installation of the gigantic four-layered curved laminated glass was under tight scrutiny. Each piece of glass has to undergo 3D scanning to ensure the final product and the installation position are consistent with the design. RFID was embedded on each glass module to allow tracking of installation position and to obtain real time curtain wall installation status and 3D data to facilitate the maintenance team’s work in obtaining the components’ condition in the future.

The cross team collaboration effectively managed risks by anticipating potential issues and resolution. The team’s instant problem solving and spirit to embrace challenges were the success factors of the Project.



Digital Twin Integrating Facilities Management to Elevate Well Being

The Henderson not only showcases exceptional design and construction technologies, the Project also demonstrates sustainability in three perspectives, namely reduction of carbon emission of building, change of human behavior to improve carbon emission and energy consumption as well as reduction of the embodied carbon during the construction process. Mr. Kevin Ng, Senior Deputy General Manager of Project Management (2) Department of Henderson Land Development Company Limited emphasized that the Project used digital twin to integrate facilities management. Large amount of sensors were embedded during the design stage which facilitated stringent monitoring of progress and quality throughout the construction project, and also enabled collection and retrieval of operation data via the new consolidated control platform for easy facilities management, ultimately creating a comfortable work environment for users. The Henderson is the first project in the Hong Kong property / construction industry to launch the developer – tenant – employee Tri-party ESG Partnership Programme. The Project team further extended the digital twin for office tenants by assisting tenants to prepare their own ESG report and benefit employees direct.

The sustainability design took into consideration the wellbeing of users. For example, the Project utilised solar panels on the roof top to generate renewable energy for the Solar Responsive Ventilator, a patented design of the Project, to alleviate the heat from the sun. Office users will be notified via mobile app on energy saving options in accordance with the real time weather condition. Independent air vent is installed to prevent transmission of contagious disease. Sensors are installed between dry and wet rooms such as the space between toilets and corridor to detect leakage for instant handling by facilities management office. Digital twin can also help to set a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection target and provide reference data for lifestyle of individuals and ESG reporting of the companies.

The Henderson illustrates the benefits of BIM in modern construction and is the first project in Hong Kong to be recognized by the buildingSMART International Award. Ir Thomas HO commended the Henderson for congregating safety, productivity, sustainability, liveability and wellbeing. Together with the integration of facilities management and digital twin, the Henderson is not only an exemplary demonstration for the industry, but also visualised the development direction advocated by the CIC.

ᐅ 2023.02.15 Digital Transformation in the New Era: Practicing Low Carbon Smart Construction

In the new era of big data, all industries rely on digital upgrades and transformations. 5G, cloud computing technology, various network technologies, and related solutions have become indispensable parts of the industries. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), and Mrs. LO LEE Oi-lin, member of the CIC, visited the Huawei Hong Kong office earlier to understand how the industry can drive innovative development and digital transformation of Hong Kong's smart construction through digital technology, and move towards a liveable smart city.

While digitalisation of the construction industry is imperative, networking support is paramount. When massive amounts of information are flowing through, the ability to analyse big data is path to improve productivity, efficiency, and safety. Some of the more advanced construction sites will use video and artificial intelligence to examine safety conditions in all aspects to achieve automated real-time monitoring. With more and more data collected through the Internet of Things (IoT) and monitoring systems, building information simulation can be achieved through a data lake with a powerful computing platform for data governance. Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart. The approach of HUAWEI CLOUD is all-digital, all-cloud, AI-driven, and providing everything as a service. By using intelligence and digitisation, Industrial enterprises can effectively extract and make use of the value generated by processing vast amount of data. The AI technology of HUAWEI CLOUD can be used to process the "Common Information Model", such as data collection through Digital Twins, drones, optical images, radar, etc., and then conduct data processing to generate various types of reality modeling. This technology can be used from interior design to entire city planning, and even to protect world cultural heritage such as the Great Wall.


 Life First  Regulating Technology to Monitor Engineering Vehicles

The extensive application of Huawei's 5G and fiber optic technologies in various industries could be taken as a reference for Hong Kong. Through communication technologies, production process could be divided into different parts that dangerous tasks could be performed at manufacturing plants or indoor workplaces. For example, the coal mining industry uses 5G to remotely control machinery from a remote office which greatly enhances work safety and improves the image of the industry; in Shenzhen, the technology is also used on public transport to help improve traffic safety, and an alarm will be set off immediately potential abnormal driving behavior is detected. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC referred to several accidents that occurred earlier in Hong Kong related to construction vehicles and believed that this technology can be used as a blueprint, according to the situation of transport vehicles in Hong Kong, and then adjust and trial. The new technology allows engineers to detect and remotely control the speed of concrete trucks or similar construction vehicles in the control room to reduce the chance of accidents, saving a life means saving a happy family.


 Advancement of Development

Officials Witnessed the Signing of Memorandum of Understanding

To further expand the digitalisation of the construction industry, CIC and Huawei Hong Kong signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Promotion of Innovative Technology Development and Digital Transformation of Low Carbon Smart Construction in Hong Kong" during the Construction Innovation Expo2022. The MOU is an important cross-sector collaboration as a joint effort to promote the upgrading and transformation of the construction industry and to further enhance professional standards. The agreement was signed by Mr. DENG Shui-gen, CEO of Huawei Hong Kong, and Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council, being witnessed by the distinguished guests, including Mr. John Lee, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR; Ms. LU Xin-ning, Deputy Director, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., Mr. ZENG Xian-xin, Director-General, Department of Construction Market Supervision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Michael WONG; Deputy Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR, Ms. Bernadette LINN, Secretary for Development of the Hong Kong SAR, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, Mr. LIU Xinfeng, Director-General, Centre of Science and Technology Industrial Development, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, and Mr. Boham SUN, President of Huawei Digital Power Asia-Pacific.  

Strong Partnership to Build a Low-Carbon Smart City

The CIC is devoted to promoting sustainable development. Ir Thomas HO said, "We are pleased to sign the MOU with Huawei Hong Kong in promoting low-carbon construction innovation technology development and digital transformation of the big data generation in the industry. The cooperation between the two parties will focus on decarbonisation, automation, digitalisation, and artificial intelligence technology, coupled with the combination of technology of big data and 5G, it can greatly improve engineering efficiency and construction safety. By the joint effort of the two parties, new initiatives will be implemented to inspire the industry to make good use of technology to reduce carbon emission and enhance transformation, contributing Hong Kong's transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.”

"We look forward to working with our partners in the Hong Kong construction industry to promote clean energy development and digitalisation by integrating digital and e-power technologies through technological innovation," said Mr. Boham SUN. "In this strategic partnership, Huawei will further collaborate with the Construction Industry Council to create low energy consuming and low carbon emission buildings, low carbon emission construction sites, and zero carbon parks to help Hong Kong develop into a low carbon smart city.”

 The Mainland has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, and Hong Kong is striving to do the same by 2050, in which the construction industry's participation is particularly important. A new campus of Huawei adopting near zero-carbon approach is under construction in Futian District, Shenzhen. It is expected to produce 1.5 million kWh of green photovoltaic electricity per year, saving 51% of electricity and reducing carbon emissions by 63% per year. As a pioneer in the industry, CIC will adopt various solutions, including digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and the global search for new technologies, to move towards a low-carbon smart city.

ᐅ 2023.02.21 Flexible application of architectural technologies in the spirit of Collaboration

The construction industry must keep track on designs, construction formats and property management and fully apply innovative technologies. The Tseung Kwan O Immigration Headquarters project, led by the Architectural Services Department, is a good example. This project adopts the "design and build” model, workers’ wellbeing is well taken care of from project design to equipment usage. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Ms. Clarice YU, Director of the Buildings Department and CIC Member, and Mr. Edward TSE,  Director of Architectural Services, visited the construction site. They witnessed the team’s utilisation of new technologies to further enhance productivity and safety.


Smart usage of RMD Truss Box to connect the north and south buildings

One remarkable feature of this 17,200 square-metre construction site is the wide footbridges connecting the north and the south buildings on its 8th and 14th floors. The project team used RMD Truss Box skillfully to build the permanent structure of this part. In similar projects, the floors are constructed by “trussing". The technology of RMD Truss Box is applied in the construction of flyovers for the first time in a building construction project, which reduced tasks that require work at height and safety is guaranteed. RMD Truss Box accelerated the work on the upper floors as the construction underneath, like the installation the LED wall could be done simultaneously.19 27-metre RMD Truss Boxes were installed in these two buildings. Their different lengths could be employed in each module according to actual needs for better flexibility and construction safety. The trusses can also be reused in other suitable projects, which brings value to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Less Work at Height  Safer Building Design

A 34-metre 240-ton bridge connects the first and the second tower of the Immigration Headquarter in Tseung Kwan O. To reduce potential risk of working at height, the project team assembled the entire bridge on the ground and lift it up by the Stand-Jacking method. Transportation of heavy objects by mobile cranes and related work at height procedures are reduced, promoting construction safety.

Scaffoldless Lift Installation shows the True Colours of MiMEP

The CIC is pleased to see more projects are adopting scaffoldless lift installation that temporary working platforms were built to install elevator tracks and other equipment in the lift shaft while false cars are set up on the ground. The time required for concrete solidification and 10% of manpower were saved, the duration of the entire project could be shorten for three to four weeks. More than 20 elevators are installed on the entire construction site, therefore the team decided to install temporary doors and a centralised system in the elevator shaft to monitor the opening and closing of all temporary doors real time. Also, 25% of the procedures of the project of the entire building adopts MultiTrade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MiMEP). Take the lobby of the building as an example, air-conditioners, hoses and electrical parts are all pre-assembled in the factory and transported to the construction site for more effective process. The racks for transporting components are on wheels to avoid potential injuries or danger caused by carrying heavy objects. Ir Thomas HO acknowledged the thoughtfulness of the team, which fully integrated Design for Manufacture and Assembly with Design for Safety. The project was done efficiently, whilst safety of construction worker was guaranteed.

BIM brings JAIBOT the drilling robot to the construction site

The cooperation of multiple stakeholders, like the owners, consultants, contractors, and subcontractors are essential to fully implement all technologies. Ir Thomas HO appreciated the strong collaboration of the leaders of the ArchSD and the contractors. As the owner supports a JAIBOT drilling robot was used in the project of Immigration Headquarters in Tseung Kwan O to convert various engineering tasks of all MEP trades into digital instructions, and to execute the robot drilling at the construction site through BIM.  The Hilti's JAIBOT navigates flexibly from a minimal 2.54-metre to a maximal 5-metre drilling height. There is also a dust cover and a vacuum cleaner with the robot, which vacuums away 99.95% of dust. Apart from the eco- and environmental-friendly perspectives, it improves the safety of the workers by reducing work-at-height drilling. A 3D camera is installed to detect the distance between the robotic arm and the ceiling so that the arm can be adjusted automatically. It can complete drilling up to 110 holes per day, which is 200% faster than the traditional way. There are different requirements of drilling for Mechanical & Electrical services –ventilation, fire, plumbing & drainage, electrical services. To identify the trade of each hole, the JAIBOT makes markings for each hole after drilling for subsequent installation process.

Usage of Award-winning innovative materials

The comprehensive application of innovative technology throughout the design and construction process in the construction project. To look deeper, materials is another key issue. The contractor, Hip Hing Construction Co., Ltd., produced high-performance lightweight porous concrete by the innovative capsule technology with scientific research companies. It won the 1st runner-up in the sustainable construction category of the CIC Innovation Award 2017. The fine pores are evenly distributed in this porous closed-pore structure, therefore it is light, fire-resistant, sound-proof and heat-proof.  The aforementioned concrete had been used to build the stairs and the toilets of the basement in this project, which is a good reference for future public construction projects. Let’s implement scientific researches in real life.

Pandemic and Heatstroke Prevention to Protect Workers

Working on a construction site in a 30°C hot summer is harsh and may cause heat stroke. The project team offered cooling drinks and snacks for construction workers. During the pandemic, a 5G remote-controlled disinfecting spray robot has been added to the construction site, which is equipped with a 360-degree camera and radar allowing project officers to control it from the office.

The success of a construction project lies in the health and safety of staff, as well as the application of technology. Mr. Edward TSE, Director of Architectural Services, mentioned particularly the application of robotics, Internet of Things and visualised management etc., safety and efficiency of the construction site have been improved. He hoped that young colleagues could think out of the box and walk the talk. A creative mind is needed to keep abreast of Construction 2.0 and industry 4.0. The CIC will definitely work closely with the industry to write the next chapter of Hong Kong and enhance the professional quality of the construction industry.

ᐅ 2023.02.23 A Smarter Leveling and Setting Out Trade Creates New Heights in the Construction Industry

Great oaks from little acorns grow, having a solid foundation is especially essential towards the construction industry. The levelling and setting out trade is responsible for setting up levels and job lines to indicate construction procedures, providing directions and convenience to other trades. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) visited Ho Yick Leveling Co Limited (Ho Yick) and learnt how the trade advances with the younger generations by utilising innovation and digitalisation as well as advanced machinery, to improve accuracy and perform professionalism.


Digitalisation for a More Accurate Construction Detailing

The CIC is keen in encouraging the industry to innovate, maintaining a competitive position in the digital era to keep the edge. Ho Yick Leveling Co Limited thus applies Building Information Modeling (BIM) and other technology to enhance quality and efficiency. During the construction process, sub-contractors would provide building plans that indicate the work of different trades, such as structure and masonry etc. Those plans could be piecemeal and unrelated which may clash with one another. It is also difficult to anticipate the final product from just plain drawings, which may impair the accuracy of the whole construction project.


Contractors are thus applying BIM to address the situation, Mr HUNG Sing-yeung, Director of Ho Yick, points out that the levelling and setting out trade is required to accurately draw or mark ink lines onto site surfaces to specify construction areas and procedures, so levellers need to read and interpret drawing cautiously which is when BIM comes in handy. “Applying BIM allows us to instantly identify the clashes between drawings, easing the process of compartmentalising drawings”.


Ho Yick’s BIM team consists of three to five workers, they receive updates on drawings per week from main and sub-contractors. Mr WOO Chun-kong, project coordinator of Ho Yick, is familiar with BIM application. It only requires them one or two days to pinpoint the clashes in drawing through BIM, allowing them to bring it forward in the meeting with main and sub-contractors, reminding them to update the plans. “BIM enables us to envision the details of each trade for each floor of the building, as well as the preview the construction process. This also enhances the communication between us the levellers and other trade.” The application of BIM facilitate the team to spot and fix issue beforehand, so levellers can mark ink lines based on the most accurate data and information, enhancing construction accuracy.

Extensive Application of BIM to Echo with Future Development and Perform Professionalism

The Government has required that BIM technology must be used in the design and construction of all major government capital works projects with a project estimate of more than HK$30 million. Ir Thomas HO applauded the team’s use of BIM on not only for their own trade on levelling and setting out, but also for the ease of the whole project, creating a win-win situation. Mr HUNG relies on the development of BIM as the future of the construction industry, so Ho Yick showcases their professionalism by applying BIM on projects that have not afore.


The team visualises construction drawings by transforming 2D plans into 3D models, providing convenience to contractors for formulating construction procedures. Mr LEE Kwai-ho, project coordinator of Ho Yick once find out from the BIM model that the step of a staircase is too far from the ground and it even does not have sufficient headroom, he then reflect the problem to the contractors and amendment was made on the spot, improving the plan. Ir Thomas HO appreciates the team’s professionalism, as the benefit of developing BIM to the whole project is much worth the extra effort it requires the team to pay.


A Digital Reform to Enhance Speed and Efficiency Simplifying Construction Process at Early Stage by Drones

Apart from applying digital technology, the levelling and setting out trade has also enhanced their professionalism by transforming from manual operation to relying on advanced machinery. Mr HUNG adds that the trade has now using laser line level, total station and automatic ink line tool to replace levelling hose and ink line tool etc. Advanced instruments can help save time and money, enhancing efficiency. Ho Yick even utilises drones to assist the construction, drone mapping produces real-time map that could create a 3D model of the sites through point cloud modelling. Photos, maps and panorama make the site clear at a glance, construction process can be captured and accuracy can be enhanced.


Mr LAI Chun-to, also project coordinator from Ho Yick, operates drones to review procedures and assure project quality, “You can identify formwork and beams etc by comparing an aerial photograph and the drawing, which allow us to secure the accuracy by reviewing the colour and location from the map.” Drones are used once every one to two weeks to capture the construction sites, the photos and images produced act as the visualised schedule that document the transformation of the project.


The levelling and setting out trade used to be regarded as more conventional, nonetheless Ho Yick Leveling Co Limited breaks this stereotype by extensively applying innovation and digitalisation technology. Not only does it demonstrate the future prospect of the trade, but also attracts new blood to join and fulfil their potential. Echoing with mission of CIC to promote innovation for a safer construction industry, Ir Thomas HO said that Ho Yick’s effort in pursuing excellence is astonishing and a proof that hard work does pay off. He encourages construction practitioners to uphold professionalism, collaborate for an excelling construction industry.

ᐅ 2023.03.15 Upgraded Concrete to Reduce Carbon and Achieve Higher Speed and Efficiency   Digital Control of Transportation to Ensure Safety

The construction industry is constantly looking for ways to play its part in sustainable development. As concrete is the main material used in most buildings and accounts for 8% of the world's CO2 emissions, the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has stated its aspiration to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Construction Industry Council (CIC) is committed to promoting sustainability in the industry and encouraging the industry to try to achieve carbon neutrality with negative carbon technologies. Earlier, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, together with Mrs. LO LEE Oi-lin, our Council member, and Ms. Fay SIU, the Chief Executive of the Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims (ARIAV), visited one of the concrete batching plants of Gammon, to explore how concrete can be upgraded to reduce carbon emissions while improving speed and efficiency, and to ensure the safety of concrete truck drivers through digital technology.


The Fast and Accurate Concrete Sensor

Traditionally, the maturity of concrete blocks is measured by either Cube Crushing or Rebound Hammer. While the former is destructive to the building and creates a lot of waste, the latter is extremely demanding with positioning and angle, which affects the accuracy of results. The Concrete Sensor, which was introduced by Gammon from the UK 4 years ago, was not only as small and light as a strawberry, but also saved time and made the projects much easier. It could be attached directly to the steel bars and poured into the concrete as usual, allowing the sensor to detect the maturity of the concrete with a temperature measurement. The results could be sent to the mobile phone in real-time, so there’s no need to wait for the Cube Crushing report before continuing with the rest of the building process. In addition, the artificial intelligence of the Concrete Sensor will alert you when the concrete is too strong or too weak. Last year, the Buildings Department started to recognise the results of this new measurement method. Compared with the traditional Cube Crushing test, which requires 14,000 bricks for a project, the Concrete Sensor can save 18 tonnes of CO2, which is a huge step forward in environmental protection, social responsibility, and governance (ESG) for buildings.

One of the construction projects at LOHAS Park in Tseung Kwan O has been trialed with the Concrete Sensor. If concrete is poured in the traditional way, it usually takes more than 160 hours before the concrete is strong enough for the next process. With the new method, it can be reduced to 100 hours. The average construction project takes five days to complete a floor, but with the new technology, it can be reduced to four days. For a 23-storey building, a whole month can be saved in the process, that’s a whole new level in speed and efficiency. Some projects in Singapore are already using third-generation sensors, which can detect structure tilting or vibration. Moreover, the battery of the Sensors can be replaced, so they can be used for a long time. 

CIC member Mrs. LO LEE Oi-lin hoped that the new generation of Sensors will be able to measure the corrosion of the steel bars, thus informing the owner and the property management office at an early stage. Mr. Andy Wong, General Manager of Digital G, estimated that a 30-storey project would require about 300 sensors, at a cost of only 0.01% of the whole project. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, praised the technology for saving time and reducing carbon emissions while managing the cost, making it worthwhile for the industry to follow suit.

Turning 'Carbon' into Energy

The engineering team started using CarbonCure technology last year to recover carbon dioxide and add it to the concrete for mineralization. Carbon dioxide could be combined with calcium cement and turned into calcium carbonate, which was permanently stored in the concrete, thus increasing the strength of the concrete and reducing the use of cement materials by 5%. It would also minimize carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. The engineering team recycled carbon dioxide in the Mainland and stored in a metal pressure cylinder in the Tuen Mun plant. The control room would then give a signal, to inject the carbon dioxide into the concrete as a mixture of gas and snow, reducing carbon and protecting the environment in the process.


Artificial Intelligence for Temperature-Controlled Concrete

The concrete produced at the plant is normally sent to the site with ice pellets, in order to maintain a specified temperature. Before the invention of Ice Optimisation Content AI control system, the engineering team relied on their own experience to roughly estimate the number of ice pellets required per truckload. But now it is possible to use the system's big data to calculate the amount of ice needed, to maintain a specified temperature based on the local weather and raw material temperature. The system keeps track of the condition of the concrete as it arrives on site, saving up to 25kg of ice per cubic meter of concrete and over 17,000 tonnes of ice a year, which is a clear benefit in terms of quality monitoring and sustainable development.

The Control Room as the Heart of Logistics

ESG cannot be achieved by one application alone, it is equally important in managing the logistics team. The control room inside the concrete batch plant is the heart of the plant. By sitting in front of the control panel, the GPS can detect the speed of the concrete truck and the road speed limit, updated every 30 seconds. If speeding is detected continuously, an alarm will be issued inside the vehicle. The supervisor will be notified by SMS or email so that he/she can call the driver immediately, to remind the driver and understand the situation. When the truck arrives at the site, the screen of the control room will display which concrete is being poured and when the task will be finished, all at a glance.


Regular Driver and Vehicle Inspections to Prevent Accidents

Gammon Construction requires regular check-ups on its drivers and vehicles. There are mandatory annual medical checks for its drivers. Holidays are provided, and schedules are carefully managed to prevent excessive hours of work. Specially designed restrooms and bathrooms are available for drivers to clean up, rest and stretch. To revisit safety knowledge, drivers are also required to participate in driving attitude tests and different workshops. The braking system tests are performed every two to three months for transport vehicles. The team also reminds its drivers to avoid traffic blackspots as far as possible. With this multi-pronged approach, the accident rate has declined recently. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC hopes that the whole industry can refer to this Code of Practice.


From production to transportation to usage, concrete plays an important role in the life cycle of buildings and structures, and significantly impacts sustainable development. The CIC has introduced green product certification for the industry, over 800 products have been certified in 28 product categories, of which more than 500 are concrete-related. CIC hopes by choosing more environmentally friendly materials and products, the industry can work together to build a sustainable future and create a liveable city.

ᐅ 2023.03.22 Top-notch Scholars at HKU iLab for the Development of Innovative Smart City

Scientific research provides solutions to future problems while innovation creates infinite possibilities. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has always been attaching great importance to scientific research and actively promoting its transformation into practical applications. Ir Thomas HO On-sing, Chairman of the CIC, visited the iLab of the HKU Faculty of Architecture along with Council Member Sr Thomas HO Kwok-kwan and former Chairperson of the Committee on Building Information Modelling (BIM) of the CIC, Ar. Prof. Ada FUNG. They met with the Dean Professor Chris Webster and Associate Dean of HKU Faculty of Architecture, Professor Wilson LU, and were briefed on the team’s recent research outcomes which promote digitalisation of the construction industry. The CIC will continue to work closely with iLab to build Hong Kong into a world-class smart city.

MiC Trilogy

Since 2018, the CIC has been promoting the use of Modular integrated Construction (MiC), whereby construction processes are shifted to factory manufacturing in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) while prefabricated components are assembled and installed on-site in Hong Kong. It is encouraging to see the construction method being embraced by the industry. MiC has been adopted in more than 100 building projects in Hong Kong over the past few years. The HKU team led by Professor LU has further developed the “MiC Trilogy”, which monitors the manufacturing, transportation and installation processes of MiC through mobile applications.

The first application, e-inStar, digitalises the workflow of the manufacturing of modules in the factory. Inspection records, photos and test reports are uploaded and displayed on the dashboard in real time. The visualisation of blockchain enables offshore monitoring by the Hong Kong team and ensures operation of the factory and production quality. During the transportation of modules to Hong Kong, i-Core Sensors are installed to monitor temperature, vibration, and humidity of the modules. Blockchain technology and the e-TranStar application are used to track the real-time location, forecast estimated arrival time, and monitor the condition of the modules.

When the modules arrive at the construction site, the third application, e-InstallStar, is used to obtain installation information and check whether the installed modules are planned the hoisting path and positioned in place correctly. This positioning system has already been piloted in HKU’s Wong Chuk Hang Student Residence project. By using the OBBi system (OpenBIM: Opening the gate for BIM and blockchain integration), a novel approach has been developed to retrieve information from blockchain and restore it to BIM without delay or information loss.

Develop Automatic Robotic Arm for Lifting Modules

Scientists always stay hungry, stay foolish, so does the iLab team. The team is developing a robotic arm that could be attached to tower cranes for hoisting modules to designated locations automatically. The system could simulate the process and project possible modules collision during crane operation. Chairman Ir Thomas HO highly commended the system for enhancing productivity and safety and hoped that the system could be piloted once the wind speed problem is overcome, to benefit more MiC projects in speed and efficiency enhancement.


Adoption of CIC BIM Standards

The CIC has spared no effort in promoting construction digitalisation technology and setting BIM standards so that architects, engineers, surveyors and contractors could adopt the same standards to allow projects are delivered under the same agreed level of quality. Not only construction industry practitioners, academic institutions also adopt BIM. By using Mobile LiDAR, a 360-degree camera and complimenting software, the HKU team could scan the environment and objects inside a room of a few hundred square feet and convert the data into a BIM model within minutes. CIC BIM objects including ceiling, wall, table, chair and cabinet are all captured automatically. The software is still in the trial phase and Chairman Ir Thomas HO hoped that it could be put into use as soon as possible.

Coupler Inspector Robot

Couplers are widely used to connect reinforcement bars in construction sites. For inspection purposes, details of couplers (e.g., lengths, depths, in-positions) are usually documented in paper records, which are easily lost and prone to error. To solve this problem, the iLab team has developed the Coupler Inspector Robot with wireless charging, which can measure the depth of a coupler, record time, date and operator then automatically generates the inspection records as specified. It ensures the accuracy of data and offers greater convenience in retrieving the records.

iLab was established in 2016 under the Faculty of Architecture as an urban big data lab to take the opportunities and challenges as instigated by the global visions of Smart City and Industry 4.0.  It has made significant break-through in modernising the construction industry in Hong Kong and beyond. iLab has also won various CIC awards, including the Young Innovator of CIC Innovation Award 2015 and the Silver Award in CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 (Organisation Category-Training/Research Institute). The CIC will continue to support the application of scientific research into practical applications and encourage cooperation between the construction industry and academic institutions to promote advanced technologies and enhance construction productivity as the long-term goal.

ᐅ 2023.03.28 First Cremation Facility for Abortuses in Hong Kong — Home of Forever Love Delivers Care through Architecture

The construction industry builds for the people, addressing the needs of the society. In recent years, the Government has attached greater importance to parents who have experienced miscarriage by building various facilities. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) visited the first cremation facility for abortuses in Hong Kong, the “Home of Forever Love”, to learn how the industry utilises their professional knowledge and helps the community deliver care towards the families through building design.

Before the setup of Home of Forever Love, only abortus keeping facilities are available in Hong Kong. Prior to that, stillborn foetuses of less than 24 weeks’ gestation were treated as clinical waste for disposal at landfill, which aggravates the pain of the parents. The commission of the Home of Forever Love provides families with more options regarding the handling of abortuses as well as the cremation services for unclaimed abortuses from local hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Ar. Benny LEE and Ar. Paul MUI, Directors and Co-Founders of BREADstudio Limited designed the building and they believe that the facility attributes great importance. The two architects would like to express their condolences and bring comfort to the families, which drives them to present well-thought-out and exquisite design.

Appealing Curved Roof Carries Functional Value On-site Precast to Overcome Challenges under Pandemic

Located close to Kwai Chung Crematorium, the Home of Forever Love is recognised by its homogeneous hue and two immense curved roofs. Ar. Benny LEE said that apart from its artful appearance, the curved roofs are also practical, “we would like to avoid the weighty feeling of a massive building, so we build a smooth curved surface instead. The roofs are also used to cover the chimney of the cremation installation so not to upset the families.” The construction method is as innovative as the design, the team overcame the hindrance of logistics under pandemic by adopting on-site precast method to enhance speed and efficiency. A temporary production workshop was set next to the construction site which also reduced the transportation cost and time. “Building Information Modeling (BIM) was used in the design stage to create a 3D model of the building, thus we were able to produce three moulds based on it and built the two curved roofs by eight modules.” Whilst the modules are being lifted and installed, the team built the foundation and shear walls at the same time, maximising the benefit of precast construction method.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC praised the team for their agility and the extensive adoption of innovation technology, as well as taking buildability into account as early as in design stage. While safety and efficiency are enhanced, it also eases the team in tackling the unpredictable challenges.

Thorough Consideration Shown in Design Bringing Comfort to the Families

Apart from cremation installations, the Home of Forever Love provides various facilities for families to mourn their abortuses including a multi-purpose room, a garden of remembrance dedicated for scattering the ashes of abortuses and electronic kiosks. In general, cremation of deceased is carried out by pressing a button in the facility which is unsympathetic. Yet the two architects showed a caring attitude and made a twist for the memorial rituals at the multi-purpose room, the “Farewell Hall of Forever Love”. “Body of the abortuse will be put inside a cardboard container on the table surrounded by flowers, family members can then nudge it through the tunnel that leads to the cremation installation, afterwards they would turn off the light and close the door, which resembles the process of putting a baby to sleep.”

Besides the “Farewell Hall of Forever Love”, Ar. Benny LEE and Ar. Paul MUI are also thoughtful on the design of other facilities. After the memorial activity and cremation process, when families are heading towards the garden of remembrance, the “Little Garden of Forever Love”, what comes into their view is a pool with water ripples that reflects the sky. Ar. Paul MUI said they wish to calm the families, “Families depart through another door which leads to this unobstructed view. By all means we want to help them feel relieved.”

An evergreen “Tree of Life” is at the heart of the “Little Garden of Forever Love”, scattering the ashes of the abortuses around the tree, symbolises the cycle of life. The message stand next to it let families display message notes and flowers, providing a way for them to express their love towards the abortuses. Families can also conduct memorial activities at electronic kiosks inside the “Memorial Corner”, reminiscing their loved ones with the view of the garden. Ar. Benny LEE and Ar. Paul MUI hopes the architecture of the Home of Forever Love can give solace to families and put their minds at ease.

Designing with Professionalism and Meticulousness Demonstration of Care and Love through Architecture

The name of the “Home of the Forever Love” symbolises everlasting care and love, not only does it imply on the love the families have towards their abortuses, but also the support the community holds for them. The commission of the Home is definitely a benefit to both. Ir Thomas HO appreciates the teams’ caring and sympathy which is reflected on the designs where they put themselves into the users’ shoes, taking care of their needs.

Ar. Benny LEE and Ar. Paul MUI said that since the commission of the Home of Forever Love, they have been receiving heart-warming feedback from the families and the community, “the sincere gratitude from families who have experienced a miscarriage, and even cards wrote by families who do not, all these show that the building is indeed fulfilling its mission. In fact, we believe that showcasing care towards the users is our first priority through this project, instead of simply showcasing architectural excellence.” Ir Thomas HO agrees and adds that the project truly embodies the aim of the construction industry, building a better home for all walks of life.

ᐅ 2023.04.04 AIRSIDE: A People-Oriented Urban Oasis

The construction industry builds cities by brick and by heart, as we hold the motto of “Design for Future, Build for Life”, it’s our responsibility to apply the principles of sustainable development in building and meet the needs of the neighbourhoods. Ir Thomas Ho, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council has recently visited AIRSIDE, a mixed-use commercial development in Kai Tak that has completed lately, to learn about how this landmark project has taken the community into consideration in its design and during construction, and committed to sustainable development.

Owned by Nan Fung Group, the development of AIRSIDE aligns with the group’s "SEWIT", the sustainable development framework which promotes Social Cohesion, Environment, Wellness, Innovation, and Technology. Steven Au, Deputy General Manager (Project) of Nan Fung Group, said that as AIRSIDE is located at the junction of the old district of San Po Kong and the newly developed Kai Tak area, it has the responsibility to bring two areas together, create social impact, and meet the communities’ desires for public space.

Greenery constitutes 33% of the Site Area

With 47 floors and a height of 200 metres, AIRSIDE is the tallest building in the Kai Tak Development Area. The project comprises a Grade A office space and a multi-storey shopping mall, it is also connected to the Kai Tak MTR station and underground shopping street.

Nan Fung Group started from a cotton yarn factory when found. To honour the group’s history, AIRSIDE pays homage to its legacy by weaving a design inspired by textile. For example, curved glasses are used for facades which soften the outlook of the building when viewed from distance.

To facilitate public recreation and enjoyment, AIRSIDE designed a 20m setback along Kai Tak River to provide a wider promenade. Besides, no fences are built between the plaza and the building, community activities can be held at there for the public to enjoy.

In addition, the design of AIRSIDE incorporates urban life and natural environment, providing the public a sense of nature as it offers cascading greenery, an open-air rooftop, terraces and surrounding grounds that constitute 33% of the site area, which is 50% more than the 20% required by the Sustainable Building Design Guidelines, as said by Clement Yeung, Senior Project Manager (Project) of Nan Fung Group. To further develop the green landscape, AIRSIDE is also adorned with greenery as the project features a 1,000-square-metre green plant wall.

Automatic Refuse Collection System

Sustainable development in Hong Kong is taking a step forward thanks to the pioneers who dare to try and drive the industry. Sustainability is a key aspect of AIRSIDE’s development, and the project has set the “CO6" goals, including “carbon reduction”, “comfortable and healthy environment”, “cost-effective smart technology”, “conspicuous performance and consumption”, and “community hub creation”.

In terms of carbon reduction, AIRSIDE is the first commercial building in Hong Kong to adopt the “District Cooling System” with the chilled water amount to 30,000 kw refrigeration ton, resulting in a carbon reduction effect equivalent to planting 9,700 trees. Additionally, an innovative “Automatic Refuse Collection System'” is used at AIRSIDE, in which general waste and recyclables are transferred to the basement plant through waste disposal inlets. The system is equipped with a smart waste management tool that will analyse and share waste data to tenants to engage further waste reduction.

To create a community hub, AIRSIDE has introduced a “Smart Automatic Bicycle Parking System”, which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. The system is controlled by sensors and conveyor belts, and users can park their bikes through a smart self-service kiosk linked with the NF Touch App. Vincent Wong, Assistant General Manager (Project - EM) of Nan Fung Group, explained that there are 48 bike parking spaces in AIRSIDE to serve the public, and they hope to make use of this initiative to promote low carbon transport to the neighbourhoods.

BIM to Facilitate Construction Deployment

The construction period of the AIRSIDE project was merely 930 days, and the construction site covered 17,800 square metres. The top-down construction on 4-stories of basement with high water level and the MTR line in the underground have added construction difficulties to the project. Construction team from Hip Hing stated that the adoption of advanced construction technologies was necessary to assist in the construction, and Building Information Modelling (BIM) has played an essential role. "The industry has been actively promoting the concept of integrated CDE (Common Data Environment) in recent years, and I can say that AIRSIDE is one of the successful examples. Since the project commenced in 2019, Nan Fung Group has taken the lead in working with us to fully deploy the CDE platform. Every procedure, from design to approval are all done in CDE and BIM in a real-time manner." said Dicky Woo, Deputy Project Manager of Hip Hing.

Conventionally, construction personnel have to deploy projects through physical 2D drawings, but AIRSIDE has implemented the "5D Planning" to sort out complex situations in Top Down Construction to detail the phrasing of works and logistic planning, even the productivity review in the later stage can be carried out in BIM, enabling safe, quality and timely project completion.

AIRSIDE is connected to San Po Kong through a footbridge. Dicky Woo said its construction relied heavily on BIM in tackling challenges. For example, the bridge steel structure and decorative claddings was designed and coordinated using BIM, and BIM has helped on drawing productions and shared them with the factories to prefabricate modules. In addition, since the footbridge crosses four busy traffic lanes, the construction would inevitably have adverse impact on nearby traffic. The team thus made use of BIM to optimise the workflow in early stages in order to complete the project as soon as possible to reduce inconvenience caused to the public.

Ir Thomas Ho appreciated the AIRSIDE project team for placing sustainable development as the core value of the project, and the team has taken community’s needs and greening into account; moreover, digitalisation was fully adopted to assist in the construction process. Ir Ho highly regarded the project as being a pioneer in many respects, including incorporating visions of carbon neutrality and total lifecycle property management into their design, which has set the bar for the industry to follow.

ᐅ 2023.04.12 Professional Knowhow Converges Technology Leads the New Era of Construction Industry

Urban development is advancing at an incredible pace. The pursuit of harmony between new buildings and the environment has made exterior design more important than ever. As a new landmark commercial project in Kwun Tong, the development project located at 240 How Ming Street (KTIL240) boasts a façade (Curtain Wall) area of more than 400,000 square feet, which is grand and spectacular.

Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director, together with Council Members Ir Simon LIU and Ir Edwin TONG visited the project site to inspect how the contractor, Entasis Limited, uses Building Information Modelling (BIM) to help overcome the challenges of façade construction. They also learned about how the team monitors, manages, improves project efficiency, and ensures site safety through its self-developed digital systems and professional knowledge.

Overcoming Challenges with BIM

To match the curved design of the project's exterior, the façade elements had to be met the "Double Curve" design requirements during production. Under the conventional production processes, the failure rate of elements production can reach up to 50%, resulting in waste and low production efficiency.

"Therefore, we used 3D scanning to input the curvature parameters of the glass products into the BIM model for comparison. Any errors can be detected and adjusted immediately," said Mr. Elvis CHAN, Entasis Senior Project Coordinator. "Moreover, before processing the insulating glass unit (IGU), we have already removed the elements that do not meet the standards through the above method, reducing the loss rate from 50% to about 10%," added Mr. Lewis LUNG, Entasis Senior Project Manager. Using BIM and 3D scanning ensures accuracy in construction, improves product quality, reduces resource wastage, and increases energy efficiency.

Real-Time Tracking with Self-Developed Systems

The delivery of components involves multiple steps, such as production, transportation, and installation. Achieving information synchronization is key to smooth project management. The team uses its self-developed digital supply chain monitoring system, STAMP, and the "Integrated Digital Project Delivery" (IDPD) to achieve a one-stop monitoring solution. From factory production and warehouse transportation to on-site installation, everything can be tracked and monitored in real-time. Through the real-time data of the digital supply chain, the construction progress can be quickly retrieved anytime, anywhere and by anyone.

Automated System for Higher Efficiency and Precision

Beginning with the creation of the typical unitized panel in a BIM model, the team uses their own developed Entasis Automation System (EAS) to automate the production of various engineering drawings. The 2D elements drawings and lists in the system will also be synchronized with the changes in BIM data, which helps to achieve accurate procurement and reduce waste. Utilizing the system’s ability to directly generate fabrication drawings and CNC codes not only saves time but also reduces errors caused by relying on manual labor for repetitive work. This is beneficial for the reasonable allocation of human resources, ensuring better and more reliable project quality.

Flexible Design to Improve Efficiency and Ensure Safety

The façade construction of this project involves a large number of complex and irregular designs. The team uses BIM and parametric design to customize C-shaped suspension brackets, which ensures that the center of gravity (CG point) remains vertical when lifting heavy objects and skillfully avoids crashing into the waterproof hardware protruding from the building. Coupled with an adjustable lifting hole frame, different-sized elements can be flexibly lifted without changing the suspension bracket design, which is innovative and practical.

To enhance "Design for Safety" (DfS), the team has specially designed and embedded tie frame brackets for plinth installation to fix the position of each metal rod (C-rod) weighing over 60kg. This reduces the inertial error after injecting concrete and eliminates the safety risk caused by relying on on-site personnel to make corrections, making the process more convenient and labor-saving. Meanwhile, in pursuit of perfection on ideal leveling, four adjustable C-rods are reserved on the Tie Frame to retain adjustment flexibility in standardized processes, striving for perfection and enhancing efficiency and speed.

Ir Thomas HO praised the team's integration of BIM and their professional expertise, which is worth learning from the industry. As a pioneer of the industry, CIC encourages the industry to make use of technology to support industry development, strengthen safety awareness at site, enhancing production efficiency, and exercise professionalism to rise to the challenge.

ᐅ 2023.04.17 Innovative Cordless Tools Brings Low-carbon and Safety to New Levels

From hand tools and accessories to heavy-duty power tools, innovation is the key to improving performance. Milwaukee, a power tool company known for its lithium-ion technology, has gone to the frontline and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction to introduce its tools and gather ideas for developing new products through user experience. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Mr. CHAN Kim-kwong, Council Member of the CIC, visited Milwaukee's Asian headquarter in Hong Kong earlier. They learnt how the team broke new grounds to make traditional industrial tools to emit less carbon and create a safer work environment.

Highly Compatible Battery System Unleashes Potential

Traditional industrial tools are mostly fuel-powered, emitting exhaust gas and causing pollution, which may affect the health and safety of construction workers. In addition to power tools, Milwaukee has developed the MX FUEL™ battery-compatible system which is suitable for all products in the same series, including 350mm cut-off saw, 25 KG demolition breaker, handheld drill and other cordless industrial tools. The cordless tower light with a maximum of 27,000 lumens is also battery operated and can extend up to three meters tall by just pressing a button. Mr. CHAN Kim-kwong, believes that the innovative cordless feature helps a lot on reducing the risk of electricity leakage.

Machine Learning and Auto-stop Technology

In the era of big data, machine learning has become a major trend. The printed circuit boards (PCB) of Milwaukee collect data such as the strength of users and the duration of force, and then analyzing and applying it to improve while developing the next generation of products. In addition to the pursuit of performance, safety is also an important consideration for power tools. When using large tools with high torque, the drilling could be easily skewed causing reaction force. Novice users may easily get injured. The team has therefore added the "AUTOSTOP™" function to the product, which automatically stops the tool when it senses deviation from the drill hole, greatly reducing the chance of accidents.

CITF Helps Popularize Innovative Power Tools

The Construction Industry Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) actively encourages the industry to adopt innovative construction methods and technologies that promote productivity, uplift quality, improve site safety and enhance environmental benefits. Milwaukee (Hong Kong) currently has four tools on the pre-approved list, including the LED long-range stand light, handheld core drill, demolition breaker and cut-off saw. The team is also applying for a power supply system to be added to the list so that more construction companies and workers can access and use power tools.

Exchange with Hong Kong Institute of Construction

The team wants to change the traditional way of working in the industry and believes that it is most effective to start with educating the younger generation. They visited the Hong Kong Institute of Construction earlier to give talks and exchanges ideas. Students were given chances to try out a variety of power tools with an aim to help them understand and become familiar with the latest tools before they start working in the construction industry. Mr. Jackie CHAN, Commercial Director of Milwaukee (Hong Kong), said that not only the young trainees were enthusiastic, the instructors were also thrilled to try new technologies and solutions. He hopes to regularise the exchange program, so that safe and low-carbon power tools will benefit the industry. Ir Thomas HO also expressed his enthusiasm and hope that this is just the beginning of the collaborative effort to bring power tools and more construction innovations to the frontline and build the future together.

ᐅ 2023.04.21 Digitalisation to Rejuvenate Kwun Tong

Kowloon East is transforming into a new CBD to unveil a new page of development. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, has previously visited the “KTIL 240” project located in How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, where it is redeveloping on the site that was once home to the KMB bus depot. The project team has invested enormous resources on Building Information Modelling (BIM), working as a team by integrating advice from building and facility management teams as early as in the design stage. In face of different construction obstacles, digitalisation and smart design are fully utilised to foster efficiency and sustainability.

The Power of Collaboration

Redeveloped by Sun Hung Kai Properties, “KTIL 240” features a two-tower office building and a retail podium with a total GFA of 1.15 million square feet. As the site is situated in the busy downtown, digitalisation, especially BIM, is very much needed to facilitate the construction processes. According to Andy Mok, Senior Project Manager at SHKP, their in-house BIM team consists of around 40 engineers, who work closely with other teams throughout the process. Mok says that though BIM has been introduced for years, nevertheless, due to computers’ hardware constraints, BIM could only be applied to clash tests back then. Things have changed in recent years and the application of BIM doesn’t only confine to the construction stage, but throughout the whole asset life cycle. The needs of facility maintenance and repair are taken into considerations from the very beginning, “Our FM team has been contributing from the model design stage, and the design can thus modify the models in response to their needs. It would be hard to adjust at the later stage.” Mok says.

Despite the fact that the construction industry is often being stereotyped as an aging business with heavy manual labour, “KTIL 240” has rejuvenated the industry as the young team embraces digitalisation to boost efficiency, as Mok says "In order to minimise error during construction, teammates onsite will create a digital model and digital twin in the virtual world before proceeding to the building stage.” He further explains that the construction team can ride on the digital twin to visualise the working environment, facility management can also be benefitted when digital twin integrates with IoT and Artificial Intelligence..

Spiral Staircase in 3D Model

Given the complexity of the project, the team was able to solve some challenging construction issues credited to the aid of BIM. For instance, the structure of the iconic spiral staircase of the mall is irregular and the headroom constraints have added difficulties to the construction. The team thus made use of BIM to design a 3D geometrical model. Different parts of the staircase were then prefabricated in MiC to reduce onsite works. The team kept monitoring the process with laser scan throughout the building process, 3D drawings are also presented in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to make sure the outcomes are in line with the design.

The size of the site is limited by its downtown location; therefore, the project has extensively employed Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) to reduce onsite works and wastage. Different from the conventional practice where parts of the Air Handling Unit (AHU) are installed onsite, KTIL240 employed DfMA to combine different parts offsite. As the elements are orderly mounted in a single module, making the AHU more spacious. However, a coin has two sides, logistic challenges are met when elements of AHU are combined into a module and hence the team addressed this issue in a “n-3” lifting method, in which space is preserved in the floor area for lifting the modules. On one hand it provides flexibility in installation, on the other hand other E&M components could also be transferred in advance through the hole to speed up the whole construction processes.

Putting the Neighbourhood in Mind

Technologies are indispensable in the construction of KTIL240 to raise efficiency and sustainability. Compared to the ordinary projects, KTIL240 consumes 16% energy and 40% indoor water consumption less. There are over 20,000 square metres of green space in total in different areas like the rooftop gardens. Besides, KTIL has a strong tie with the community as the team has always put the mission of improving the traffic of the neighbourhood in mind, for example they have engaged with the Transport Department and the District Council to widen How Ming Street from two lanes to three lanes, they are also planning to build a footbridge linking itself with the MTR station. Ir Thomas HO congratulates the teams’ achievements as he believes that the project has well demonstrated how construction could improve liveability and the sense of wellness, “I’ve visited many sites while KTIL240 is extraordinary in a sense that this project has taken Design for Safety, Design for Buildability and Design for Sustainability into account, which these elements are exactly what CIC is always advocating about.” says Ir HO.

ᐅ 2023.05.04 Smart Technologies Adopted in HKHS Senior Citizen Residences Scheme - Ageing in Place with High Quality

Being a “housing laboratory”, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) keeps inspiring the industry by means of different types of housing, architectural design and management system. Senior Citizen Residences Scheme is one of HKHS’s popular projects. Blissful Place, the third project of the scheme at Lee Kung Street, Hung Hom has been completed and the earliest intake of flats is expected around mid-2023. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Mr. LIU Lifeng, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Urban Development from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Mr Kevin MCGEOUGH, Head of Strategy and Place-making, Ebbsfleet New Town Programme, United Kingdom are invited to join the visit. All of them appreciated the high level of livability, physical and mental care provided by this project.


Attentive Design with “Integrated Care Link System”

Accessibility is necessary for Senior Citizen Residences, so the interior design of Blissful Place featured a number of senior-friendly facilities. Other than peepholes at 2 height levels, low door curb, toilets equipped with sliding doors, non-slip tiles and grab rails, flameless cooking and fire alarm light for individual flats, Blissful Place included new features such as adaptive kitchen cabinet, window with crank handle and thematic colour design for each residential floor for easy identification. The project is also equipped with a brand new “Integrated Care Link System”, a gerontechnology application to provide 24-hour urgent support at home. Tenants can also receive timely emergency support within the whole property with their portable devices with positioning function to ensure their safety even they are outside their own apartment. Mr. Kevin MCGEOUGH feels that staying in Blissful Place is like staying in a high-quality hotel for vacation, as there are great lighting, good ventilation and spatial design while highly accessible. He thinks Blissful place is a role model for elderly residence but there is no similar cases available in the United Kingdom yet.

Social Networking in Sky Garden and Clubhouse

One of the key features of Blissful Place is its sky garden with more than 10,000 sq. ft. of greenery area. Seniors can try out gardening in the Blissful Yard and have friendly matches in Chess Zone. The Golden Bliss Clubhouse of approximately 5,500 sq. ft. offers a wide variety of fun-filled activities such as table tennis, fitness and Mahjong. Residents can expand their social network and support each other. Seniors could also stay active and enjoy life!


All-rounded Service

Blissful Place also provides medical and rehabilitation services, including medical consultation, occupational therapy and physiotherapy to accommodate “Hygge Living”. Seniors could receive care in the Residential Care Home for the elderly if their health condition worsens and could return to their own apartment when recovered. The team also provides escorting services for hospital visits, surrogate shopping for daily necessities, basic apartment inspection and repair.

“Heart-ware” to Strengthen Social Solidarity

Blissful Place belongs to “Senior Citizen Residences Scheme” which adopts a “lease-for-life” model. Except from a lump sum fee for entry contribution, tenants do not need to pay rental during their stay, the project is tailor-made for middle class senior citizens aged over 60, offering 312 flats in the 29-storey building. There are 24 residential floors with 13 flats on each floor, while the other five floors house a sky garden, a clubhouse and a residential care home for the elderly. Ir Thomas HO mentioned that as much as hardware is important for a successful project, “Heart-ware” must not be ignored where we have to contribute to the society through volunteering services and innovative ideas. From project design to the housing types, Hong Kong Housing Society has set up a good role model to show diversity and inclusion in their projects, to strengthen social solidarity and build a better Hong Kong.

ᐅ 2023.05.09 Shunde Grand Bridge Earns Patent for Smart Tower Cranes - Innovation Enhances Safety and Development of the GBA

The Shunde Grand Bridge is a key project in the Shunde District of Foshan. Its cable tower adopts a rare hybrid structure with a steel upper tower and a steel-concrete composite lower tower to achieve better environmental performance. The total length of the main bridge and bridge approach span 2.62 kilometers, comprises a bridge over the Ronggui Waterway and four bridge ramps. The bridge will be opened to traffic in 2025, which will bring the two subdistricts Ronggui and Daliang closer and benefit the development of the GBA. Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council, led the GBA Technical Tour Delegation to visit to this iconic infrastructure by the Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd, which included the patented tower-lifting machine and smart site safety system.


Factory Assembly Showcasing Mi Infinity

To minimise the impact on the original navigation channel, the main bridge is designed as a continuous semi-floating high-low twin-tower hybrid cable-stayed bridge. The bridge towers are of 204 metres and 151 metres tall. To take the taller tower as an example, it is divided into 32 sections, with the lower beam being a "steel composite structure" weighing about 589 tonnes, the middle and upper beams being steel structures, and the tower sections are made up of both "steel composite structure" and "steel structure". The sections of the tower were constructed in the factory, saving manpower and reducing risks and time working at height. Mr. HUANG Kai-kai from the project team also shared that, “the use of a large number of steel structures can effectively reduce pollution caused by concrete construction and facilitate the recycling of steel materials, thus achieving a low carbon footprint.”

Develop Tower Lifting Machine as a “Transformer”

Most of the steel towers of cable-stayed bridges and suspension bridges in China were installed by floating cranes and tower cranes, and tower cranes are more commonly used for the installation of steel towers with divided sections due to their wider coverage. However, according to Mr. HUANG Kai-kai, the lack of tower cranes with lifting capacity of over 200 tonnes and their low utilisation rate in China prompted them to develop a tower hoist during the construction of the Shunde Grand Bridge. The tower hoist, which is hydraulically operated, has a vertical climbing capacity of 250 tonnes and is suitable for constructing bridge's cable towers, beams and steel box girders, enabling it to be used for three purposes. After continuous adaptation and improvement, the tower hoist completed the first lift of the tower in September 2022 and completed the lifting of section T17 in February 2023, with a total of 26 sections of left and right tower limbs. It took only 108 days to build up to 112 metres, with an average height of approximately 1 metre per day. The tower sections are manufactured in the factory and installed on site by means of an intelligent tower hoist, which effectively reduces the time required for working at height. To further ensure the safety of the workers, a smart control centre is set up on site to monitor wind speed, weather and cylinder pressure, while key technical staff stayed in the centre to monitor and direct the project operation via 360° cameras and multiple screens, so that only three people were required to work at height.

Top 50 in GBA and Promising Future of the Application

Compared to floating cranes, tower hoists are cheaper and can be used in a wider range of applications, even in mountainous areas. The tower crane has been granted six patents, as well as a number of patents for development and subsequent planning, and was selected as one of the "Top 50 Strategic Emerging Industry Cluster Projects" in the 2022 GBA High-value Patent Portfolio Layout Competition among over 1,000 participating teams. After visiting the Shunde Grand Bridge, Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the CIC, commended the team for their continuous innovation and development of safer and more efficient tower-lifting machines, which will benefit more large-scale infrastructure and construction projects.

ᐅ 2023.05.17 Fast Paced Construction Industrialisation Indemnificatory Housing Project in Zhangkeng Proves Advantages of High Productivity Construction

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) continues to seize opportunities for the industry to further improve. While the Mainland construction industry has made tremendous progress, it is worthwhile to take reference from their success. Joined by representatives from various industries, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC led the CIC Greater Bay Area High Productivity Construction Visit to China State Construction Hailong Technology Company Limited (Hailong) and its benchmark indemnificatory housing project in Zhangkeng, Longhua District, Shenzhen. The delegation witnessed the project team’s efforts towards construction industrialisation and high productivity construction.


One-stop MiC Adoption Service Smart and Automated Factory to Speed Up Production

Named the first National Prefabricated Building Industrialization Base and National High-tech Enterprise, Hailong specialises in advanced construction methods. It provides comprehensive modular integrated construction (MiC) services and products, ranging from design, research and development, production, testing and installation, promoting national development in high productivity construction. The delegation visited its production base in Zhuhai, which showcases show flats of past projects including an international hotel in Baguang, Shenzhen which completed construction in only 124 days, the multi-welfare services complex in Kwu Tung North which will be the first project in Hong Kong to adopt concrete MiC, implying the capability of Hailong in leading the era of prefabricated construction 4.0.

The factory has nine production lines, the one producing standard modules is fully automated. Hailong designed and developed another automated production lines for steel structure MiC modules, which utilised automatic welding robots and automatic spraying unit to enhance efficiency and accuracy, which is also beneficial in establishing a safer and more environmentally friendly working environment.

Hailong is also flexible in terms of MiC application, the Chinese Medicine Hospital in Tseung Kwan O which is expected to commence service in 2025 is using two types of MiC modules, steel structure MiC for the wards, concrete MiC for electrical and mechanical facilities as required by fire safety regulations. Mr. David YAO, Deputy General Manager of Hailong, said that their design development can help reduce costs and allow clients to meet project’s needs. Hailong focuses on enhancing automation level and fabricating a smarter factory, Mr. HUNG Cheung-shew, Chairman and President of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited added that Hailong advocates to design for MiC and standardise modules that allows mass production in factory. This could reduce cost as well as enhance quality, he envisions to build housing units the same way as building cars in near future.

Ir Thomas Ho, our Chairman applauds the vision and contributions of Hailong in promoting construction industrialisation, as well as praises their focus on sustainable development, as they monitor carbon emission through their digital management platform which contributes to the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.

Indemnificatory Housing Project in Zhangkeng Establishes New Chapter of Speed and Efficiency

The CIC GBA High Productivity Construction delegates also visited the indemnificatory housing project in Zhangkeng, Longhua district, Shenzhen, built by Hailong and China Overseas Construction Limited. It is the first high-rise indemnificatory housing project built expeditiously by concrete MiC. It also achieved the highest industrialisation level and fastest building speed among similar projects, the construction period is only one year, one third of that by conventional construction method.

Mr. Kevin TSUI, Project Manager of China Overseas Construction Limited introduced that the project composes five buildings and consists of 6,028 MiC modules. The construction processes of the modules were completed in factory and installed on site. Only four days are required to finish the installation and furnishing for each floor. The installation procedure have already been completed in the mid of April, expecting to provide 2,740 units. Mr. Yann GUO, Director of Smart Construction of China Overseas Construction Limited said that the team adopted building information modelling (BIM) in the whole building life cycle and eases difficulties. This includes coordinating with trades to avoid clashes in design stage; allowing factory to produce and furnish modules accordingly to standards reflected in the model; and clearing uncertainty in connecting water and electricity pipelines within modules for swift and accurate installation.

Hailong and China Overseas Construction Limited are dedicated to achieve smart construction by adopting an array of efficient and industrialised construction methods. They also attach great importance in management by adopting C-SMART management platform for smart site integrated management. GUO presented that there are a total of 11 functions in C-SMART platform, covering all construction procedures and various aspects, ranging from construction personnel, safety, machinery, logistics and materials etc., as well as monitoring the data on carbon emission and pollution, reaching towards safe, smart and low-carbon construction.

Ir Thomas HO compliments the indemnificatory housing project in Zhangkeng, Longhua district as an international benchmark project, which is worthwhile for Hong Kong industry to inspect and learn from. He encourages Hong Kong and Mainland construction industry for more frequent exchange, instilling new initiatives for building a liveable city.

ᐅ 2023.06.19 “Modules Made in HK” - New MiC Factory Brings Prospects of Enhancement

In the next decade, the annual total construction output in Hong Kong is expected to grow to HK$300 billion per year. Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) therefore plays a key role in improving efficiency. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), together with Ar. Simon WONG, Chairperson of DEVB – CIC Joint Working Group, visited the new MiC prefabricated components factory in Tuen Mun earlier and hoped that this forward-looking project would lead the industry to develop "Made in Hong Kong" modules, further enhancing the effectiveness of MiC.


Flexible Application of MiC Modules

CNQC International Holdings Ltd. (CNQC) has been established in Singapore for 24 years and equipped with many years of experience in MiC application [similar to PPVC (Precast Prefinished Volumetric Construction) in Singapore]. CNQC has established its own PPVC design, manufacturing, transportation and hoisting system. Mr. CHEUNG Yuk-keung, Executive Director and General Manager of CNQC, highly-recognises the sustainability and efficiency of MiC and foresees the huge demand for this advanced construction method in Hong Kong, Macau and the Greater Bay Area, thus partners with Shiu Wing Steel Limited to set up a prefabricated components factory. The factory showcases a mock-up of the Executive Condominium in Singapore, with public housing materials used in the dining and living rooms and private project materials used in the bedroom. The project team said that according to their experience in developing similar projects in Singapore, three different module types are generally used for units of about 500 to 600 square feet.

The team uses advanced 3D casting technology to achieve a higher level of wall finish and reduce the need for plastering, which in turns saves manpower and avoids thickening the wall due to plastering. As seen in the mock-up unit at the Hong Kong factory, the bathroom is equipped with a water heater, connection pipes, etc., which proves the efficiency of MiMEP in reducing site installation time. With the help of MiC, glass and sliding doors in the balcony can also be pre-assembled in the factory, which greatly enhance liveability and flexibility.

Patent Earned for Wind and Earthquake Protection

Without weather and other unexpected constraints in factory, the process of module production and prefabrication is more controllable. This also gives a better platform for CNQC to measure the thickness of the waterproofing layer accurately during the production of bathroom modules. After measurement, they will apply two layers of waterproofing layer. Only after the two rounds of quality control has been passed will the bathroom floor be tiled. With the help of 3D moulding technology, the slope of bathroom floor can also be easily adjusted according to different conditions. In order to further integrate MiC into the Hong Kong construction industry, the team collaborates with Arup to develop a patented system that can protect the MiC building against strong winds and an earthquake of magnitude 7 as required for buildings in Hong Kong.

Research and Development of Smart Site System

Innovative technology is a major trend in the construction industry. The application of smart site systems has become vital to reduce time and cost wastage. In the construction of the PPVC project in Singapore, CNQC monitors factory and site processes through a smart system. Each MiC module has its own "birth certificate" to record the types of concrete, steel bar and production time. In Hong Kong, the team goes one step further than what is being used in Singapore. All MiC modules are under the monitoring of two monitoring systems that can identify types of materials, inspection workers, installation schedule, etc. from the QR code.

Flexible Design and New Trend of MiC Development

MiC is gaining popularity in the industry. After observing the project, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, said that the team's flexible thinking in applying different modules is worthy of reference. He also praised the team for their foresight and said, "Hong Kong will have a huge volume of construction output in the future, and there is a great demand for MiC and MiMEP. I hope we can continue to exchange ideas and perfect the MiC method.”

ᐅ 2023.07.06 Concerted Efforts from the Construction Industry and Education Sector to Establish a New Chapter for MiC Application

By constructing an improving environment, Hong Kong’s construction industry is dedicated to build a better home for all; while the education sector is devoted to nurture students to become future pillars of the society. Both industries are working hard towards a better future for Hong Kong. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), joined by council members Mr. CHAN Kim Kwong and Ar. Marvin CHEN, visited the fifth phase of the Student Hostel project at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), learning how it innovates and adopts Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) to enhance speed and efficiency, which symbolises the start of a new chapter for the construction industry and the education sector.


World’s Largest Student Hostel Project to Adopt MiC

Hostel life grooms students to be independent and encourage cross-culture understanding, which is an important experience for university students. In view of the shortage for accommodation space, the CityU joined hands with the contractor, Gammon Construction Limited to adopt the advanced MiC technology, offering high-quality accommodation and learning space.

Located in Whitehead, Ma On Shan, the fifth phase of the Student Hostel project at CityU provides green space, as well as academic and leisure facilities. The six halls, comprised of three towers, with over 100 single rooms and over 1,000 double rooms, will create more than 2,000 beds for students. This project is the world’s largest student hostel using MiC by the number of beds. The overall building complex involves 1,344 modules, each room module are prefabricated in factory in the Mainland. Internal finishes are completed in the factory also such as the installation of the bed, wardrobe, desk, air conditioner and even the curtain, so only installation of the modules is required after they have been shipped to sites, thus significantly reducing the construction period.

Enhancing Efficiency to Shorten Construction Period by Half

Miss Michelle CHAN, Associate Director of Campus Development Office of CityU pointed out that it was the project team’s brave move to adopt MiC, as it was just introduced to the Hong Kong construction industry at the commencement of the project. This project enjoys a few advantages that facilitate the adoption of MiC, including a large and flat construction site, highly accessible location, and repetitive room designs. The project can even reduce the impact to the surrounding neighbourhood benefited from a shortened construction period.

The student hostel project commenced in early 2022 with construction period expected to be 4 year if built under conventional method. Nonetheless, the adoption of MiC substantially enhances productivity and reduces the time needed. CityU installed the first MiC module in December last year, the last module of the same tower was installed in June 2023, topping out the tower. Other towers will be topping out by August 2023, completing the construction earliest by the end of 2023. The shortened construction period by half allows students to move in by early 2024 and enjoy their fruitful hostel life sooner.


Embracing MiC and Digitalisation to Enjoy Complementary Advantages

Apart from adopting MiC, the projects also utilise innovative digitalisation extensively in each procedure to enhance efficiency and quality. Integrated Digital Project Delivery (IDPD) integrates construction data to help oversee the project such as the process of modules prefabrication etc, enabling the team to be well-informed of the latest progress. Mr. Jackie CHAN, Manager of Campus Development Office of CityU, pointed our that during the quality assurance and quality control process, approved inspection record will be save into the as-built Building Information Modelling (BIM) model, for facility management department’s future use. In terms of delivery of modules, Digital Twin technology was used for monitoring. To ensure safe and smooth logistics, the location, content, car plate and even driving speed can be tracked by the system.

The CIC has been encouraging the construction industry for a wider adoption of high productivity construction and digitalised technology, prompting stakeholders to enjoy the benefits it brings. Ir Thomas HO appreciates the team for demonstrating proactiveness and innovation, bringing MiC and digitalisation to site, truly enhancing speed, efficiency and quantity and making the project one of a kind.

ᐅ 2023.07.11 Shouldering the Inheritance of Traditional Techniques - Construction Trade Exchanging Centre

With the accelerated development of innovative technology, the construction industry is entering the era of "Industry 4.0". However, traditional construction skills are still in demand and many hope to learn these techniques for entering the industry. Recently, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Mrs. LO LEE Oi-lin, member of the CIC, have visited the Hong Kong Construction Industry Trade Exchanging Centre under Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union (HKCIEGU) earlier. They toured the training ground and observed the progress of students.

Traditional skills training has always attract much interest. Taking joinery as an example, some institutions have offered relevant courses, attracting a lot of people who wish to learn the basic traditional techniques such as ”Lo Pan Lock” (burr puzzle), mortise and tenon. HKCIEGU mentioned that many are interested in the course of "General Workers to Intermediate Tradesman" (new entrants to become semi-skilled workers), in order to obtain the qualification of Intermediate Tradesman. It also believed that there is still demand for joinery and relevant courses are sought after. Currently, the Centre offers a variety of courses including bricklaying, plastering, electrical wiring, plumbing and painting, and is planning to expand more trades in the future.


Higher Popularity Among Female Students Injecting New Blood for the Industry

Recently, the government has expanded the Talent List of Hong Kong to cover 51 professions, including those under the construction sector, which will alleviate the labour shortage. However, the golden decade of construction industry is fast approaching, creating urgent demand for new blood to fill the manpower gap. Last year, the Center trained around 1,800 tradesmen and made significant contribution to the construction industry. The good connections with clansman associations of HKCIEGU has been helpful in attracting more new blood into the industry.

Mr. WONG Ping, Chairman of HKCIEGU has observed a phenomenon that training can unleash the potential of the female labour force. He shared the story of a few female students who had completed the painter course. When renovating their homes, instead of hiring skilled painter, they decided to do the painting job by themselves after the course. In other words, training female students can create more manpower while save manpower in the long term. According to Mr. LAI Tung-to, supervisor of Hong Kong Construction Industry Trade Exchanging Centre, quite a lot of female students have enrolled construction-related courses. During the tour of the Centre, it can be seen that several female students are attending different workshops.

Learning to Be A Smart Tradesmen, Not Relying on Manual Strength

In order to build a strong foundation, skills should be learned step by step. For instance, if you want to learn how to lay glazed tiles, you should learn how to lay mosaic tiles first. Preservation of traditional techniques is never easy and it relies on the masters to pass it down from generation to generation. At the same time, technology must be utilised for driving the development of the construction industry. Taking plumbing as an example, Ir Thomas HO pointed out that it is necessary to use Building Information Modeling (BIM) to generate plumbing drawings, complete all process in the factory so that pre-fabricated and readymade components can be moved to the site for assembly. “It is different from the past, and it takes time. We should get started now”, he added.

Ir Thomas HO encouraged students to be a smart tradesman and the training centre would lead them step by step. “You can’t only rely on manual strength as in the past, but be smart. For instance, the levelling and setting out trade can be done by BIM and then there is no need for you to mark ink lines by hands now.” He reminded students to take their responsibilities of safety because learning how to “say no to danger” was the most important. “Please bear in mind that you only live once, and you should also be considerate to yourself and partners ", he emphasised.

Previously, the CIC released the latest “Construction Manpower Forecast”. It forecasted that the percentage of the mismatch in supply and demand will grow from 5-15% this year to 15-20% by 2027. Mr. WONG Ping mentioned that people are eager to enroll and over 3,000 applicants are on the waiting list of their centre.


Labour Shortage Leading to the Cooperation of Trawling for Talents

Ir Thomas HO noted that around 10,000 tradesmen were trained in the past year, of which only 5,000 were contributed by the CIC, the rest of them was done by the huge efforts of industry stakeholders. He have appealed industry stakeholders to trawl for talents continuously, “the construction industry can never stop”, so he called for enhancing the coordination and collaboration among all parties in order to provide training for more talents. Mrs. LO LEE Oi-lin, Chairperson of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) Management Board, also suggested improving the communication and cooperation of HKIC and HKCIEGU, coordinating the recruitment of students, and hence shortening the waiting time.

In fact, with the support of the Development Bureau, CIC has been implementing a joint promotion campaign – “Design for Future Build for Life” since last year, in partnership with professional and trade institutions of the construction industry. The PR campaign aimed at reaching out to the community and enhancing public understanding of the professionalism, contribution and prospect of the industry, and also attracting new blood to join the industry.

ᐅ 2023.07.18 Chinese Medicine Hospital MiC Project: Mock up to Level Up

Modular Integrated Construction is widely adopted in projects such as housing, schools and other public works projects, which also includes the Chinese Medicine Hospital (CMH) and Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute (GCMTI). The CMH is the first multi-storey hospital project to adopt MiC. Ir Thomas HO On-sing, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, has previously visited the Fanling MiC mock-up of the project, to learn more about how the team solves potential problems through mock-up to raise efficiency.


Offsite Finishes 80% of the Internal Furnishing of the Modules

Located in Pak Shing Kok of Tseung Kwan O, the CMH and the GCMTI covers 4.29 and 1.72 hectares of land respectively, and are expected to be completed in 2025. With the support and commitment of all parties involved in the project, from ArchSD through to the suppliers, the project demonstrated breakthroughs in the building height and logistic arrangements in MiC medical projects , and has become a pioneer of the industry to widely adopt MiC. In total, there are 8 types of rooms, including wards, consultation rooms, treatment rooms, operation theaters and lavatories, etc. constructed in MiC, a large proportion of the E&M installations are also installed adopting Multi-trade Integrated MEP (MiMEP).

80% of the internal furnishing of the MiC modules is pre-finished off-site, leaving only minimal works such as joints, lighting fixtures, wiring, etc. to be completed on-site. Chung Ming Sze, Eva, Assistant Design Director of China State Construction Engineering (HK) Limited (CSHK) points out the significance of adopting MiC in uplifting the project’s performance in terms of time, manpower and integrated management as much works are done off-site.

MiC Off Main Structure for Ease of Future Alteration

The development of MiC in Hong Kong is still in its infancy, the project team had overcome different challenges during design and construction. Different from the preceding MiC hotel and hostel projects in which module sizes were standardised, 8 types of rooms constructed in CMH are of different sizes located in different parts of the buildings, which added complexity to the project.

On-site trial for Assembly of MiC Modules

The working environment of the construction site varies from time to time, therefore a mock-up site was set up in Fanling to ensure a smooth installation of MiC and MiMEP modules. The main purpose of the mock-up is to try out the most challenging installation processes of assembling the different off-site and in-situ components. The team simulate the module design, production, transportation, installation and finishing process through a mock-up, to prepare solutions to the challenges and enhance the process. Eva Chung explains.

As more projects will be adopting MiC, Ir Thomas Ho was pleased to see that the project has shown a very mature and elaborate adoption of MiC and MiMEP, and he appreciated the team’s efforts for pioneering such MiC adoption in the CMH project and setting a new benchmark of Mi-infinity for projects around Hong Kong.

ᐅ 2023.07.27 Shenzhong Link Artificial Island - A World-class Super Project That Brings GBA Closer

Connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan, the Shenzhong Link is a world-class cluster of cross-harbour projects with interconnections between islands, tunnels and bridges. The 24-kilometre-long passageway is expected to open to traffic in 2024. Earlier, Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), led industry leaders on a trip to the West Artificial Island to learn more about the innovative construction technology involved. Introducing the project, GAN Xingqiu, Deputy General Manager of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd (CCCC-FHEC), said, "This project of the century will greatly shorten the commuting time between the east and west sides of the Pearl River Estuary and help promote the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area city cluster.


Reducing Travel Time from Two Hours to a Half

The project team of Shenzhong Link first started the research stage in 2002. After thorough planning, they adopted the East Tunnel and West Bridge approach. The passageway, which runs from Shenzhen on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary to Zhongshan on the west bank, comprises a 6.8-kilometre-long steel-shell concrete immersed tube tunnel, the West Artificial Island, the 1,666-metre-long Lingdingyang Bridge and the 580-metre-long Zhongshan Bridge. With the commissioning of this eye-catching project, the commuting time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan will be reduced from two hours to half an hour.

Innovative DSM Technology Helped Speed Up Island Formation

As the West Artificial Island plays a pivotal role in the transition between bridge and tunnel, its construction commenced as early as December 2016. It is a rhombus-shaped island, 625 metres long and 456 metres wide, with an area of 137,000 square metres, which looks like a 'kite on the sea'. The "kite" is made up of 57 steel cylinders with a diameter of 28 metres and a weight of about 600 tonnes each. Over the years, CCCC has led a number of key projects such as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. However, when the team studied the foundation of the West Artificial Island for the Shenzhong Link, they discovered that the seabed of the Island was unevenly hard and soft. With rich experience and an innovative mindset, the project team swiftly turned crisis into opportunity. They invented the Deep Slurring Mixing (DSM) Technology, which means to soften the geology of the construction area by drilling and injecting mud into the sand layer with the help of an engineering ship. This has provided a solid foundation for the steel cylinder sinking process.


World Record For Largest Steel Cylinder Structure

After successfully resolving the unevenness of the seabed, the team used the 4,000-ton crane vessel "Yihang Jintai" with 12 hydraulic vibratory hammers to create a vibrating and sinking system with a maximum weight capacity of approximately 5,800 tons. Throughout the entire sinking process, the team was equipped with a visualisation, automated measurement and command system, which greatly enhanced efficiency and safety. From December 2016, when the construction of the West Artificial Island started as a pioneer project, to September 2017, when the last steel cylinder was sunk in place, the main structure of the West Island was formally completed within a short period of time. “The construction process of the West Artificial Island also broke the world records for the largest steel cylinder structure and the largest vibration hammer set," said Mr. YUE Yuanzheng, General Manager of CCCC's Shenzhong Link Project.


With the completion of the steel cylinder vibro-sinking works on the West Artificial Island, the team then started to implement water stop between the island tunnel and the island wall. Mr YUE said that the island tunnel was constructed on both sides by means of a retaining wall structure, while a water stopping steel plate was used between the retaining wall and the steel cylinder to form a secondary waterproofing system. The final part of the artificial island project is the precipitation and backfilling of the island, and the subsequent works include the treatment of soft ground, island water stop, island wall structure and protection, rescue pier, tunnel management station and other island facilities, which will play a key role in this mega project when it opens next year.

ᐅ 2023.08.04 Carbon Neutrality during Construction Period - O⬝PARK2 Demonstrates Vision of Sustainable Construction for Construction Industry

The growing importance of environment protection implies the shared responsibility across different industry, including the construction industry. In recent years, the industry has leveraged more resources into sustainable development, aiming to build a liveable city with higher sense of satisfaction. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, joint by council members Ir Rocky POON and Prof. Jack CHENG, visited the Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 2 (O⬝PARK2). They explored how it become the first project in Hong Kong to achieve carbon neutrality during construction period, setting an example to lead the industry.


Carbon Neutrality Commitment Reveals Dedication to Low-carbon Construction

Food waste accounts for over 30% of the municipal solid waste disposed in landfill in Hong Kong every day. To address the alarming situation, the Hong Kong government has built more waste-to-energy facilities, enhancing the overall food waste treatment capability and alleviating the pressure on landfills. This includes the development of Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1 and 2. With higher food waste treatment capacity, O⬝PARK2 is expected to be commissioned in 2024, its construction has adopted multiple advanced methods to implement low-carbon construction. O⬝PARK2 will be able to treat 300 tonnes of food waste per day. By using anaerobic digestion technology, it can generate biogas from food waste and further generate electricity from biogas. After deducting its own consumption by operation, O⬝PARK2 can export about 24 GWh of electricity to the grid per year, which is equivalent to the power consumption of about 5,000 households. With the decrease in use of fossil fuel for electricity generation together with the reduced amount of organic waste landfill, the operation of OPARK2 is estimated to reduce 67,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

Benefiting from the “Design, Build Operation” pattern, O⬝PARK2 successfully become the first carbon neutrality project of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (CSHK). The project team issued the first Carbon Neutrality Commitment in November 2021, pledged to achieve carbon neutrality during construction period through sustainable management, technological innovation and supporting voluntary emission reduction projects. Dr Jason CUI, Assistant Design Manager of O⬝PARK2 said that, an Integrated Design Approach (IDA) was adopted at the design stage, taking the long-term O&M requirements throughout building life cycle into consideration. “Experts with different expertise such as food waste treatment process, civil engineering, structure, surveying and low-carbon construction were called up to discuss and plan how to simplify construction procedure and thus enhance energy efficiency.” The project also extensively applied building information modelling (BIM) technology and integrated the CIC Carbon Assessment Tool with the BIM model in an innovative approach, facilitating the carbon assessment during the design and construction stages, and empowering the management and monitoring carbon emissions from building materials and construction procedures through an effective manner.

Considerable Carbon Emission Reduction – Not only the Green Procurement but also Technological Innovation

Developing a sustainable supply chain also plays an important role in contributing to the O⬝PARK2 low-carbon construction. The project’s major construction materials are concrete and rebar, as pointed out by Dr CUI, therefore the team paid great attentions on more environmentally friendly and low-carbon materials worldwide in the supply market. The so-called “Green Concrete”, utilised in O⬝PARK2, can replace 60% of cement from the concrete with Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS) – an industrial byproduct, and achieved the overall carbon emission reduction with a potential of 53%. The “Green Rebar” that O⬝PARK2 procured is manufactured by means of the Electric Arc Furnace with 100% recycled content, resulting in a carbon emission reduction potential of nearly 67% because of utilising low-carbon raw resources and production method simultaneously. Moreover, it is the first project in Hong Kong construction industry to apply this so called “carbon dioxide mineralized concrete carbon fixation bricks” based on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology that proactively absorbs and stores carbon dioxide and demonstrates the performance of carbon negative.

Besides, digitalisation technology has been extensively applied in O⬝PARK2 construction site for management with higher accuracy and efficiency and flexibility towards carbon neutrality. C-SMART Site Management Platform is able to perform all in one management including construction personnel, safety, materials, site environment and progress, concentrating the site into a smart and digitalised hub. CSHK also independently developed the “Carbon Neutrality Cloud Platform” which can automatically collect and classify all the existing carbon emission data and deliver the prediction of the emission data for the follow-up construction, serving for digitalisation of the carbon audit.

Recognition has been earned by O⬝PARK2’s multi-pronged approach in green and low-carbon construction. The independent carbon audit by a third party organisation denoted that the project successfully achieved a carbon reduction of 4,408 tonnes (as of the end of 2022), delivering a significant increase by 30% compared to that of the target in the commitment. To accelerate the exploration of carbon neutrality in construction industry, CSHK cooperated with Core Climate, a brand newly established international carbon marketplace from Hong Kong Exchange at the end of 2022 to implement this trailblazing carbon trading, to successfully offset the verified carbon emission recorded between the commencement and the date of June 30th 2022 by utilizing the verified carbon units. The remaining carbon emission will be offset with another carbon trading by the completion of the construction, achieving the carbon neutrality during the construction period. The successful low-carbon exploration by CSHK has done the construction industry a great favour for the sustainable development.

ᐅ 2023.08.14 Digitalisation to Transform Property Management

Guarding the Victoria Harbour, the 118-storey International Commerce Centre (ICC) is one of the most prominent landmarks in Hong Kong. With a GFA of 3 million square feet, it gives a huge task to the property management team, therefore digitalisation is adopted to assist in enhancing management quality and efficiency. Ir Thomas Ho, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council has previously visited ICC to learn the experience of the digitalisation journey of the ICC team in the past decade.

Digitalisation is an indispensable part of modern day construction. However when ICC started to build in 2005, digitalisation was not as developed as today is, and the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Digital Twin were not popular among the industry. Therefore the ICC’s team has to keep pace with the times by moving towards digitalisation. Dr. Calvin Kam, Founder of Strategic Building Innovation, has been assisting ICC en route towards digitalisation, he explained that establishing digital models was the first task on hand, “It was not easy to trace back the building plans and information that were submitted in the last decade. We turn them to a single source of truth and build the digital models, that’s the first achievement we made.”

Creating an Electronic Database

BIM can be seen everywhere during the facility management stage, its power even proliferates when it is used in concert with Common Data Environment (CDE). According to Dr. Kam, ICC database is very detailed indeed, “Take glasses management as an example, their information was only being recorded on paper and excel back 10 years ago. But with the aid of digitalisation, every detail of the glasses, their identities, naming, and even stock status in mainland factories are all in hand.”

Customer experience is the top priority of rental management, ICC has made use of digital solutions such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Automated Reporting to help tenants to grasp the spatial information, on the other hand it can also speed up the whole process. “The building is alive, sometimes our tenants may have different spatial preferences, we can hence generate automated reports based on their requests, with details of the glass facades, lighting or fire sprinklers related to that space are all calculated. Information of the delivery of possessions is also being recorded in CDE.” Said Mr Kevin Chu, Deputy Managing Director of Kai Shing Management Services Limited.

Patrolling with the Help of AR

ICC's digital process focuses on BIM and the team have also used other technologies to enhance customer experience. In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) has become popular. Kevin Chu stated that ICC's management team has introduced AR to assist in patrol and maintenance. "In the past, we used to patrol with a 'patrol stick' and phone, but now we use AR to patrol. Facility maintenance is also different from before. We only need to scan the environment to input data and directly issue orders to frontline personnel." In addition, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are also widely used in ICC. For example, different sensors are installed in the renovating units to monitor noise and air quality. The management team also uses AI to assist in the operation of CCTV by using analysis to ensure that cameras can effectively report abnormal situations.

ICC is 484 metres high, with a curtain wall area of 125,000 square metres. While curtain wall inspection often requires the use of gondolas, making the process lengthy. Kevin Chu said that in recent years, the team has collaborated with a start-up to use drones to scan the curtain walls, record and analyse their condition, which helps to avoid many working at height procedures. "We record the problems of the building in the system and scan them again after the typhoon for comparison, hoping to effectively track the problem without having to use gondolas."

Setting the Bar for Local Sustainable Construction

As buildings account for about 39% of global carbon emissions, green buildings are a key step towards achieving a zero carbon environment. ICC uses digitalisation and IoT systems to process big data and monitor electricity consumption, temperature, waste volume, etc. The management team has also collaborated with Hong Kong Polytechnic University to analyse the energy consumption of the building's lifecycle to promote energy conservation and emission reduction. ICC's sustainability performance is outstanding and has won numerous awards, apart from gaining the Platinum BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Certification and the LEED Platinum, ICC was the first building in Hong Kong to be certified by the UK Building Research Establishment’s "BREEAM" assessment system. Ir Thomas Ho speaks highly of ICC as it is one of the most advanced digitally-managed buildings in Hong Kong, setting the bar for local sustainable development.

ᐅ 2023.08.30 Role Model of Enhancing Speed and Efficiency The Hong Kong Housing Society’s Phase 1A, Dedicated Rehousing Estate Project at Hung Shui Kiu Built with ‘MiC’

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has been promoting the use of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in recent years. The Hong Kong Housing Society’s (HKHS) first concrete MiC Subsidised Sale Flats project at Phase IA, Dedicated Rehousing Estate of Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area (HSK IA project) will be completed soon. Recently, Ir Thomas Ho On-sing, Chairman of the CIC, visited the project to understand how the project adopts technology and the quality of the interior fit-out. Ir Thomas Ho praised the HKHS for fully showcasing the advantages of MiC, which is a great step forward in promoting MiC.

Technology Application Enables Comprehensive Design and Monitoring

CIC has been advocating for the digitalisation and application of technology in construction to enhance efficiency and quality. In the master planning stage of the HSK IA project, Aerial Photogrammetry was used to scan the surrounding environment. The project team combined the scanned images with Building Information Modeling (BIM) to project the development outcome of the area, evaluate the project's impact on the environment, and assess the area’s landscape and walkability after completion. The integrated use of digital tools allows the HKHS team to have a comprehensive evaluation and planning a harmonious living environment in the master plan stage.

The HSK IA project combines BIM and a digital monitoring platform to monitor the MiC manufacturing process. The system can provide 24-hour real-time monitoring of the installation of each module, the progress of the construction, transportation, and even usage of the MiC module at the site.

Standardised Production to Save Time and Cut Waste

The standardised production of MiC can enhance long term cost-effectiveness. The HSK IA project has a construction floor area of 15,400 m² over its 28 floors, including 25 floors of residential units. A total of 1,225 MiC modules are used in the project. There are 13 different types of MiC modules being used throughout the project and each module is being reused for nearly 100 times in the project which can significantly save production resources, reduce construction waste and carbon emissions. The use of MiC allows for a 10% to 15% reduction in construction time compared to traditional methods, making it possible to complete the project within 24 months, by 2024.

Maximised Use of MiC for Quality Interior

HSK IA project adopts a set of design standards such as all cables and water pipes are mounted in between walls. Cabinets, sanitary ware, finishing, and air-conditioners are provided with the apartment. These cabinetries, sanitary ware and finishing are pre-installed in the factory. The centralised indoor production of all MiC components ensures effective quality control, improves project management and supervision efficiency. Multiple pipes and conduits in kitchens and bathrooms are installed efficiently in the factory. It also allows for detailed inspections and ensures the quality, especially the waterproof level of the product.

Using MiC to Enhance Speed and Efficiency to Handle a Large Number Construction Tasks

The CIC encourages the industry to adopt various technologies to improve efficiency and quality. The HKHS’s adoption of MiC, BIM, and Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MiMEP) in the HSK IA project sets a good example, and elevators are manufactured and installed in the factory to significantly reduce production time. HKHS will continue to adopt MiC in their future projects if viable, including the Kwu Tung North development project to improve efficiency and quality.

CIC continues to promote MiC, BIM, and MiMEP in the industry to enhance efficiency and quality through organising exhibitions and training programs. To propel industry development, the CIC offers master classes on innovative technology and safety design to equip professionals in the construction industry to seize opportunities in "Construction 2.0".

ᐅ 2023.09.06 HKU Hostel Sets New Architectural Trends with Innovative MiC Design

The construction community always keep a close eye on the latest technology trend and innovative implementation to improve construction efficiency, minimise environmental impact, enhance workplace safety, and increase productivity and quality. The latest Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method is increasingly common within the construction industry. The mixed development project by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) at High West Site brings this construction method further through cutting-edge technologies such as "horizontal divisions", Smart Transport Planning Platform and e-birth certificates, which allow the quality of both interior and exterior areas comparable with most large-size residential units in the private sector. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, accompanied by Council Members and students of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction recently visited the mockup unit of this groundbreaking project. Mr. Jeffrey SY, Director of Estates of HKU and Dr. Louis CHU, Associate Director of Estates of HKU, provided insightful explanations on the execution of the project and numerous advantages of MiC, such as accelerated construction timelines, enhanced waterproofing, waste reduction, and improved workplace safety.

Advanced "Horizontal Divisions" Technique for Enhanced Waterproofing Ability

The project consists of four buildings comprising 19-storey and 20-storey student hostels and staff quarters providing over 1,000 units. HKU has commended that the MiC method would bring significant breakthroughs in its applications, not just resulting in an efficient construction process, but also many other advantages.

One notable innovation is to apply "Horizontal Divisions" of MiC units instead of traditional “vertical divisions” of MiC units. This innovative design arrangement can largely reduce the number of joints between modules and mitigate the risk of water infiltration from external walls. In addition, all windows will be installed in the factory and undergo water testing, which further mitigate the risk of water seepage from the external wall. It provides much better quality control than traditional window installation on site. The MiC modules designed for dividing horizontally allows for fewer modules to be used while increasing indoor space. Unlike vertically divided modules, it has certain limitations in terms of weight, wall structure, and interior compartments.

Double-Wall Design Maximizes Usable Space without Compromise

MiC method composed of the assembly of different modules.  There is a common concern within the industry whether adopting MiC would reduce the usable floor area due to doubling up the walls between modules. In fact, the High West Site project has effectively addressed this concern through a thoughtful approach by limiting double-wall only to part of kitchen and bathroom areas, while single-wall design will be applied generally to other areas. The double-wall design is only used in kitchen and bathroom so that all waterproofing works, cabinet installations and internal finishing works will be completed in the factory. Since the wall thickness of MiC is similar to the wall thickness of traditional construction method, the usable floor area of the MiC units are comparable to traditional construction methods. Valuable internal space will not be sacrificed. Ceiling height has been meticulously designed to reach an impressive 2,970 millimeters, which overcome previous transportation and assembly limitations. The project has successfully achieved the desired dimensions, resulting in a comfortable and spacious ambiance—an achievement that holds significant reference value for developers.


Unyielding Strength: Robust Wind Resistance

The resistance to wind and rain of a building is an important criterion for assessing construction quality. The project selected prefabricated modules to improve the robustness of the building structure. Screws and couplers connections will be avoided so that future maintenance of loosen screws could be minimized. This will further enhance the durability of the building. Regarding the wind resistance of the building, Dr. Louis Chu stated that the modules will be connected by welded steel plates. As a result, the modules will become part of the main building structure framework.  This innovative approach will reduce the building deflection under strong wind and further increase the wind load resistance of the building.


Streamlined Maintenance and Construction Personnel for Enhanced Efficiency

Dr. Louis Chu also mentioned that the balconies of this project are the first "prefabricated modular balcony" approved by the Buildings Department in Hong Kong. Components such as railings, floor tiles and waterproof layers will be installed in the factory in advance. The structure will also be tested and calibrated at the factory. This will ensure all components and modules are accurately fabricated before transport to the construction site for installation. MiC construction technology allows the majority of the fabrication process to be completed in the factory. In addition to complying with statutory requirements, the project has set a higher safety factor. The construction tolerance of each module has to be controlled within 2mm, which is more accurate and safer than traditional building construction method. Furthermore, the balconies are full concealed by aluminium panels, all waterproofing works are done in the factory and passed 100% tested to ensure its effectiveness.  Even in rainy days, there will be no water seepage and avoid the need for frequent maintenance in future. 

Modular construction significantly reduces the number of on-site construction workers. With only a fraction of the workforce required compared to traditional methods, safety management becomes more streamlined. Dr. Chu emphasized that “since most of the construction works are completed in the factory, the construction process become much safer."

Many believe that the statutory application and approval process of MiC buildings can be quite troublesome. Dr. Chu pointed out that the Buildings Department has streamlined the application procedures, making the application and approval process much easier.  In fact, the approval process of this project only took 2 months. As long as sufficient information is submitted, the approval time will not take longer than traditional construction methods.

Smart Transport Planning Platform

Since most of the roads in Hong Kong are full of people and vehicles, and the general MiC modules are wide and long, the transportation route will need detailed planning.  The research team led by Professor Wei Pan of HKU is currently developing a smart transportation planning platform and will make use of the High West Site project to tackle difficulties related to MiC transportation.  Some of the core algorithms of the platform have been effectively verified in the High West Site project.  With the support of the planning platform, project team can plan the use of MiC in advance. Especially during land sale, design and delivery arrangement and thereby reducing the impact to nearby traffic. Professor Wei Pan and his research team will continue to develop and improve different functions within the planning platform, hoping to serve the government and general public.


Automated Mobile Systems Facilitate Property Management

Professor Wilson Lu and his research team also played a role in the High West Site project. Innovative technologies such as electronic quality inspection systems and mobile application platforms are developed to ensure the construction quality and safety meet international standards.  These technologies have the potential to promote the use of MiC into the international market. They have adopted a cloud-based blockchain system to encrypt all inspection data. Previously, this inspection system has been adopted at the Wong Chuk Hang Student Hostel project. The research results have won many international awards. The first-generation of the system mainly used on a single project and Wi-Fi or 4G system. However, the 2.0 version can apply to manage multiple projects and use the 5G system for data transmission, which is much faster and more stable.

The goal of HKU is to establish a fully mobile platform that allows the entire workflow, transportation, installation, and even project progress can be fully control and monitor. The team utilized Internet of Things (IoT) technology, it captures vital data of the modules such as temperature, humidity, vibration, and precise location information, ensuring meticulous monitoring and control. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) provides real-time location verification, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) used for information management and visualization. More importantly, the system uses blockchain technology to ensure that all data collected from mobile applications, IoT, GIS, uploaded photos and documents, and endorsements of T&C records from relevant inspectors cannot be modified or altered. All responsible parties of each process are accountable for their submitted information and every piece of data are traceable in the system.

HKU strives to establish a comprehensive digital system that leaves no room for errors or oversights. Their ultimate aspiration is for the Buildings Department to recognize and endorse this cutting-edge system.

e-Birth Certificate: From Inception to Maintenance

Dr. Louis Chu conveyed that HKU has adopted a system called "e-Birth cert," which is based on digital blockchain technology and provides design customization and 100% quality supervision This reliable monitoring system can ensure that remote overseas factories meet the design and quality requirements during the manufacturing and transportation process.  This revolutionized the production of MiC globally, allowing MiC to be exported to all over the world. The buildings at High West Site will be equipped with smart features, and all units will be connected to the building management system. Apart from receiving immediate notifications in case of emergencies (such as fires or smoke warning signals), residents and management office will be notified immediately.  The system will also be connected to relevant Government Departments such as Water Supplies Department’s Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system.  Residents will be notified immediately when there is suspicious water usage.

The High West project at the University of Hong Kong serves as an excellent demonstration for the industry. From the cozy design with high ceiling height, innovation of prefabricated modular balcony, cloud based blockchain building management system to the Smart Transportation Planning Platform and the application of e-Birth Certificates, all highlight the innovation and efficiency of MiC. With the continuous optimization and upgrades, we believe that modular construction will set off new a revolution in the future construction industry.

ᐅ 2023.09.13 First Modular Public Housing Project Opens a New Chapter in MiC

With the pressing housing demand in Hong Kong, the construction industry has been committed to improving construction efficiency, and Modular integrated Construction (MiC) has gained popularity in recent years.  Hong Kong has implemented several MiC pilot projects and laid a solid foundation in MiC adoption.  Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), has visited the site of “Tung Chung Area 99 (TC99)” project to exchange ideas with the industry, hoping to further promote the development of modular integrated construction methods in Hong Kong.


TC99 project is led by the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) and is expected to be completed by 2025.  The project consists of five buildings and provides 4,800 units, with one building adopting MiC, making it the first public housing project in Hong Kong constructed using prefabricated volumetric modules for domestic flats.  Mr. Rayson WONG, Chief Structural Engineer (Development and Construction) of the Housing Department, introduced the TC99 project during the event.  He stated, " The fifth block features an L-shaped design which adopts the MiC,  consists of 12 storeys and encompasses all four standard flat types which require two to four prefabricated volumetric modules for assembly." Considering the construction progress of the project,  one of the buildings is selected to test the production, installation, and effectiveness of the MiC.

Combining Experience and New Technology

This project improves upon previous MiC experience and techniques.  Mr. Rayson WONG described the difficulties in installing prefabricated volumetric modules side-by-side with stringent tolerance control and it is easy to create gaps between the modules which may lead to water leakage. Therefore, the TC99 project chose stitching the MiC modules by in-situ concrete to eliminate the gaps between MiC modules and thus their vulnerability to water leakage and long-term maintenance burden.

Additionally, the team aims to combine the independent walls of two MiC modules to reduce the overall wall thickness.  They collaborated with the Nano and Advanced Materials Institute to develop connection technologies to construct composite walls that have a similar thickness as conventional concrete walls, increasing usable space and providing flexibility in building design.  Moreover, the installation and connection of components procedures could be separated to streamline the process and reduce the need for on-site steel reinforcement bar fixing, thereby reducing the workload of on-site construction.

Transportation Challenges Settled by Policy Adjustments

One of the main challenges in constructing the TC99 MiC building is the transportation of the large and heavy prefabricated volumetric modules to the construction site.  Currently, the road freight transport restrictions in Hong Kong is 2.5 meters in width and 4.6 meters in height.  Mr. Rayson WONG mentioned, "Under these restrictions, the modules need to be cut into multiple smaller parts before transportation, resulting in more connections and complicating the installation process." After discussions with industry stakeholders, the Transport Department and the CIC, MiC projects may apply for appropriate permits, to extend the limit to 3 meters in width to allow greater design flexibility.  Where necessary, temporary diversion measures are also implemented to overcome the limitations of narrow roads in Hong Kong, facilitating smooth installation.

Work Together to Promote High Efficient Construction

The CIC has continued to promote the development of MiC, its Chairman Thomas HO commended the significant breakthroughs achieved by the project team.  He also expressed interest in the construction efficiency, and encouraged the team to further accelerate with their experience of traditional MiC, from completing a standard floor in six working days to four days.  Representative from the Housing Department stated that they aim for faster construction and have been maintaining close communications with contractors, emphasising that the target to complete one storey in six days must be achieved and they believe that there is room for acceleration.  The team will continue to ensure the safety of workers and project quality while striving for improvements. Once there is solid data and experience, the team will share it with the industry.

With a target of constructing approximately 100,000 public housing units in the next five years, the government emphasizes the need for efficient construction.  Mr. Stephen LEUNG, Deputy Director (Development & Construction) of the Housing Department, stated, "Optimisation is not only required for the module production factories but also for logistics, on-site technology, and the transformation of local workers.  With enhancements throughout the entire industry chain, we can continuously boost construction efficiency."

Looking ahead, the Housing Department aims to further improve on-site construction processes with three key principles: Off-site Prefabrication, modularisation with cross-trade integration, and Plug-and-Play. The long-term goal is to achieve "Plug-and-Play" functionality, which, if successfully implemented, would simplify the construction process and potentially elevate the construction productivity for meeting Hong Kong's housing demand.

ᐅ 2023.10.05 Turning Challenges into Opportunities by Exploring the Advantage of MiC

The Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method improves projects’ efficiency, quality and sustainability performance and these features are most needed during the epidemic. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), visited China Construction Integrated Science & Technology Co. Ltd.(CSCEC)'s Beijing Yizhuang Blue Collar Apartment project located in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area earlier. During the visit, the project team shared how the project adopted MiC to achieve high efficiency and energy saving while building a liveable space with both buildings and nature coexist in harmony.


Beijing Yizhuang Blue Collar Apartment features green and smart construction. The project building reaches 32 meters in height with its 9 stories and occupies a construction area of 120,000 square meters. The project provides 1,810 apartments, of which 1,504 are built with MiC. It is an integrated construction project completely undertaken by CSCEC. The project widely adopts MiC and prefabricated components, which are assembled on site. The overall prefabrication rate of the project reaches 92%. The modules used in the project can also be recycled, which reduces costs and improves sustainability performance.


Sustainable Development Goals

Since the apartment project is constructed using MiC, traditional processes like scaffolding, concrete pouring or bar bending and welding are eliminated, thus reducing construction waste by 80%, saving electricity by 70%, and greatly reducing noise and environmental pollution to the surrounding neighbourhood. The recycling rate of construction materials reaches 90%, achieving zero material waste. The decor inside each apartment was replaced by installation of decorative panels, to reduce plastering, painting and other processes, which can also reduce sewage discharge. At the same time, the project components are detachable, replaceable, and recyclable, which effectively reduces the maintenance cost when the project enters the operation stage.


Since the design stage, Beijing Yizhuang Blue Collar Apartment project has taken into account sustainability and energy saving considerations so the module widely adopts energy-saving measures such as high-performance thermal insulation layer, energy-saving doors and windows, solar panels etc., to improve the heat insulation and thermal insulation performance of the buildings and effectively reduce the heating and air conditioning needs. Coupling with the use of renewable energy, the buildings can achieve "zero energy consumption" in the operation stage.


MiC Accelerates Project Completion to Protect Citizens from the Epidemic

Adopting MiC can greatly speed up project completion as well as helping the project to achieve higher precision and quality in construction projects. Beijing Yizhuang Blue Collar Apartment project’s modules contains one apartment in each unit. To speed up the project, 90% of each apartment’s mechanical, electrical and plumbing pipes, furniture, decoration, curtain walls etc. are prefabricated in the factory, and transported to the site for direct hoisting and assembly. The project also adopts a number of smart construction technologies, such as the world's first "Smart Construction Platform for Prefabricated Construction" developed by CSCEC and the connection technology for handling module connection. Only 10 workers and one tower crane are required to complete the hoisting and installation of four modules in one hour. The construction speed is 60% higher than traditional construction, and the hoisting precision can be controlled within five millimeters, which fully demonstrates the advantages of MiC construction on speed, quality and sustainable construction.


Mr. LI Zhi-wu, Design Director of China Construction Integrated Science & Technology Co. Ltd., shared that the modules used in the Beijing Yizhuang Blue Collar Apartment Project are produced in Tianjin, and the modules can be delivered to the site within a few hours after completion. In addition to the production base of CSCEC, in order to speed up production, the project team also cooperated with other production facilities. Since different production lines are used, CSCEC appointed personnel to station in the factories to manage and monitor materials usage, quality, production progress and technology in order to ensure the quality of finished products. At the same time, an advanced monitoring platform was used to coordinate the production in various factories and coordinators were able to keep track of the production progress at any time.


Ingenious Design to Achieve Quality and Liveabilily

Beijing Yizhuang Blue Collar Apartment installed thermal insulation layer in the prefabricated stage in the factory, which has a significant effect of thermal insulation to effectively reduce energy consumption of heating and air conditioning comparing with traditional residential houses. Each apartment is equipped with a separate bathroom and smart home appliances such as video intercom, TV, air conditioner, lighting control, electric curtains, etc., to create a low-carbon and comfortable living environment for residents.


The project entered operation in October 2022. It was not only awarded the title of "Beijing AAA Class High Prefabrication Rate Demonstration Project", but also won the first prize in the National Engineering Construction Industry BIM Competition. In order to continue serving the community after the epidemic, the apartment has added popular features among business travelers, such as new energy vehicle charging stations, self-service car wash, shared kitchen, hair salon, meeting and leisure area etc. to continue to provide high-quality accommodation for white-collar, blue-collar and business travelers.

ᐅ 2023.10.09 Shenzhong Link – Immersed Tunnel Uncovers Potential of Prefabrication

The digitalisation of China's construction industry is advancing by leaps and bounds. The project team's innovative thinking combined with prefabrication techniques attributes the success of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, the world's largest steel-shell concrete immersed tunnel. Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), visited the tunnel and learnt how the electric smart trolleys, automatic intelligent pouring system and smart site safety system have contributed to the safety and efficiency of this "Project of the Century".


Electric Hydraulic Trolley and Intelligent Pouring System

The 24-kilometre-long Shenzhong Link is a world-class cluster of cross-harbour projects with interconnections between islands, tunnels and bridges. It is expected to be commissioned in 2024, which will reduce the travelling time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan from the original two hours to half an hour. The subsea tunnel, which runs from Shenzhen to the Western Artificial Island, has a total length of 6,845 metres. The immersed tube section, which consists of 32 immersed tube sections and one final joint, has a length of 5,035 metres, and is the world's first two-way eight-lane, steel-shelled concrete immersed subsea tunnel.


CCCC Fourth Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd. (CCCC4) has years of experience in the construction of immersed tunnels, and has previously been involved in the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project. This time, the project team is welcoming an even larger immersed tunnel project. While introducing the Shenzhong Link, Mr. CHEN Wei-bin, General Manager of the Technical Centre, said, "In every immersed tunnel project, we are improving the effectiveness of prefabrication. When it comes to the Shenzhong Link, the production capacity increases to 40 days for one tube section." He added that this was made possible by the creation of intelligent trolley technology after continuous practice and research.


Each intelligent trolley has a loading capacity of 800 tonnes. When the precast steel- shell arrives at the unloading area of the prefabrication factory, 200 sets of trolleys will run simultaneously to deliver it to the intelligent pouring area. By using big data, the system can automatically pour concrete within seconds and control the speed of concrete placement, which is more efficient than traditional pouring machines and can greatly reduce concrete wastage. Each steel-shell concrete immersed tube weighs up to 80,000 tonnes. After prefabrication, the steel-shell concrete immersed tubes will be transported by intelligent trolleys with a carrying capacity of 160,000 tonnes to the shallow dock area of the factory, ready for shipping and installation. The whole process of immersed tube prefabrication is carried out in the factory. Mr CHEN Wei-bin said that efficiency and quality are greatly enhanced, and the working environment is safe and comfortable without the need to be exposed under sun and rain.

"Yihang Jinping 2" Delivers Top Levelling Technology

The Shenzhong Link is a major national project and many different teams have been working on it for years. CCCC4 has been contributing prefabrication technology and different innovative technologies. CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd (CCCC-FHEC) has also assisted the project in many ways, including the use of its self-developed "Yihang Jinping 2" to help in the seabed foundation work of the subsea tunnel. "The Yihang Jinping 2" is a self-elevating gravel laying and levelling vessel with a length of 98.7 metres and a width of 66.3 metres, which is close to the size of an international standard football pitch. It is capable of performing tasks such as positioning, pile lifting, gravel conveying and levelling, and quality checking, achieving integrated management throughout the construction process. It is also highly resistant to wind and waves, allowing high levelling speed and accuracy. With the help of "Yihang Jinping 2", levelling work for one standard tube section can be completed in 3 to 4 days.


Smart Site Safety System in Action

During his visit, Ir Albert CHENG commended the innovation of the Shenzhong Link, in particular the Smart Site Safety System. For instance, CCCC4 built a smart monitoring hall for the prefabrication factory, which provides an overview of construction processes on screens to effectively manage and ensure safety. CCCC-FHEC also uses smart helmets with BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and front camera to monitor the team's position, safety and health in real time during construction.


The main structure of the Western Artificial Island and the Lingdingyang Bridge were also completed in September 2017 and April 2023 respectively. In June 2023, the final joint of the subsea tunnel successfully connected to the last tube segment, bringing this mega project to the final stage. When it opens to traffic next year, it will definitely bring the Greater Bay Area closer together, promote development, and benefit the public in various aspects.

ᐅ 2023.11.03 Building a Safer and Greener Future with Digital Tech Tool

Power tools such as electric drills, breakers, screwdrivers, and cutters are indispensable in the construction industry. Their performance and efficiency are crucial to the daily work and productivity of workers, as well as the overall quality and safety of construction sites and projects. With the swift progress of software and digital technology, the industry is proactively embracing innovative solutions to tackle industry challenges and elevate work standards. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) visited Hilti (Hong Kong) and engaged in insightful discussions with company representatives and frontline staff to understand how they are enhancing the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of the construction industry through innovation and digitalisation.

Design for Safety: Worker Safety First

Ir Michael LEUNG, General Manager of Hilti (Hong Kong) Limited, emphasised the need for the construction industry to broaden its perspective beyond design and construction, placing equal attention on the safety and lifecycle management for everyday tools. As sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud storage technologies mature, traditional manual tools are gradually being replaced by digital tools. Each digital power tool integrates a smart control system that can monitor its operational status, prevent accidents, and provide real-time feedback. Furthermore, some tools offer data logging and analysis functions, enabling objective and accurate monitoring and assessment of work efficiency and quality.

Ir LEUNG highlighted the company's globally launched NURON wireless tool platform, which demonstrates how innovative digital platforms and data can be utilised to optimise tool performance and safety. Hilti emphasises "design for safety," where tool design prioritises worker safety. To provide workers with more comfortable and safer everyday tools, the company has greatly improved performance through research and development. This includes reducing the weight of tools for easier handling, employing cordless designs for convenient access to construction sites, incorporating active vibration reduction technology to minimise vibrations transmitted to the user, and implementing active torque control technology to prevent injuries caused by drill bit jamming or tool recoil. CIC representatives joined Hilti team to demonstrate the performance of these tools in practical operations.

High-Quality Premium Tool Pool to Drive Efficiency and Reduce Waste

Ir LEUNG further explained how to utilise data to establish a high-quality Premium Tool Pool: When returned tools are brought to the Tool Service Center, technicians first connect them to the digital system. The system possesses advanced data retrieval capabilities, enabling the extraction of critical data from the tools, including their service life and condition. Technicians can make more accurate and objective decisions on whether repairs, component replacements, or tool obsolescence are necessary based on these parameters. Additionally, the system can record and track the inspection and analysis results for each tool, establishing a comprehensive tool database. For tools that cannot be reused, technicians dismantle them, separating recyclable spare parts and materials. These spare parts are recycled and reused to repair other tools of the same model.

Contractors can borrow tools on a short-term basis according to their actual project needs, saving costs and avoiding issues associated with purchasing tools with low utilisation rates or meant for specific tasks only. In terms of reducing carbon emissions, Ir LEUNG cited the example of Kai Tak Sports Park, where 50% of contractors used the company's tool rental and sharing platform, with approximately 1,800 tools being utilised. Additionally, Hilti also provides data and indicators through the Circularity Report, allowing users to understand their contribution to the environment when they lease and share. Currently, 500 companies are using this report.

Hilti shared collaborative projects with the Architectural Services Department, comparing and analysing data between different levels of using MiMEP and traditional methods. This evaluation aimed to assess the advantages of MiMEP in terms of construction efficiency and cost, as well as how hardware and software integration supports real-time feedback and adjustments. Moreover, the company is able to calculate the reduction in carbon emissions achieved by using MiMEP compared to traditional methods.

Chairman HO praised the efforts of young practitioners, recognising their ideas and contributions in promoting the digitalisation of the industry. He emphasised the need for further application cases and practical experience to drive progress, continuing to leverage innovative technology to elevate the industry's standards.

ᐅ 2023.11.06 World-class Offshore Infrastructure Project Drives the New Era of Energy Transition

As impacts of climate change intensifies with more frequent occurrences worldwide, we must tackle the source of the problems to mitigate these impacts. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has been encouraging the industry to actively adopt innovative thinking and technology to help build Hong Kong into a climate-resilient city and achieve carbon neutrality goals. To enhance Hong Kong’s fuel supply stability, CLP Power and HK Electric have collaborated to build a world-class offshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Hong Kong. This project utilises a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), which converts LNG back into its gaseous state. The regasified natural gas is then transported to power plants of two power companies through subsea pipelines for electricity generation. This project, being the first of its kind in Hong Kong, promotes the use of natural gas as an important transitional fuel in power generation - plays a crucial role in implementing the long-term decarbonisation strategy outlined in the "Hong Kong Climate Action Plan 2050” by supporting energy transition in Hong Kong.

The marine construction of the offshore LNG terminal began in late 2020. After over two years of construction, the terminal has officially begun its operation. Recently, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, together with representatives from the industry, visited the offshore LNG terminal located in the southwest waters of Hong Kong. The project team shared how they overcame numerous challenges in the offshore project which sets a remarkable milestone to Hong Kong's offshore construction work and energy transformation development.

Hand in Hand to Provide Stable Energy Supply

The limited land supply in Hong Kong makes it very difficult to build natural gas facilities in residential areas. Therefore, after comprehensive research, the project team set up the facilities in a remote location in the southwest waters of Hong Kong. This minimises the impact on residents while facilitates the transportation of natural gas with its proximity to the border, providing greater flexibility in natural gas procurement strategies. The construction of the offshore LNG terminal includes several key infrastructures such as a double berth jetty with LNG unloading equipment, FSRU vessel “Bauhinia Spirit” permanently moored at the terminal, which is the world’s largest FSRU vessel and has an LNG storage capacity of 263,000 cubic metres, and two subsea natural gas pipelines. These pipelines connect the terminal to the natural gas receiving stations at CLP Power's Black Point Power Station and HK Electric's Lamma Power Station. The scale of the project is significant, and the team overcame unprecedented engineering challenges and safety requirements. Furthermore, offshore maritime engineering is susceptible to environmental factors such as winds, waves, and weather conditions. Additionally, the remote location of the project requires the team to adapt to the new working condition. To facilitate work at the jetty, they stayed on the construction vessel, racing against time and weather to complete this forward-looking engineering feat.

In the early stages of the project, international borders were closed due to the pandemic, resulting in a halt in manpower allocation, component procurement, and transportation from both mainland China and around the world. This made the project difficult to progress. However, the project team demonstrated tremendous flexibility in construction, and reconsidered the locations of the fabrication yards, component procurement, and transportation routes within a short period of time, ensuring the project could be completed as earliest as possible.

During the visit, the project team also shared an anecdote about the construction of the subsea natural gas pipelines - while planning the two 45-kilometer and 18-kilometer pipelines, they encountered a major "obstacle" beneath the seabed. In the area designated for pipeline construction, numerous fibre optic cables have been built to facilitate communication. It made the construction of the natural gas pipelines even more challenging. Instead of using traditional pipeline laying pattern, the team displayed innovative thinking and adopted a zigzag pattern to bypass the existing fibre optic cables, overcoming another technical difficulty.

Construction Using Prefabricated Components to Turn “Impossible” Into “Possible

Offshore project is susceptible to environmental factors, and especially when the manufacturing facilities and ports were put under “closed‑loop management” during the pandemic, it is more desirable to use prefabricated components to control the quality of the terminal structure. Not only does it minimise offshore construction work, but it also expedites the whole work process. The LNG terminal was assembled by using a similar method as the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) approach, which follows the principle of "factory assembly followed by the on-site installation", and successfully overcame the challenges of offshore construction. The major components of the terminal have been assembled in the fabrication yard and then completed with fixtures, fittings, equipment, piping, marine loading arms, tower cranes, etc., before being delivered to the site for installation. In addition, factory acceptance tests for major equipment and control systems were also conducted in the fabrication yard so as to minimise rectification or replacement work on-site. The hook-up stage is therefore shortened.

Workers’ Participation Is Crucial in Ensuring Safety in the Offshore Project

As part of the assembly works still needs to be carried out on-site, the safety of the construction site is crucial in this offshore project. The project adopted rigorous safety regulations, with indicators and commitments, allowing workers and employees to work with peace of mind. In addition, the project team of the offshore LNG terminal project rigorously upholds the "Safety 360" safety guidelines. They cultivate a workplace safety culture that promotes mutual support and care. Each construction worker is provided with an "Are You Safe" helmet with easily understood safety labels. This encourages safety awareness in the team and reminds each other be mindful of their own and their colleagues' working environment, taking construction safety as their responsibility.

ᐅ 2023.11.28 Creating a Sustainable and Low-Carbon Lifestyle with Advanced Digital Solutions

The adverse impact of global warming is becoming increasingly severe, and it requires collective efforts from all sectors to search for new ways in reducing carbon emissions. Ir Thomas Ho, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, recently visited the Schneider Electric's Innovation Hub located in Quarry Bay to learn how the industry can utilise advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in building management to reducing cost, and to achieve better energy efficiency as well as reducing carbon emission.

With the motto of "Life is On," Schneider Electric aims to enhance energy efficiency through technology and digitalisation. According to Shirley Wong, Head of Global Marketing Hong Kong, it is the main focus of the company to combine digitalisation and electrification to create a more sustainable environment. With these two aspects combined together, it would help to promote sustainable development and to provide a more environmentally friendly and smarter future for the next generation.

Utilising IoT to Assist Building Management

Digitalisation forms a crucial element of the development of the construction industry. Schneider Electric connects hardware and software through the application of its “EcoStruxure”, to establish an integrated management platform and provides energy-saving solutions for four major markets: buildings, data centres, infrastructure, and industries. Cynthia Mo, Business Development & Innovation Hub Manager, explained that EcoStruxure consists of three layers. The bottom layer comprises connectable hardware devices such as sensors that collect data based on the IoT. The second layer would be edge control, which enables real-time monitoring of data for building and energy management systems. The top layer consists of apps and analytical tools that utilise AI and machine learning in conjunction with digitalisation to provide advisory services to customers. Mo emphasised that the framework is applicable to other companies' products as long as they are open protocols.

Preventive Maintenance to Save Costs

The construction and building sector accounts for nearly 40% of global carbon emissions. Energy-saving and emission reduction in the building management phase have drawn concern from the industry, particularly in Hong Kong, where it is well-known as a “Vertical City”, the potential impact of energy-saving measures will be significant. Marcus Hung, graduate trainee at Schneider Electric, mentioned that the company's EcoStruxure Building Advisor tool is designed to help customers proactively plan and identify energy-saving opportunities through the cloud-based management platforms and AI data analysis. He further pointed out that the system is able to provide a comprehensive monitoring of buildings in an integrated platform, which would assist in identifying areas for improvement and potential cost saving opportunities and would submit regular energy usage analysis reports to customers. Hung stated, "Instead of waiting for the air conditioning systems to break down before repairing them, why don’t we carry out regular maintenance to detect issues before problems occur? We help customers to collect data from different buildings, transform them into information, and provide professional analysis to offer insightful advice for achieving a sustainable future." Citing an example of a large property developer in Hong Kong, the team said that the developer has successfully saved 10-15% of energy consumption annually by using their solution, with over 80% of issues being resolved remotely.

The pandemics have brought huge changes to office space planning. In addition to energy-saving solutions, Schneider Electric is also involved in space management. The Innovation Hub showcases various hardware devices such as advanced sensors that improve the indoor environment and enhance well-being of the workers. Peter Mo, Head of Marketing at Schneider Electric, mentioned that their sensors are easy to install and require no wiring. They can be connected to Wi-Fi and upload data to the cloud via specific software, providing management with information on office people flow, meeting room occupancy and air quality, etc. Furthermore, some sensors are able to monitor temperature and detect harmful gases which can contribute to fire prevention.

Technology advances rapidly, our industry would become a significant driving force to sustainable development if digital transformation is adopted in addition to the help of technologies like IoT and AI in upgrading conventional buildings and energy management methods.

ᐅ 2023.12.07 Safe and Considerate Housing Concept - Beijing's “Better House” Design to Meet User’s Needs

Housing has always been a hot topic in Hong Kong. Besides the quantity of housing units, a comfortable, safe, and resident-oriented “Better House” is also a focal point of attention for every Hong Kong citizen. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC, recently led a delegation to Beijing to visit the Central Carbon Digital Lab (CCDL) and China Construction Technology Consulting Co. Ltd. (CCTC), to understand the innovative “Better House" design concepts and technologies showcased in Mainland China.

Using Intelligent Devices to Build a Smart and Innovative House

CCTC focus on designing multipurpose, intelligent, healthy, and sustainable "Better House". They adopted Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in building design and construction to reduce construction time, minimise waste and the environmental impact. The interior also incorporates a number of smart products. For example, by using a mobile application, residents can control a movable wall to adjust the spacing, allowing the living room to be temporarily expanded for entertaining purposes. There are also smart toilets equipped with simple health analysis functions for users. The apartment is designed with a “circular corridor” that connects all spaces, enabling users to conveniently access different spaces for their daily activities by simply taking a 'roundabout' route at home. The width of the corridor is widen to ensure there are ample space for wheelchair or stroller users. All these demonstrate thoughtful designs in meeting diverse needs.

CCTC ’s photo
CCTC ’s photo

People-Oriented Design to Cope with Aging Population and Low Birth Rate

CCDL advocates for people-oriented housing design concepts. They improve the living environment through better lighting, air purification, and tailored usage. Their apartment showrooms display different layouts for young families, elderly, and those who need to work-from-home, through enhancing the architecture and design to fulfill different needs of residents.

When it comes to the challenges brought by aging population and low birth rate, CCDL believes the construction industry can mitigate the challenges by providing more conducive designs for raising children. CCDL expressed that young families are concerned about the childcare needs and hesitate in expanding their families. Hence CCDL tried to alleviate young families' worries by creating new design concepts. Based on research findings, newborn babies’ breathing frequency is five to eight times higher than adults, so CCDL designed a baby room that has lower air pollution levels. Also CCDL utilises soundproof curtains and walls to maintain the room's noise level at 40 decibels or below as newborn babies require 12 to 15 hours of sleep daily for better growth and development of their central nervous system.

For elderly, most of them tend to spend more time indoors, so CCDL focuses on the comfort and safety of elderly housing by incorporating age-friendly facilities like handrails and sensor lights. CCDL also responsed to the elderly's lack of outdoor activities and joint problem by equipping the elderly room with far-infrared therapy space and top it up with the audio equipment, allowing the elderly to engage in indoor entertainment activities rather than feeling confined to their rooms. According to "WELL Building Standard", exposing to enough sunlight can promote better sleep at night and reduce health and safety risks associated with nighttime wandering, hence CCDL incorporated large windows in elderly housing to allow more sunlight penetrating the room. Through their designs, CCDL creates spaces that are conducive to children's growth, allow elderly individuals to enjoy their golden years, and provide a work and leisure environment for those working from home, catering to the diverse requirements of residents, making the buildings more user-friendly and enhancing the overall "well-being" of the community.

Apart from interior design, CCDL also strives to ensure building safety by installing a cost-effective “External Wall Three-Axis Surveillance System” to monitor the exterior walls’ stability. If there are issues such as wall peeling off or other anomalies, the system will automatically send alert to the backend and trigger the alarm, ensuring the safety of pedestrians and residents.

The concept of a "Better House" encompassing users' needs, quality of life, and even social issues. With technology and innovations, the construction industry can now provide more people-oriented living environments. By drawing inspirations from China's latest housing design concepts, we hoped the Hong Kong construction industry can embrace innovative development methods and construct more comfortable "Better Houses" in Hong Kong.

ᐅ 2023.12.14 Far East Façade Overcomes Impossibilities - Achieving Low-carbon Construction through Technology

Modern buildings not only serve practical purposes but also contribute to the aesthetic value of cities and highlight cities features. In recent years, buildings’ façade has played a crucial role in shaping the appearance of buildings, and production of glass façade has gained rapid technological development. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) led industry representatives in a visit to Far East Façade (Hong Kong) Limited (Far East Façade), a subsidiary of China State Construction Development Holdings Limited (CSCD), to observe the company's achievements in industrialising curtain wall products and promoting low-carbon construction, which has greatly accelerated the development of curtain walls in China.

Embracing the Extensive Use of Digital Technology

With its visions and application of advanced technologies, Far East Façade has successfully achieved full automation and digitalisation in the production process. During the design phase, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) technologies are integrated, streamlined production and enhanced installation efficiency.

Extended from BIM, the design team also establishes a Fabrication Information Model (FIM), a type of data which could be communicated with digitalised machinery and robots. By incorporating parametric design, Far East Façade connects design concepts with manufacturing processes, realising digital fabrication and automated production.

Advantages in Automated Production and Quality Management

To industrialise façade production, Far East Façade recognizes the necessity of increasing production capacity, making automation an indispensable element in the manufacturing process. At its production base in Zhuhai, Far East Façade has introduced the most advanced roll bender in the country while at the same time mastering the complex roll bending and twisting techniques for various materials.

One notable project is the 3D-curved, all glass building façade of The Henderson, a new landmark in Hong Kong, where more than 60% of the curtain wall panels are curved, with 30% are double curved or conical curved panels. With its exquisite craftsmanship, Far East Façade successfully produced the modules for the façade area of 25,000 square meters. Additionally, with automated production for cutting and drilling of framing members and brackets etc., Far East Façade possesses the most advanced automated production line in the mainland, with an annual production capacity exceeding 500,000 square meters.

The team also focuses on quality management and has introduced advanced automated equipment, such as 3D Scanner with Robotic Arm and an automated flood test system. Regarding the latter, Mr. ZHU Min-feng, Assistant President of CSCD and Chairman and General Manager of Far East Façade, stated that the equipment improves efficiency and accuracy. "The prefabricated modules of curtain walls are often large in size, and it can be challenging for workers to handle and flip them. Moreover, manual inspection may not be 100% accurate. Therefore, the factory has established several automated flood test systems, which can perform automated test and evaluation on the modules after production."

BIPV for Sustainable Construction Development

In recent years, Far East Façade has also demonstrated its commitment to low-carbon and environmentally friendly construction to support the Chinese government's "30/60 dual carbon goals" of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. The team actively researches and develops Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) technology, which incorporates power generation functions into buildings, saving energy costs and exploring new solutions for renewable energy development.

Mr. ZHU Min-feng mentioned that the development of buildings is driven by reforms in construction techniques and materials. MiC belongs to the former, while BIPV corresponds to the latter. Far East Façade offers a variety of photovoltaic materials, catering different needs such as aesthetics value and power generation efficiency. They also provide two operating schemes: "Solar photovoltaic, Energy storage, Direct current and Flexibility" (PEDF), which refers to 4 stages of photovoltaics, direct-current distribution, bidirectional charging and flexible control. It is expected that PEDF can reduced building carbon emission by 25%. The second scheme is Grid Connection System, which connects the photovoltaic power generation system with the electrical system, and can transform direct current generated.

Apart from applying this technology to its curtain wall products, Far East Façade has also transformed its production base in Zhuhai. BIPV modules have been installed in the factory, laboratory, staff dormitories, and even the restaurant, endorsing a large-scale photovoltaic power generation project. In terms of the low-carbon development of façade, Mr. ZHU Min-feng believes that Far East Façade is capable of providing research equipment, personnel and application opportunities, he welcomes collaborations with Hong Kong’s construction industry. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the CIC, considers low-carbon construction is indeed a global trend. He appreciates the rapid progress made by Far East Façade in terms of ideas, decisions, and actions. He also applauses their efforts and achievements in industrialising the production of curtain walls, which is something the Hong Kong industry should be learning.

ᐅ 2023.12.20 Creating an Alternative Construction Site Experience to Attract Talents

According to the newly report of Manpower Forecast for Hong Kong Construction Industry by Construction Industry Council(CIC), the total estimated construction volume in Hong Kong will reach over HKD 300 billion per year in the next decade. Faced with huge project demands, attracting talents will become a major challenge for the industry. Recently, the Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, Ir Thomas HO, visited the KIL 11262 construction site which is atop the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, and know about how the Principle Contractor, Yee Fai Construction Company Limited, has been attracting talents through optimizing construction site management.

New simulation technology attracts a new generation to the construction industry

With digital technology infiltrating all corners of the construction industry, the demand for tech talent is increasing day by day. The team uses a dedicated VR Computer-Automatic Virtual Environment (V CAVE) to assist in precise supervision and anticipation when facing such large-scale commercial projects. By inputting Building Information Modeling (BIM) data into the system, converting 2D images into 3D graphics, and providing a 1:1 immersive experience to all users, the team can easily identify, coordinate, and eliminate conflicts before construction. After listening to the presentation and demonstration of the equipment by BIM Engineer, Kenneth TANG, Ir HO was impressed by his work and encourages more young generation continue to explore and develop in the field of BIM.

With the widespread use of Building Information Modeling (BIM), dedicated BIM Workshop has been set up on the site. According to the Project Manager, Mark FAN, introduced the workshop has capacity to accommodate more than ten people, which it is just only one of the BIM team's workspaces.

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) creates comfortable workspaces

The team also introduced their office, which was applied the MiC and Mi Interior. The "install first, embed later" method shortens the production time and ensures the quality, aesthetics, and practicality of the design. In addition, the space is equipped with height-adjustable workbenches that meet different ergonomic needs to staffs, as well as prefabricated mini soundproof booths, which cater to different types of work patterns such as team discussions, phone conferences, and individual thinking. It significantly fits “people oriented” requirement with reducing the impact of noise on other colleagues and increases work efficiency.

Building a culture of unity and care in the industry

The team values a culture of care and solidarity. Apart from providing fully functional and spacious toilets and showers for staffs, various recreational facilities such as a spacious cafeteria, foosball tables, mini snooker table, and beach loungers are scattered throughout the site. These amenities allow employees to relax and unwind after lunch or during their leisure time, providing a unique experience in the construction industry. Ir HO commends the team for continuing the tradition of providing lunch and afternoon tea for employees, which positively contributes to teamwork and demonstrates the company's care for its workers, an invaluable asset.

Safety Officer Edmund LAI introduced the TV and notice board in the worker's lounge, which continuously broadcast important safety tips, reminding workers to stay vigilant and value work safety. Additionally, an exhibition hall showcasing personal protective equipment suitable for different work in various scenarios, such as safety helmets, goggles, reflective clothing, earplugs, masks, and safety shoes, is creatively set up within the rest area. These items are provided free of charge to workers as needed. Moreover, the Team brought in A.I. technology to improve site safety particularly on monitoring systems and “SMART” safety helmet, which provide real-time monitoring and object recognition, such predictive analytics assists in reducing risk of unsafe act and enhance consistent health monitoring. With the aid of A.I. technology, risk and injuries have reduced, it also helps on providing safe working environment to workers. The team advocates the motto "Safety in Our Hearts, We All Play A Part," emphasizing the company's commitment to safety culture. Chairman of the Council, Ir Thomas HO, praises the team's dedication to a "People-oriented" spirit, starting from the details and cultivating a caring and united corporate culture. This will be a significant catalyst in attracting excellent human resources and propelling the company to stand out and lead the industry.

ᐅ 2024.01.16 Innovative Building Platform Transforms Leading Revitalisation Project for Safety and Efficiency

The Huafu Village Revitalisation Project was coined with the honour of “Leading Village Revitalization Project” in Shenzhenwhich will include a 65-storey Bay Area Smart Plaza (灣區智慧廣場). The contractor of the project, Huanan Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group (CCTEB), utilized the home-grown, next generation “Aerial Construction Platform”, to lead the way in a new breakthrough in skyscraper construction technologies, with an immense speed of “completing one storey in five days.”Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CIC and Ir Albert CHENG, Executive Director, led a delegation with industry experts, to understand the project via technical exchanges, mutual enhancements and simultaneous development.

Overcoming Challenges with the “Aerial Construction  Platform”

The Huafu Village East-West Ends Revitalization Project employs the strategy of “residential housing construction by national enterprises with the guidance of the central government.” The total gross floor area will be at 426,000 Sq. meters, including residential areas for relocated residents and talent housing, commercial buildings and offices etc. as well as the new landmark of Shenzhen’s town centre, the Bay Area Smart Plaza, standing at 358.1m, it would be part of a significant community enhancement initiative for the city of Shenzhen.

The Huafu Village Revitalization Project is situated at the heart of the city. Therefore, various spatial constraints have allowed for very little space for storing construction materials which calls for high mobility for both materials and personnel. Add to the fact that the construction site neighbours an arterial road, lifting construction materials to 200 meters or up became an even tougher challenge. Hence, the requirements for quality assurance, concrete pouring and workers’ safety when conducting aerial tasks were much harsher.

The contractor also employed a “master stroke” in skyscraper construction – the “Aerial Construction Platform.” Officially coined “Lightweight Integrated High-rise Top Form Construction Platform”, the device is a combination of a steel platform system, a powered supporting structure, moulding and hoisting equipment, as well as auxiliary operating and safety monitoring systems. The platform can support a total of 240 tons of materials, and 80% of its surface area could be used for storing materials. The platform provides temporary water and power supply, fire, lighting and monitoring systems, concrete spreader, construction elevator, tools storage and engine room, life support and concrete maintenance systems. Above all, platform provides an enclosed working space for material storage, production and construction for workers to work within the platform itself, saving a lot of additional required space.

Reduction in Manual Labour, Boosting Efficiency

The construction of Bay Area Smart Plaza made use of the latest technologies in the form of the “Aerial Construction Platform” which weighs in at 800 tons, and can withstand up to 1,500 tons of weight, as well as gusts of up to level 14. Using predetermined fulcrums, the builder is able to climb upwards simultaneously across all fulcrums, instead of ascending separately. Compared with traditional hydraulic self-climbing formworks, the climbing process is shortened by 6 hours.

The “Aerial Construction Platform” is also an intelligent construction platform. Not only has it achieved integration between tower crane and formwork and provide support for various systems and equipment. Smart elements are also added in, replacing some manual labour with machines, facilitating simultaneous building of the horizontal and vertical structure. In addition, the highly industrialised working environment of the platform also allows workers to simultaneously process steel structure hoisting, bar bending and concrete pouring, achieving a 50% reduction in labour, whilst increasing efficiency by 30%, and hence accomplishing the goal of finishing one floor in 5 days.

Enclosed Working Environment, Ensuring Safety at Work

The exterior of the“Aerial Construction Platform” is covered with a giant blue canvas, and envelops the building itself, with its interior an enclosed, safe working environment. The manufacturers have created a secure and industrialised working environment that makes working above ground as safe as ground based work for workers. Additionally, the main steel structure of the platform also acts as secure fencing to ensure workers’ safety.

Live Monitoring Makes for Unrestricted Exchange

In order to apply effective monitoring and ensure the quality of the construction, the control room at the top of the platform consists of a monitoring system transmitting live situation to the bureau’s headquarters. The construction team states that the headquarters act as the command central of the entire construction project. The management team can conduct live sampling via the monitoring system, including the operating status of the tower crane and safety check ups, all of which were to be shared with the bureau HQ via the monitoring system. Hence its importance in assuring quality of work, management of personnel and handling emergency responses.

Ir Albert CHENG, expresses his appreciation to the site visit, upon completion of the visiting tour, hoping that such exchanges could be enhanced to improve mutual learning, and applying the strengths of each party to achieve mutual growth in anticipation for another wave of technological advancements in the industry, along with the awaiting opportunities.


ᐅ 2024.02.21 Steel MiC Elderly Housing: A Haven for Senior Citizens

The ageing population and housing issues are two major challenges in Hong Kong's society. To provide a comfortable living environment for the elderly, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has constructed Chung Yuet Lau, an elderly housing project in Jat Min Chuen, Sha Tin, using "Steel Modular Integrated Construction'' (Steel-MiC). This project makes HKHS's first venture into utilising steel MiC in an elderly housing project, which helps to overcome lifting and congested site constraints. These innovations enable senior citizens to enjoy their golden years in a comfortable setting.

The Chung Yuet Lau project is set to be completed within Q1 2024 and Ir Thomas Ho, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, was invited to visit the construction site to witness the advantages of Steel-MiC. Considering the ageing population in Jat Min Chuen, HKHS has decided to construct the ten-storey Chung Yuet Lau, with 64 units, each with an area of approximately 200 square feet, offering lifetime full rent exemption for the elderly to move in. Ms. Katherine Chu, General Manager (Project Management) of HKHS, highlighted that the project serves a dual purpose: facilitating ageing in place and optimizing the existing housing resources to meet the changing needs of public.

Exceeds 90% Prefabrication Rate for Residential Floor

In recent years, Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) has become a trend in Hong Kong, with over a hundred projects adopting this innovative construction method. Chung Yuet Lau is one of the projects utilizing Steel MiC, with lightweight concrete system. The lightweight design enhance the flexibility of design and lifting operations, which are crucial aspects of MiC Installation. Ms. Ceci Hon, Manager (Project Management) of HKHS, explained that while the podium of the building is constructed using traditional methods, the second to ninth floors are constructed with MiC, and the utilisation rate of pre-fabrication exceeds 90% for these floors. She further explained that each unit is composed of two MiC modules, with a total of 17 modules per floor. As a result, there are 229 pre-fabricated components, including the rooftop machinery room, lift shafts and corridor end walls, etc.

A notable feature of Chung Yuet Lau is its “pre-fabricated Lift Shaft”. The lift shaft modules are prefabricated in factories and then transported to the construction site for installation. The team highlighted the engineering challenge of this task, as precise positioning of the module's steel reinforcement positions using Building Information Modeling (BIM) were crucial to ensure successful assembly. As the lift installation is under the critical path of the project, the team extensively researched different methods to reduce the installation time. Eventually, some mechanical and electrical components were pre-installed along the lift shaft and MiMEP lift machine room beforehand and conducted a mock-up off site to facilitate the on-site installation process.

Engaged Safety Consultant for Evaluation of Lifting Risks

MiC eases out on-site long consuming construction sequence through off-site prefabrication, reducing the time required onsite for construction compared to traditional methods and improve the quality works with controlled working environment. Since the project is located in a dense residential area with frequent traffic, the team engaged an independent safety checker to review different procedures and provide advice on heavy lifting works for safety assurance. Additionally, industry practitioners, such as representatives from the Occupational Safety & Health Council, Construction Industry Council, Hoisting Engineering Association and subcontractors, were invited to participate in risk assessment workshops to identify potential risks and ensure proper risk management through Dynamic Risk Assessment.

Elderly-Friendly Design

Chung Yuet Lau is specifically designed for senior citizens, and the interior design of the building has also been carefully considered. Apart from equipping the flats with kitchen cabinets, a range hood and an electric water heater, the design has also adopted elderly-friendly features like low door curbs bathrooms with sliding door to facilitate wheelchair access. To prevent the elderly from mistakenly gripping the water pipes while taking a shower, handrails are coloured yellow for easy identification. Also, external wall of each unit is designed with different colours and clear signages are provided on each floor. Mr. Joel Chan, Director of P&T Architect Ltd, said that HKHS has set up a social and elderly wellness department, which has accumulated experience and knowledge in catering the needs of the elderly with elderly-friendly designs. “This colour scheme serves as a visual aid for the residents, especially those with dementia, as the use of vibrant colours allows them to easily recognise their own units after stepping out the lift.”

ᐅ 2024.03.13 China's Smart Building Advancements Shine in Advanced Construction Projects of the Greater Bay Area

The construction industry in Hong Kong has continuously aligned itself with the nation's development. Lately, Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), led government representatives, contractors, and other industry leaders on a visit to Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. (GMC) to delve into talent development and innovative digital technology. GMC has been ranked in the Fortune Global 500 list for three consecutive years, placing 12th globally in the engineering and construction sector, cementing its standing as a leading force in the construction industry. GMC experts were also invited to CIC’s “Global Construction Sustainability Forum and Exhibition 2023” to deliver speech, introducing their innovative construction methods and how they optimise industrial structures.

GMC Greater-Bay Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology: Unleashing National-level Technological Excellence

GMC's flagship corporate on new construction industralisation, " Greater-Bay Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology" stands as the largest and most advanced prefabricated construction industrial base in the South China region. It offers comprehensive solutions for the whole lifecycle of construction, including Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA), product research and development, intelligent manufacturing, assembly and installation, as well as operation and maintenance. The Double Tee Slabs of the Advanced Manufacturing Centre located in Tseung Kwan O, and the modular units of the Tonkin Street MiC project in Hong Kong are produced at the site of " Greater-Bay Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology", which also allows for the prefabrication of interior decoration (Mi-interior) within the modular units.

The "Greater-Bay Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology" features Industry 4.0 fully automated production lines. GMC has successfully implemented the "1+4" MiC through-industry-supply chain layout and facilities. This includes the establishment of a new modular building R&D manufacturing center, which synergises with the existing Greater-Bay Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology Precast Concrete R&D manufacturing center, as well as the Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing R&D manufacturing center, Design for Manufacture and Assembly R&D manufacturing center, and steel reinforcement processing center. The goal is to produce 10,000 MiC components annually. In addition to housing, GMC aims to modularise various structures such as bridges, large-scale reservoirs, and underground pipelines. Ir HO emphasises that the construction industry in Hong Kong is entering a golden decade, with plans to build at least 200,000 MiC units. Prefabricated construction and digitalisation are imperative, and GMC's demonstration of Mi-Infinite sets a remarkable example that the Hong Kong industry should emulate.

To internationalise the construction industry, GMC has signed an MoU with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China and the CIC to build the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Green Construction Technology Innovation Showcase Platform". In addition, GMC has collaborated with Hong Kong enterprises and institutions such as Gammon Construction, Chinachem Group, The University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction. These collaborations focus on various areas, including MiC construction, prefabricated building, building information modeling (BIM) applications, energy saving and carbon reduction, green finance, whole-process consultation, and industrial worker training. These partnerships aim to support Hong Kong's development and construction endeavors.

Constructing the World's Largest Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital at Nansha with Innovation & Technology

As the integration within the Greater Bay Area becomes increasingly cohesive, GMC successfully completed the "Mingzhu Bay Bridge" project in 2021. This bridge, constructed by GMC, serves as a link connecting Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge, while also connecting with Dongguan through the Humen Pearl River Bridge. To ensure high quality, GMC places significant emphasis on inspection and testing. As a result, they established the Guangzhou Testing Centre of Construction Quality & Safety Co., Ltd. in Nansha, serving as the group's prefabricated construction testing base. Stringent tests are conducted on various bridge components, including steel structures, foundations, fire resistance level, and even colour temperature and brightness of lighting.

GMC is also responsible for the Nansha Branch project of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, located in Wanqingsha, Nansha District, Guangzhou. This project comprises offive buildings, providing a capacity of 1,200 beds and encompassing a total construction area of 380,000 square meters. It is a large and comprehensive hospital that seamlessly integrates medical treatment, teaching, and research, poised to become the world's largest traditional Chinese medicine hospital. The project's design adheres to the principles of regional climate characteristics and ecological architecture, resulting in a hospital building that blends harmoniously with the green and natural environment while incorporating the distinctive features of the Lingnan region. Moreover, the technological elements employed in the construction process are truly awe-inspiring.

When it comes to construction management, GMC has established various indicators for quality management and safety construction management, winning multiple awards in the construction industry. As a crucial first step, GMC mandates exemplary quality management for its projects. This includes documenting image data for the acceptance process of each pile during the construction of foundation works, following the "one pile, one file" requirement. Additionally, the project team must excel in exemplary quality management by implementing the plan and guiding management system, ensuring that each process aligns with the predetermined standards. The team pays meticulous attention to physical quality control, covering aspects such as template acceptance, reinforcement binding, masonry construction, floor waterproofing, and concrete structures.

The project also incorporates Virtual Reality (VR) technology for information technology security education among employees. This includes establishing a "VR Safety Education Experience Zone" and making safety education videos. The engineering team has developed a pre-made roaming video for the project, allowing for reference during the decoration process to achieve a finalised version. Users can utilise VR technology to modify decorative materials, adjust lighting effects, and render models in real-time, enhancing the efficiency of reviewing and finalising decoration templates. Additionally, the video combines 720-degree panoramic shooting technology to present a comprehensive and authentic depiction of the actual conditions within the decoration templates.

From BIM to Real-Time 3D Modeling for Seamless Project Progress Tracking

In terms of technological applications, the Nansha Hospital project has employed various technologies, with BIM as the core, to simulate project progress, showcase construction status, and facilitate MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) and BIM design. This approach ensures unified design, manages construction schedules and manpower allocation, and enhances project safety and efficiency. Given the complex environment surrounding the site, which required the demolition of a high-voltage tower, the BIM team utilised 3D tilt photography and 3D scanning technologies. By combining these technologies with construction simulation, they formulated a specialised construction plan to minimise the impact of tower removal. This project was awarded first prize in the Construction Category at the 11th Longtu Cup National BIM Competition and the 4th BIM Application Competition in Guangdong Province last year.

To enhance the construction progress management platform, the project recorded construction records for each process in the BIM model. This serves as both a repository for construction management records and a basis for statistical data and analysis. It enables adjustments to machinery and monitors project progress and control. Additionally, the team utilised BIM technology for detailed design, conducting cross-checks and enhancements of architectural, structural, MEP, and medical specialty installation drawings during the hospital's 3D modeling process. By resolving drawing errors and omissions before construction, they aimed to minimise rework and material waste. GMC also established the "Smart Construction Site Platform" to integrate BIM technology for unified management of progress, quality, and safety. The innovative platform visualises and digitalises information to the maximum extent, effectively preventing and improving project progress. For example, it enables statistical analysis of on-site workforce, displaying the number of workers by area, floor, and individual work processes. This facilitates workforce management, resolves issues related to traditional management processes, data recording, accountability, and decision-making. Moreover, it contributes to subsequent project acceptance, claims substantiation, and comparison with actual progress.

Ir HO highly appreciates the implementation of a robust and all-encompassing industrial chain management system run by GMC, where production, inspection, and construction are all well managed through intelligent technology. By leveraging Hong Kong's global orientation, GMC stands ready to infuse the Greater Bay Area with new vitality and spearhead a transformative era in the construction industry.

ᐅ 2024.03.26 Smart Buildings Thrive in Historic Guangzhou to Foster Opportunities through Cross-border Exchanges

As the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development surges ahead, Guangzhou takes up the role as the primary commerce and transportation hub in Mainland China's Guangdong province, offering ample opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration with Hong Kong. Recently, Ir Thomas HO, the Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), along with industry representatives, visited the Tianhe Smart City Underground Integrated Corridor project and Guangzhou International Financial City in Guangzhou. The purpose of this visit was to foster deeper exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland in various areas, including building technology research and development, construction engineering, market exploration, and training. In addition, they paid visits to the Guangzhou Design Institute Group and Guangzhou Institute of Building Science under Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group, aiming to gain insights from mainland architectural research and development. Mr. Li Jin, Vice President of Guangzhou Design Institute, was invited as a speaker to 'The CIC Global Construction Sustainability Forum and Exhibition 2023' to share his successful experience with "Green & Low-carbon Design Goes First".


The Tianhe Smart City Underground Integrated Corridor Project: A Visionary and Extensive Undertaking

The Tianhe Smart City Underground Integrated Corridor Project, with a staggering investment of approximately 3.14 billion RMB, spans an impressive distance of 19.4 kilometers. It is a remarkable project of immense scale that showcases technological innovation. The project incorporates key technological innovations, notably the utilisation of shield tunneling technology in high traffic zones and areas with extensive underground pipelines. This approach reduces the number of shield tunneling shafts, thereby lowering costs and minimising environmental impacts. Additionally, the project ingeniously repurposed the shield tunnel's starting shaft into an underground automated parking garage, providing space for around 80 vehicles. This effectively optimizes underground space and enhances urban spatial efficiency.

The project also incorporates a series of green corridor technologies, such as dedicated hoisting devices for natural lighting and theft prevention, energy-saving and eco-friendly automatic fire extinguishing systems, and noise-reducing and energy-saving ventilation devices. These technologies not only enhance the tunnel's environmental performance but also improve its efficiency and safety. Furthermore, the project team employed prefabricated Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) partition wall technology to enhance structural strength and waterproofing performance. Additionally, innovative features such as a negative pressure vacuum drainage system, enabling "water flowing upwards," effectively overcome the constraints of traditional drainage systems and serve as a significant example of innovation in urban infrastructure.

Guangzhou International Financial City: Promoting Digital Transformation with a Smart Construction Site Platform

The delegation also visited Guangzhou International Financial City, encompassing a planned area of 1.32 square kilometers. The entire underground space of financial city boasts a built-up area of 480,000 square meters, with an investment of approximately 8.94 billion RMB. A self-developed smart construction site platform has been introduced, integrating essential functions like environmental management, safety management, and on-site quality control. Leveraging large-scale Building Information Modeling (BIM), this platform enables digitalisation and intelligent management of construction sites. Consequently, construction efficiency has improved, site safety has been ensured, and environmental protection has been promoted. As such, it sets a valuable industry benchmark. Moreover, the project has implemented digital management of large-scale mechanical equipment, facilitating more efficient supervision and precise safety oversight. By utilising "point cloud reverse modeling" technology, actual site photos and point cloud models are combined, enabling comprehensive assessment and control of construction quality. In the long run, this platform also contributes to the advancement of City Information Modeling (CIM), paving the way for future innovations.

Forward-thinking Design Embraces Green and Low-Carbon Principles

Another highlight of the tour was Guangzhou Design Institute (the Institute), renowned for its commitment to enhancing construction management efficiency. Through their research efforts, the Institute have made significant contributions to the development of intelligent transportation systems, public service facilities, and energy management systems. These advancements have played a pivotal role in advancing the modernisation and sustainable development of urban infrastructure.

Since 2007, the Institute has been a pioneer in applying BIM to over a hundred projects while conducting extensive research and practice in green and low-carbon architectural design. In 2016, they established the Green Building and Building Services Consulting Center to assist clients in enhancing the environmental performance and energy efficiency of their buildings, leading the way in sustainable development. the Guangzhou Design Institute Group provides comprehensive services for green buildings, including planning, design, review, application, acceptance and renovation. They have successfully achieved green building certification for over 300 projects, including the Chimelong Marine Science Museum in Zhuhai, obtaining a three-star rating in green building certification and the LEED Gold certification from the United States. 

In southern China, typical air conditioning systems in general buildings have an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of around 3.0. However, the Institute has developed an "ultra-efficient air conditioning system" that achieves an EER over 5.0, resulting in a 40% energy-saving rate and significant cost reduction. This system has been successfully applied in various commercial projects, greatly improving overall building energy efficiency. Additionally, the Institute has introduced exemplary buildings with ultra-low, nearly zero, or zero energy consumption. Through energy-saving technologies like passive building envelopes, efficient lighting systems, distributed photovoltaics, and large temperature difference water-cooling systems, they have made remarkable progress towards industry "carbon neutrality".

The Patent-rich Building Research Institute: Pioneering Intelligent Digitisation in the Construction Industry

Apart from design, the importance of architectural research should not be underestimated. Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group (GMC) recognizes this and established its own research institute called the Guangzhou Institute of Building Science in 1964. With extensive research and innovation platforms and capabilities, they have successfully completed over 100 research projects in the past decade. Their outstanding achievements have been acknowledged with more than 80 science and technology awards at the provincial, ministerial, and municipal levels. Additionally, they have obtained over 300 national patents and 80 software copyrights, highlighting their commitment to innovation.

The Guangzhou Institute of Building Science is dedicated to promoting innovation and technology applications across various fields. This includes digital management of construction projects, IoT-based intelligent monitoring technology, and intelligent quality inspection technology. These advancements have been successfully implemented in practical engineering projects, aiding teams in addressing management challenges such as real-time personnel positioning and statistics, machinery equipment management, material cost data statistics, and technical and environmental management. They promote the "smart digitisation" concept of the construction industry through a comprehensive approach encompassing "point, line, surface, and volume."

Point: Implementing the "Smart Construction Site Visualization System" for real-time monitoring of personnel, machinery, materials, safety, quality, environment, progress, and utilities on construction sites.

Line:  Developing a lightweight BIM platform and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) lifecycle project management platform to digitalise operational processes, enhancing project management and decision-making.

Surface: Facilitating networking and information exchange between government regulatory departments, construction companies, and project sites by internet.

Volume: Collaborating to ensure efficient design, procurement, production, construction, and operation of buildings, creating a competitive commercial ecosystem and constitute the digitalisation of the construction industry.

The Greater Bay Area is one of the most vibrant economic regions globally, and in recent years, it has made significant progress in the field of architectural technology. By leveraging complementary advantages and promoting mutually beneficial cooperation, the region can bring together excellent research and development capabilities to contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the construction industry in Hong Kong.

ᐅ 2024.04.10 Kick start the ROBOlution with Smart Robotics

The emergence of construction robots has revolutionised the construction industry. It is no not easy for the industry to improve  speed, efficiency, and quality of construction projects under traditional construction practices, but the never-tiring, highly accurate construction robots would meet the needs of the industry perfectly and fill in the productivity gaps brought by labour shortage. Making use of construction robots in highly dangerous working space in place of workers would immensely improve site safety. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), led a delegation of industry leaders, to Foshan for a tour of Bright Dream Robotics Limited as well as the campus expansion project of the Second People’s Hospital of Foshan, constructed by China Railway Group (Southern) Limited, to see various construction robots in action, and their applications in a smart site facility. The CIC also invited Bright Dream Robotics to take part in the “Workshops on Construction Robots” held in Hong Kong, to showcase the latest construction robotics to local practitioners, and allow a better understanding of construction robotics on how robotics can enhance productivity, and drive the industry’s  digital transformation.

The Three Core Pillars of Safety, Quality, Efficiency

Since its establishment in July 2018, Bright Dream Robotics has focused its efforts on the research and development, production and application of construction robotics, and its integration with Building Information Modelling (BIM). Thanks to the efforts of over 1,000 qualified researchers with doctorate degrees, Bright Dream Robotics were able to take enormous strides in its research in just a few years. Mr. WANG Ke-cheng, Chairman of Bright Dream Robotics stated that, since its establishment, the company has been devoted to the development and application of the smart construction robots, and have continued to optimise technologies to adapt to the needs and the complex nature of construction sites, eventually achieve a high standard of safety, quality, and efficiency. When it comes to talent development in smart construction, Bright Dream Robotics has also maintained close contact with various major institutions, to foster new talents and technologies via a collaborative system between production, education, and research institutions, in hopes of providing better foundations for more smart construction solutions, and hence more opportunities for smart construction robots in the future.

Commanding Three Robots at the Same Time

Bright Dream Robotic’s products are primarily painted in an eye-catching pink colour. Fully autonomous in nature, and only needed to be filled up with construction materials, the robots can triple the productivity compared with traditional construction workers. Though the construction process can be long and complex, a high level of efficiency can still be achieved when combining different construction robots’ functionalities.  The group also visited the a project in Foshan, which was one of the pioneer sites that uses smart construction robots. The delegation witnessed a worker operating three construction robots simultaneously: the technician first selected the appropriate robots with the help of BIM tools.  Then various robots of different functionalities, such as Putty Spraying Robot, Painting Robot and Measuring Robots can be assigned specific tasks. The robots can also accurately install floor tiles and wooden floorboards, often times with higher quality than that of traditional manual labour, as the robots can automatically adjust the use of adhesive according to different weather condition, and improve the uniformity of the tiles with the consistent accuracy that can be achieved by machines.

Mr. Stanley TANG, Assistant Director (Hong Kong and UK) of Country Garden Holdings revealed the satisfactory results on its first trial in Hong Kong, at the public housing estate project at Tsing Hong Road, Tsing Yi, in which it took the robots only 15 minutes to finish painting the interior and the ceiling, and successfully covered 95% of the work area. Meanwhile, the delegation also visited the Bright Dream Robotics’ headquarters to witness a live demonstration of its “Exterior Walls Painting Robot.” Frontline workers can control the robot wirelessly via a tablet like a pilot. The robot is capable of painting a maximum of 5.5 meter length area each time, and complete 500 square meters’ work in one hour, which would reduce works at height, and mitigate the risks of falling, enhancing site safety.

Last year, the CIC invited Bright Dream Robotics to participate in the “Workshops on Construction Robots,” to share their knowledge on robotics with industry practitioners, as well as showcasing the potential of its four robots at a renovation project of an industrial building at Tuen Mun, including the Putty (Spraying) Robot, Measuring Robot, Putty (Polishing) Robot and Painting Robot. The CIC also arranged site tours for stakeholders to experience and better understand the use and benefits of these robots, in hopes of encouraging the industry to adopt innovative technologies on a wider scale, to improve productivity and safety.

Smart Construction Site in Foshan

In fact, multiple sites in Mainland China have already started implementing construction robots of various sorts. The bigger the site, the more crucial it is for them to adopt smart site management systems. The delegation visited the construction sites of one of the megaprojects in the Guangdong province and Foshan region – the Second People’s Hospital of Foshan campus expansion project, constructed by China Railway Group (Southern) Limited, to observe the application of smart construction robots. The expansion project covers about 252,600 square meters, and is expected to provide an additional 1,200 bed for maximising the hospital’s daily patient-handling capacity by another 10,000, and further optimise the hospital’s resources. The project employed vast amounts of innovative technologies, including at least 13 different types of robots specialising in different areas of the construction process, such as floor levelling, polishing, brick laying, painting and measuring etc, in order to impose a higher standard of quality. For example, compared with traditional methods, using the “Floor Levelling Robot” can increase the quality of output by 95%, saving the workers from going through a second round of levelling process, and could move on to brick laying straightaway.

Central Construction Command Platform Allows for Comprehensive Monitoring

Despite the benefits of the smart construction robots, they cannot go without proper instruction. Therefore, a central construction command platform was developed by the China Railway Group (Southern) Limited, unifying the ability to monitor projects all over the country under the same system, and helping the project team to better track the whole construction process. The platform contains a “smart quality control” module that uses big data analytics and real time surveillance to create a “smart quality inspector” on the cloud, to closely monitor and document the production quality throughout the construction process. Not only can workers’ online profile, and their working status be viewed within the module, it can also reveal precise information regarding various parts of the construction process, such as materials used, weight of different components, and even the temperature of the concrete. The system automatically looks for any abnormalities and any potential problems the workers may face in the construction process, and issue reminders accordingly, in order to save time, and improve efficiency at the management level. Ir HO was impressed by the functionality of the command central, and the positive effects it will bring to driving the trend in adopting smart construction methods.

New and innovative technologies are emerging by the second and areas of application for robotics in construction are ever expanding. The construction sector has enormous potential to transform itself into a technological powerhouse in the future, and complete construction projects at immense speed and accuracy, and bring along a faster, safer and more innovative construction experience.

ᐅ 2024.04.16 Attracting Innovative And Tech-Savvy Talents Will Be The Foundation of Construction Digitalisation

As technology advances, the construction industry must also continually innovate and improve efficiency to meet challenges. Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of Construction Industry Council (CIC), earlier visited the factory producing curtain wall and aluminum door and window of the Chevalier Group in Dongguan. He conducted an on-site inspection of their application of technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modeling), how it enhances construction quality and safety, while also exchanged views on training and talent recruitment.

Address Challenges During Design Phase with BIM

Digitalisation is the key to construction industry transformation, as it enhances quality, safety, and sustainability of projects while reducing costs and time. Chevalier demonstrated how they used digital tools such as BIM, big data, and IoT to manage project progress and monitor quality. Their Dongguan factory works on design, building material processing, testing, and building sample. The delegation to had the opportunity to understand the complete manufacturing process and understand the advantages of digitalisations in construction.

Chevalier has been actively implementing BIM technology , assisting its Dongguan's design department to collaborate closely with the Hong Kong design team. During the project design phase, they make good use of BIM to identify and amend any conflicting designs from blueprints and 2D models. They also use 3D printing to identify areas that need attention in the design or construction process. Such previews can uncover and solve problems during the design phase, eventually aiding architects, engineers, contractors, and owners’ work to proceed more smoothly during construction, reducing time-consuming and costly modifications.

Production and logistics are key factors affecting construction schedule. Chevalier’s Dongguan factory has developed its own digital monitoring platform, which allows real-time control over weekly material used, production volumes, and logistics monitoring, ensuring that the process from production to delivery until completion, effectively controlling costs and project progress.

Technological support adopted since the beginning enables faster and more accurate product testing. After receiving aluminum materials that have processed, the factory uses 3D scanning to inspect whether the curvature and shape of the aluminum piece meets the specifications to strictly maintain product quality. The Group’s representative shared their experience from working on an Australian project. As Australia does not allow the use of aluminum materials produced by thermal power in their environmental protection standard the Chevalier team decided to use aluminum materials produced by hydropower. It has reduced their carbon footprint by 50 to 60%. Considering their long-term cooperation with Australia, the Group decided to fully adopt the same standards, aligning with foreign countries and demonstrating Hong Kong company’s ability to meet international requirements.

Seize Opportunities to Attract Young Talents

Young people holds the key to embracing digitalisations of the construction industry. Companies are devising ingenious strategies to attract relevant talents and train staff. Chevalier is eager to attract young technicians to support their use of digital technologies to aid production, such as monitoring platforms, augmented reality (AR)and virtual reality (VR) technologies, etc. Ms. Vivian LEUNG, Assistant General Manager of Chevalier (Aluminium Engineering) mentioned that money is not enough to attract young professionals, it is more important to help them build confidence and provide proper industry guidance.

Ms. LEUNG pointed out that one of the main directions for the company is to let young people and the general public understand that there are more than “construction worker” in the construction industry. various positions and job functions are also available , . They aim to showcase modern industry's application of new technologies to create creating a professional, innovative, and fulfilling work environment, such as using AR or VR technology to simulate buildings, leveraging technological advantages to solve engineering difficulties, . The company is also connected to various academic institutions in the country, including South China University of Technology and universities in Guangdong, as well as Sichuan and other regions to recruit engineering graduates.

CIC has always been committed to promoting the training and development of construction industry talents, advocating cooperation between academia and the industry, providing training courses and funding programs of different levels and categories, to attract more young people to join the construction industry. Ir. Thomas HO expressed that the construction industry is an industry full of creativity and challenges. Training and attracting talents are one of the main focus for the development of the construction industry. He hopes that more young people will recognise the prospects and opportunities offered by the construction industry.

Last Updated: 2024-05-30 19:32:04