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& dEvElOpMENT P . 19
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The 41st WorldSkills Competition was 第41屆世界技能大賽於2011年10月5日至8日
held from 5th to 8th October 2011 in 在英國倫敦舉行。建造業議會訓練學院派出
London. Mr. LAM Tung-leung along with 三名選手參加比賽,包括: 林東亮、戴升宇及
Mr. TAI Sing-yu and TRINH A Duong were 鄭亞養,分別參與鋪瓦、水喉及油漆項目。
the three representatives sent-in by the
Construction Industry Council Training 而林東亮更於比賽中獲頒優異獎,真是可
Academy (CICTA) for the competition, 喜可賀!
who participated in the Plumbing 1
and Heating as well as Painting and 非常感謝我們的贊助人,包括: 金門建築、永
Decorating categories respectively. 光油漆及美捷水務的鼎力支持,讓選手們有
Our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Lam 藝技術。
Tung-leung who was awarded a Medallion
of Excellence in the competition.
1. Group photo of the Hong Kong Team at a
famous tourist attraction in the U.K.`
We could like to take this chance to
thank our sponsors, namely: Gammon 香港比賽隊伍在英國著名景點前合照留念
Construction, Wing Kwong Painting, as 2. The joy of victory can be seen on the face of 2
well as Ridgid Plumbing, for their generous the winner from Hong Kong
supports offering our representatives to 代表香港的得獎者流露勝利的喜悅
receive intensive training at the CICTA
training centres 3. Hong Kong candidate concentrates on
preparing the materials

BUILD UP TRAININg PROgRAmmE Build 升培訓計劃巡迴展覽
The CICTA held a series of ”Build Up Training 列的「Build 升培訓計劃巡迴展覽」,旨在向
Programme Roving Exhibition” between 公眾推廣計劃中的多元化課程,並吸引更多
October and November 2011 with an 新人入行。展覽分別在馬鞍山新港城中心、
objective to promoting the diversifed 九龍城廣場、屯門市廣場及天水圍頌富廣場
programme to the general public and 舉行,其間向參觀人士派出超過7,000 份單張
drew new blood to the industry. 及紀念品,而亦有不少人士即場報名。
Over 7,000 pamphlets and souvenirs were 下一輪的展覽預計將於農曆新年後舉行,希
distributed at the roving exhibitions in Ma 望屆時各位可以出席支持。詳細地點請留意
On Shan Sunshine City Plaza, Kowloon 稍後公佈。 4
City Plaza, Tuen Mun Town Plaza and
Tin Shui Wai Chung Fu Plaza, with many
queued to sign-up for the programme. 4. The public showed their interest in the
The next round of exhibition is to be held 市民對課程資訊大感興趣
after the Chinese New Year. Location
details will be announced in due 5. Group photo of promotion team at the eye-
course. You are welcomed todrop by to catching booth
support us. 宣傳人員在鮮艷奪目的攤位前合照留念

建造業議會通訊 第八期
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